University of Houston

College of Business Administration

Department of Finance


Fall 2012

Finance 4354 “Risk Management and Insurance”

Section 10284 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Tu/Th MH 130

Dan C. Jones, 210A MH

Home Tel: 281-444-8142

Office Tel: 713-743-4773


Website:; and Blackboard

Office Hours: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday and

By appointment

Required Text: Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals

Etti Baranoff, Patrick lee Brockett, and Yehuda Kahane


Note: Available in bookstore and online Only- see Page 2

Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, FINA 3332 and DISC 3331


Requirements: 1. Attendance, homework, and class participation will be

weighted determining 10% of the grade.

2.  Tests 20%

3.  Term Paper 20%

4.  Final Examination – 30% (Note: final examination may be less than three hours)

5.  Term Paper required

To be entitled to make-up final examinations, a written excused absence from a doctor is required. Make up final exam will be more difficult and more extensive than the scheduled final exam.

Grading: 92-100 = A 80-81 = B- 60-69 = D

90-91 = A- 77-79 = C+

87-89 = B+ 72-76 = C

82-86 = B 70-71 = C-

Final Exam: December 18, 2012, 2:00pm – 5:00pm


Cellular Telephones

Any audible ringer must be turned off and no calls answered while class is in session. Answering a call in class will result in a grade of W for this course. Exceptions of this rule apply in certain circumstances of urgent importance.

Academic Dishonesty

All students are required to comply with the University of Houston policies covering academic honesty, as listed in the student handbook. Any student caught in violation of these policies will likely be assigned a grade of "F" for this course. Please note the following:

1. It is also a violation to knowingly provide information to other students during exams. This includes knowingly placing your exam in a location where the adjacent student can read answers.

2. Passing a calculator (or anything else) to another student during an exam may be considered an act of cheating. No communication of any kind will be allowed between any two students during an exam.

3. During an exam, any student caught looking at another student's exam will be considered as cheating.

The Bauer Code of Ethics is found at htm

Turnitin software is available if needed for specific situation

Guest Speaker

Attendance is mandatory. Failure to attend results in a full letter grade reduction in next test.

Note: The date for the guest speaker is subject to change. You will be notified of any change.

Power Points

Notes are posted on website.

Textbook Information

All students go to the,, and click on “Find My Class” Scroll to University of Houston and see Dan Jones. Click on the book and it will take you to the book where you can read free or order the low cost alternatives. You are given many choices at the site. You order by using a credit card, etc. The book arrives in 3 days at the address given by each student. You can also buy at the bookstore at UH. The only difference is that the book is marked up 25-35%.

Finance 4354

Risk Management and Insurance

Fall 2012

Schedule of Subject

Month / Day / Subject / Chapter
August / 28 / Nature of Risk / 1
30 / Risk Measurement / 2
September / 04 / Risk Aptitudes / 3
06 / Evolving Risk Management / 4
11 / Enterprise Risk Management / 5
13 / Enterprise Risk Management / 5 (cont.)
18 / Insurance Solutions / 6
20 / Insurance Solutions / 6 (cont.)
25 / Test I
27 / Insurance Operations / 7
October / 02 / Insurance Operations / 7 (cont.)
04 / Guest Speaker
09 / Insurance Markets / 8
11 / Fundamental Doctrines / 9
16 / Structure of Insurance Contracts / 10
18 / Structure of Insurance Contracts / 10 (cont.)
23 / Liability Risk Management / 12
25 / Liability Risk Management / 12 (cont.)
30 / Test II
November / 01 / Multi-Risk Management / 15
06 / Risks Related to Job / 16
08 / Social Security / 18
13 / Employment Based Risk Management / 20
15 / Employment Based Risk Management / 20 (cont.)
20 / Employment Based and Individual / 21
22 / Thanksgiving Holiday
27 / Employment Health / 22
29 / Employment Health / 22 (cont.)
December / 04 / Case Study Loco / 23
06 / Alternative Risk Financing / 23 (cont.)
Final Exam December 18, 2012 2:00pm – 5:00pm