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13 September 2005
Original: English
WSIS Executive Secretariat
PrepCom-3 documents policy
A. PrepCom-3 documents
Official documents are made available in the Summit languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Administrative documents are made available in 3 languages (English, French, Spanish). .
All delegates to WSIS-II/PrepCom-3 will receive a set of PrepCom-3 documents upon registration at the Montbrillant building of ITU. Subsequent PrepCom-3 documents will be made available in the meeting room(s). All PrepCom-3 documents will be posted on the WSIS-II/PrepCom-3 website.
During the meeting, working documents may be established for negotiation purpose. Such documents will be made available in the meeting rooms in English only.
Only PrepCom-3 documents can be distributed in the Plenary hall (UNOG Assembly Hall) and the Subcommittee and working group meeting rooms.
B. Contributions
Other written inputs to PrepCom-3 (results of regional conferences or thematic meetings, comments from WSIS stakeholders to the documents under discussion) are made available on the WSIS website in the language in which they were submitted. They can be submitted as an electronic file to . If a Government, an International Organization or an accredited civil society or business entity would like to make hardcopies of their contribution available to the participants, such hardcopies should be provided to the PrepComDocument Control Services (DCS, see address below). The DCS which is the sole service authorized to manage and distribute such documentswill make the hardcopies available on tables located near the entrance to the Plenary area in the quantities and languages provided to the DCS. The management of the tables pertains to the DCS.Any document not tabled by the DCS will be removed without prior notice.
Contact for the PrepCom Document Control Service (DCS): Room A642/6th Floor/UNOG Building; e-mail: .
C. Information documents
If a Government, an International Organization or an accredited civil society or business entity would like to make available to the participants documents other than contributions, they should provide all copies to the DCS. Such information documents must be directly and explicitly relevant to the Summit’s agenda and objectives and should be clearly marked with the logo (or name and address) of the submitting entity. The DCS, which is the sole service authorized to manage and distribute such documents will make them available on tables located near the entrance to the Plenary area, in the quantities and languages provided.
The management of the tables pertains to the DCS. Any material/documentation not tabled by the DCS will be removed without prior notice.
D. Parallel Event documents
During parallel events, documents can be used, which do not fall in the category B or C above. Such documents can only be made available inside the event room and must be relevant to the theme of the parallel event and in line with the purposes and the principles of the United Nations (reference is made to ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31, paragraph 57). Event organizers are responsible for making sure this rule is observed and for removing all documents from the event meeting room immediately after the event.
Any remaining documents will be removed by the WSIS Executive Secretariat without prior notice.