Minutes of the Meeting of the

San Fernando Valley Engineer’s Council

Board of Directors

The Valley Inn

Sherman Oaks

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

The meeting was attended by Paul Landry, Bob Tarn, Chuck Olsefsky, Mike Garland, Bill Johnson, Lisa Bergovoy, and Walter Korp.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Paul Landry at approximately 6:15 PM.

Minutes of Previous Board Meeting

Minutes of the June 14, 2005, meeting were approved as submitted by Secretary Bob Tarn.

Treasurers Report

·  Treasurer’s Report for June & July was presented by Treasurer Mike Garland, and accepted for audit. Mike reminded Delegates-at-Large of society dues of $50.

Miscellaneous Correspondence

·  Notice from iPowerWeb billing department that our 1-year lease of the SFVEC.ORG domain name will expire in September. The board agreed to extend the lease for another year (~$20), and Mike Garland took the action to arrange payment. Bill Johnson asked if it is possible to use email addresses “@sfvec.org” (since that is much shorter than our present “@engineerscouncil.org”). Bob Tarn replied that iPowerWeb specifically does not allow is, unless we sign up for web hosting of www.sfvec.org at a cost of ~$84 per year.

·  Memo from Bob Tarn to SFVEC Trustees, regarding a proposal for an Annual Trustees Meeting. Bob has received strong support from the Trustees; all 6 would attend, and Bob Budica has offered to host the first such meeting in Philadelphia. The board suggested scheduling the meeting in conjunction with the EWeek Banquet.

Standing Committees

Charitable Giving

·  A thank you note from Taft High School was received from Lisa McKeon (Awards Chair). Bill Johnson asked our Charitable Giving Committee to forward all pictures taken of high school scholarship presentations, so that they can be used to present this program on our web site. Bob Tarn took the action to assemble the pictures and forward them to Bill.

·  Memo received from Tammy Glenn at CSUN regarding our agreement with them on particulars of the Higginbotham endowment. They misplaced our signed copy. Paul took the action to follow up with them.


·  Walter Korp reported that Ken Futernick is looking to the possibility of advertising the council EWeek activities on the CSUN FM radio station.


·  Mike Kabo responsed to our invitation to join our board, representing CSUN. Mike regrets that he is committed to serve on the board for the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce, which meets on the same night as our board. Bob Tarn took the action to ask Mike when he is available, so that we could consider a meeting night change to accommodate his schedule.

·  Appointment letter received from SAWE/SFV Chapter from Chapter Director Glen Maijela, requesting appointment of Roger Belt as their representative on our board.

·  Bob Tarn took the action to send a contact information update form to the council Honorary Life Members of the Board.

·  The following members were designated Delegate members of the board.

o  Steve Berroth – representing Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems San Diego

o  Larry Dalton – representing IEEE Los Angeles Council

o  Ron Rogers – representing Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems San Diego

·  Terms of Directors-at-Large Ken Futernick, Bill Johnson, Chuck Olsefsky, and Chas. Volk all will expire in the coming year. These members are requested to obtain letters of re-appointment from their technical society presiding officers.


·  Bob has recruited a manager at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (Paul Gill), who is responsible for PWR interface with NASA/MSFC on human-rating, to assist the Conference Planning Committee. Paul has several good contacts with MSFC, and will also follow up with Dan Dumbacher (referred by Paul Landry).

·  Costs for hosting the conference at CSUN look pretty good, vs. the Sportsmen’s Lodge. As a result, Bob’s estimate for facilities support has reduced from $6,500 to $4,200. CSUN is available for hosting April 10-14. The board agreed to pursue this revised venue & schedule.


·  Bob Tarn took the action to invite the OCEC and Ventura County EWeek Committee to be represented at the Engineers’ Council Banquet, as guests of the council.

·  Banquet photo gallery is needed. In order to get the server space needed for this project, the council needs to upgrade its service with iPowerWeb. For a small cost (~$20), iPowerWeb will transfer our account to a newer server, providing 3GB of space (vs. current 1GB), but there will be a brief “downtime” as the name servers are changed. The council agreed to make this change, and Bob Tarn took the action to initiate.

·  Bob Tarn took the action to install Photo Gallery software on council web site, to be used for managing banquet photo’s. Lisa Bergovoy suggested that only medium resolution photo’s (~800 pixels on a side) be retained on the server, and that we take advantage of jpeg compression to reduce file sizes. Full resolution pictures from the 2005 banquet will be removed. Future distributions of full-res images will be made by CD.

·  Bill Johnson and Lisa Bergovoy took the action to create a 2006 EWeek Banquet promotion page for the council web site.

·  Per Paul Landry, team videos will be due one week BEFORE the banquet, so that our A/V can adequately prepare for presentation (we narrowly avoided disaster this year!).

Good & Welfare

Bob Tarn thanked the board for its sympathies conveyed by Lisa Bergovoy, on the death of his mother, Esther May Postgate Tarn.

New Business

Bob suggested that the council organize a table at the Oct. 21 Gathering of Eagles Dinner in Lancaster, held in conjunction with the Edwards Air Force Base Air Show. The banquet theme is the Lockheed Martin U-2 Spy Plane. The dinner is a fundraiser to support the EAA Young Eagles Program. The EAA Young Ealgles Program is strongly supported by General Chuck Yeager Foundation, which is a member organization of our council. Chuck Yeager is expected to be in attendance, and Bob is sure he would drop by the SFVEC table to say hello. Admission is $75. Bob reported that 4 of 10 seats are “sold”, and the board authorized Bob Tarn to communicate with council membership to fill this council table.

Meeting was adjourned by the Paul Landry at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Bob Tarn, Trustee & Secretary, AIAA/SFV, FIAE


Standing Commitees

Honors & Awards Committee - Chair Lisa Bergovoy

Committee C. Volk

Committee B. Tarn

Committee R. Ratcliffe

Audit Committee - Chair C. Olefsky

Committee B. Tarn

Charitable Giving Committee - Chair B. Tarn

Committee C. Volk

Communications Committee - Chair K Futernick

Committee W. Korp

Committee B. Johnson

Financial Secretary - Charles Volk

By-Law Committee - Chair P Berbon

Committee Trustees

Banquet Committee - Chair P. Landry

Committee P. Berbon

Committee C. Olefsky

Committee B. Tarn

Committee K. Futernick

Symposium Committee - Chair B Tarn

Committee P. Berbon

Committee K. Futernick

Good & Welfare Committee - C. Olefsky

M. Garland

W. Korp

Budget Committee - Treasurer, Executive Committee

Webmaster B. Johnson