May 27,1999

Charleston, South Carolina

1. Meeting called to order Chairman Dean Sigmon

2. Introduction of Members and Guests

3. Approval of minutes of September 24, 1998 meeting

4. Chairman’s Report Dean Sigmon

Awards – Larry Schmidt ER&P Chair, Jim Scott, Steve Lambert, Bob Puckett Low Voltage Switchgear Devices Chair, Gordon Perkins, George Lester Switchgear Chair, Fred Teufel, Ray Capra Switchgear Chair, Reuben Garzon Standards Medallion and Distinguished Service Award

5. Technical Council Report Dean Sigmon

Massive Overhaul in Process using technological advances. Paper Submission moving to electronic process, electronic balloting studied. Summer Meeting – Edmonton, Winter Meeting – Singapore, IEEE travel package - $1K for hotel and airfare. ’00 Summer Meeting – Columbus, Ohio

7. Standards Board and PES Coordinating Committee . . Rueben Garzon

Balloting privileges being considered for corporation, individual or both. Issue not decided. There are 2 standards in PES that are being evaluated as a trial for electronic ballot. Also, all PAR’s must be submitted electronically.

8. Meetings and Publications Roy Alexander

Papers no longer require presentations, consequently there are no deadlines for presentation. However, conference papers must be presented. The review process is under study. Author kits are on the web from the PES page. Options are presentation or poster presentation. All Technical Committees will provide a general write-up for publication in the Review. Ours scheduled for 10/99 edition. Write ups from Switchgear due 7/15/99.

Subcommittee Reports – See Individual Minutes for Details. Switchgear Business listed below.

9. Administrative Roy Alexander

10. Education, Recognition, and Planning Larry Schmidt

11. High Voltage Fuses Tim Royster

Motion 1A passed for PC37.48.1

12. High Voltage Switches Alex Dixon

13. High Voltage Circuit Breakers Jeff Nelson

14. Low Voltage Switchgear Devices Jerry Jerabek

15. Reclosers and Sectionalizers John Wood

16. Switchgear Assemblies Ted Burse

Liaison Reports

17. ASC Report Eldridge Byron

a) High Voltage Switchgear

b) Low Voltage Switchgear

c) IEC Dave Swindler

18. STLNA Nigel McQuin

19. ANSI C92 Steve Lambert

20. High Voltage Test Techniques

21. CIGRE Dave Johnson

22. EPRI

23. NPEC Nuclear Dave Riffe

24. Old Business

25. New Business

Future Meetings

a) Pittsburgh PA November 7-11, 1999

b) Ft Lauderdale FL May 7 – 11, 2000 Radisson Bahia Mar

c) Tucson, AZ October 8-12 2000

d) Charleston, SC May 20-24, 2001

e)  Quebec City Fall 2001

f)  Web Site Update ………………………………..Mietek Glinkowski