PARTICIPANTS LIST Porto version Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Alphabetical list conference delegates

Name, First Name /

Organisation and Contact Details

/ Risk working group Thursday 11.00-12.00 / Conference Dinner at Thursday 20.00 at Barão de Fladgate Restaurant, inside Taylor’s Port Wine cellars (
Presence + Special dinner requests / Presence in Porto confirmed
1.  Andresen, Jan Fredrik / Chief executive Norwegian board of health supervision
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
2.  Annaly, Lisa / Head of Provider Analytics (hospitals) at CQC England (monitoring and inspection of hospitals, mental health and community services)
/ Yes / Yes / Yes only 8th of May
3.  Aejmelaeus, Riitta / Senior Medical Advisor at Valvira, Finland, / No / Yes / Yes
4.  Baal, Maaike van / Photographer/ ICT manager at EPSO secretariat, / No / Yes
SR: Vegetarian / yes
5.  Baraku, Ardita / Chief Health Inspector at the
Ministry of Health
Pristina, Kosovo
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
6.  Baylis, Alex / Head of Acute Policy at CQC England,
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
7.  Barbotin, Marie Laure / Head of project at Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS)
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
8.  Braut, Geir Sverre / Deputy Inspector general of the Norwegian Health Inspectorate / Chair of EPSO, / No / Yes / Yes
9.  Buiting, Piet Hein / Chief executive at Deventer Hospital, Deventer Netherlands ,
/ No / Yes / Yes
10.  Carter, Peter / ISQua (International Society for Quality in Health Care) / No / Yes / Yes
11.  Castro Marques, Nuno / ERS board member
/ No / Yes / Yes
12.  Diemen-Steenvoorde, Ronnie van / Inspector-general at the Netherlands’ Healthcare Inspectorate IGZ
/ No / Yes / Yes
13.  Dyk, Pieter van / Specialist ISIS/Risk management at Netherlands’ Health inspectorate
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
14.  Dos Santos Carneiro, César / Advisor to the Chairman of the ERS (Entidade Reguladora da Saúde, / Yes / Yes / Yes
15.  Dreshaj, Skender / Director of Regional Hospital Peja.Kosovo
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
16.  Dunnion, Mary / Deputy director of regulation (Health and Children’s services )
Republic of Ireland
/ Yes? / Yes / Yes
17.  Ferraz, Marta / Head of communications and public relations at ERS
/ No / Yes / Yes
18.  Finnegan, Malachy / Communications Manager at RQIA
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
/ No / Yes / Yes
19.  França, Margarida / Hospital Administrator at IPOP
Chair of the Board of Directors at the Portuguese Society for Quality in Health Care
/ No / Yes / Yes
20.  Gilheaney, Patricia / Director Mental Health Commission Ireland
/ Yes / Yes
SR no / Yes
21.  Hilgevoord , Marieke / Policy advisor , | Dept. Supervision of Health Markets and Service providers , Dutch Healthcare Authority
/ No / Yes
SR: no raw meet or fish and no alcohol / Yes
22.  Houston, Glenn / Director at RQIA The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, / No / Yes
SR no / Yes
23.  Keizer, Martijn de / Executive Secretary of the Department for Supervision and Enforcement of The Dutch Healthcare Authority ; Project manager for correct financial reimbursement in specialist health care. / Yes / Yes
SR : no / Yes
24.  Lucet, Bruno / Service Certification des Etablissements de Santé, Direction de l’Amélioration de la Qualité & de la Sécurité des Soins, Haute Autorité de Santé / Yes / Yes
SR no / Yes
25.  McCaughey, Hugh / Chief Executive of the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland
/ No / Yes
SR no / Yes
26.  Meijer, Dirk / Senior Advisor at EPSO Secretariat, / No / Yes
SR no / Yes
27.  Moreira da Silva, Prof. Álvaro / ERS Board member ,
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
28.  Nixon, Theresa / Director of Quality Assurance
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, Northern Ireland
/ No / Yes / Yes
29.  Nordal, Aud / Senior Advisor at Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, Helsetilsyn. / ? / Yes
SR no / Yes
30.  Öberg, Klas / Director at The National Board of Health and Welfare , Stockholm , Sweden ,
/ Yes / Yes / Yes
31.  Pilt, Eve / Advisor at the Department of Supervision at the Health Board, / No / Yes
SR: vegetarian / Yes
32.  Quinn, Phelim / Director of Regulation (Chief Inspector) at HIQA

/ ? / Yes
SR no / Yes
33.  Robben, Prof Paul / Special Advisor Innovation and Research IGZ, Institute for Research and Management in Healthcare, Erasmus University Rotterdam
/ No / Yes
SR no / Yes
34.  Scherpenisse, Jorren / Jorren Scherpenisse, NSOB Netherlands’ School of Public Administration, ,
/ No / Yes
SR no / Yes
35.  Simões, Prof. Jorge / President of the Board of the Health Regulation Authority (ERS), Portugal
/ No / Yes / Yes
36.  Smyth, Rosemary / Director Training & Development and Interim Director Standards & Quality Assurance at Mental Health Commission, Republic of Ireland / No / Yes
SR: no / Yes
37.  Vaz, Artur / Executive Director at Hospital Beatriz Angelo (SGHL, SA), Portugal / No / Yes / Yes
38.  Verhoef, Lise / Project manager at IQ- healthcare Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare Radboud university medical centre Nijmegen, Netherlands

/ No / Yes
SR no / Yes
39.  Vesseur, Jan / Special advisor for patient safety, health IT and international affairs Netherlands Health Inspectorate
/ No / Yes
SR no / Yes
40.  Vos, Jooske / Director EURinSPECT /Head EPSO Secretariat, / No / Yes
SR no / Yes
41.  Wilson, Steven / Senior Programme Manager at
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Glasgow , Scotland, UK
/ Yes / Yes
SR no / Yes

List per Country / Region (countries are listed alphabetically)

List of Participants Copenhagen Conference

Country / Region
Countries are listed alphabetically / Name / Organisation/ function / Email /Contact
Belgium/ Flanders / No participation
Bulgaria / No participation
Estonia / No participation until EPSO Peer Evaluation Report on DHMA will be published
1.  / Eve Pilt / Department of Supervision at the Health Board /
2.  / Riitta Aejmelaeus / Senior Medical Advisor at National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, Valvira /
3.  / Bruno Lucet / Service Certification des Etablissements de Santé, Direction de l'Amélioration de la Qualité & de la Sécurité des Soins, Haute Autorité de Santé /
4.  / Marie Laure Barbotin / Head of project at Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) /
Germany / No participation
Italy / No participation
5.  / Ardita Baraku / Chief Health Inspector at the
Ministry of Health
Pristina, Kosovo /
Lithuania / No participation
Netherlands IGZ
6.  / Ronnie van Diemen-Steenvoorde, / Inspector-general at the Netherlands’ Healthcare Inspectorate IGZ /
7.  / Prof. Paul Robben / Special Advisor Innovation and Research IGZ, Institute for Research and Management in Healthcare, Erasmus University Rotterdam /
8.  / Jan Vesseur / Special advisor for patient safety, health IT and international affairs Netherlands Health Inspectorate /
9.  / Pieter van Dyk / Specialist ISIS/Risk management at Netherlands’ Health inspectorate /
Netherlands Jeugdzorg / No participation
Netherlands Health Authority NZA
10.  / Marieke Hilgevoord / Policy advisor ,Dept. Supervision of Health Markets and Service providers ,Dutch Healthcare Authority /
11.  / Martijn de Keizer, / Executive secretary of the Department for Supervision and Enforcement of the Dutch Healthcare Authority ; Project manager for correct financial reimbursement in specialist health care. /
12.  / Jan Frederik Andresen / Inspector general of the Norwegian Health Inspectorate /
13.  / Geir Sverre Braut / Former deputy and a.i Inspector General of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision/ Chair of EPSO /
14.  / Aud Nordal / Inspector at the Norwegian Health Inspectorate /
15.  / Prof. Jorge Simões / President of the Board of the Health Regulation Authority (ERS), /
16.  / Nuno Castro Marques, / ERS board member Entidade Reguladora da Saúde
17.  / Prof. Álvaro Moreira da Silva / ERS Board member
Entidade Reguladora da Saúde
18.  / César Carneiro / Head of Department of Studies and Economic Regulation, Entidade Reguladora da Saúde /
19.  / Marta Ferraz / Head of Communications,
Entidade Reguladora da Saúde /
Poland / No participation
Republic of Ireland- Mental Health Commission
20.  / Patricia Gilheaney / Mental Health Commission Ireland /
21.  / Rosemary Smyth / Director Training & Development & Director Standards & Quality Assurance (Interim) Mental Health Commission /
Republic of Ireland
22.  / Phelim Quinn / Health Inspectorate /
23.  / Mary Dunnion / Deputy director of regulation (Health and Children’s services )Republic of Ireland /
Slovenia / No participation
Spain- Cataluña / No participation
24.  / Klas Öberg / Director at The National Board of Health and Welfare , Stockholm , Sweden , /
Turkey / No participation
UK /England
25.  / Lisa Annaly / Head of Provider Analytics (monitoring and inspection of hospitals) at CQC, England /
26.  / Alex Baylis / Head of Acute Policy at CQC’s including acute care and cross-sector policy (enforcement and investigations). /
UK/ Northern Ireland
27.  / Glenn Houston / Chief Executive Officer at The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority RQIA, /
28.  / Theresa Nixon / Director of Quality Assurance
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, RQIA /
29.  / Malachy
Finnegan / Communications Manager at The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, RQIA /
UK/Wales / No participation
30.  / Steven Wilson / Senior Programme Manager at
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Glasgow , Scotland, UK /
31.  / Jooske Vos / Director at EURinSPECT /Head of the EPSO Secretariat /
32.  / Dirk Meijer / Senior Advisor at EPSO Secretariat /
33.  / Maaike van Baal, / Photographer/ ICT manager at EPSO secretariat /
Invited Speakers / Guests/ Sister organisations/proposed Associate Member -organisations
34.  / Jorren Scherpenisse / NSOB Netherlands’ School of Public Administration, /
35.  / Lise Verhoef / Project manager at IQ- healthcare Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare Radboud university medical centre Nijmegen, Netherlands /
36.  / Margarida França, / Hospital Administrator at IPOP
Chair of the Board of Directors at the Portuguese Society for Quality in Health Care /
37.  / Artur Vaz / Executive Director at Hospital Beatriz Angelo (SGHL, SA), Portugal /
38.  / Hugh McCaughey / Chief Executive of the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland /
39.  / Skender Dreshaj / Director of Regional Hospital Peja, Kosovo /
40.  / Piet Hein Buiting / Chief executive at Deventer Hospital, Deventer Netherlands , /
41.  / Peter Carter / ISQua (International Society for Quality in Health Care) / Peter Carter <>