
European Society During the Second Half of the 20th Century

The movement of peoples transformed European society and the character of the many European communities.

  1. Discuss the fate of Russian peasants and European Jews in the 20th c. following WWII.
  1. Discuss the “most pervasive trend in the movement of peoples” following WWII.
  1. How did forced displacements following WWII transform parts of Europe?

Displacement Through War

  1. Describe the “vast refugee problem” in Europe created by WW II.
  1. How did the change in borders affect contribute to the refugee problem and why?

External and Internal Migration

  1. What were the economic reasons that fueled migration after WWII?
  1. How did decolonization contribute to migration?

The New Muslim Population

  1. How did indifference toward Islam on the part of Europeans change in the 1960s?
  1. In general, how did European governments respond to Muslim migration to their countries?
  1. How and why has the Muslim population – a non-homogeneous group – created varying responses from European countries in which they settled?
  1. What are the reasons for, and ramifications of, a declining birthrate in Europe?

The Welfare State – After reading pages 1089 to 1090 – summarize how many Europeans viewed social welfare.

New Pattern in the Work and Expectations of Women

  1. In general, what was the state of “gender equality” in the decades following WWII?


  1. What was the “agenda” set forth by European feminism?
  1. Describe the significance of “married women in the work force” highlighted in the text (page 1092).

New Work Patterns

  1. In which ways did child-bearing impact working European women?

Women in the New Eastern Europe

  1. Provide a summary, including significance, of this reading section.

The Americanization of Europe

  1. What was the impact of American influence in terms of military and political influence in Europe?
  1. How did American influence impact cultural “loss” in Europe?

A Consumer Society

  1. Why did the consumer orientation of the Western European economy emerge as one of the most important characteristics differentiating it from Eastern Europe?