Daily Inventory and Nightly Review

1.  Say a prayer, such as:

a.  3rd Step Prayer

b.  7th Step Prayer

c.  Set Aside Prayer

2.  State Daily Commitments:

a.  Scale: I did not get on the scale today.

b.  Abstinent: I ate exactly (and only) what I said I would eat since yesterday.

c.  Water: I drank my water ______oz. (1 oz. water for every 2 lbs.)

d.  Phone: I made 4 phone calls today: 1 to my sponsor, and 3 to recovered OA members.

e.  I listened to AV4U today.

3.  My Food for the Next 24 Hours:*

6AM/vitamins &
a.  Protein
b.  Grain
c.  Fruit
d.  Dairy
a.  Protein
b.  Grain
c.  Vegetable
d.  Fruit
Metabolic (mid-afternoon)
a.  Protein
b.  Fruit
a.  Protein
b.  Grain
c.  Vegetable
d.  Fruit
Metabolic (evening)
a.  Protein
b.  Fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast
6AM/vitamins &
a.  Protein
b.  Grain
c.  Fruit
d.  Dairy

* Please customize this per your Registered Dietician.

** Record fats next to food group they’re associated with (Ex.: ½ C corn + 1 tsp. butter)







My Daily Reading and Writing Assignment:

Lifeboat Reading Assignment: ______

Dear God,

(When you reach Step Eleven…)

Eleventh Step Nightly Review:

Was I …

1.  Resentful?

2.  Selfish?

3.  Dishonest?

4.  Afraid?

5.  If I answered “yes” to 1, 2, 3 or 4, did I complete a 10th Step Turn Around?

6.  Did I practice Anonymity?

7.  Do we owe an apology?

8.  Did I keep something to myself which should be discussed with another person at once?

9.  Was I kind and loving toward all?

10.  What could I have done better?

11.  Was I thinking of myself most of the time?

12.  Or was I thinking of what I could do for others, of what I could pack into the stream of life?

13.  What character defects did I exhibit today?

14.  What blessings did I notice in my life today?

15.  Did I pray and ask God to remove my defect(s) of ______?

Aug. 2015/sallyatari.com/Sally A.

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