Pentagon Sailing Club Bridge Minutes

4 March 2013

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Samuel Beckett’s Irish Gastro Pub

Attendees: Commodore: Eddie Conde, Vice: Skip Gresko, Bay: John Buescher, Treasurer: Roger Hammer, River: John Laffman, Racing: Cynthia Houston, Secretary: Vilma Baez, Membership: Ms. Tracy O’Connor

Absent: Communications: Ross Rosiak, Training: David Kunselman

Highlights (Bottom Line Up Front): The bridge voted on three issues. The PSC Tracker was not reviewed at this meeting, (Attachment 1).

1st order of Business: Communications – New website up and running; however, some areas are not up working as of yet. Most of the Commodores have made updates and Ross continues to work through them.

Action: All Commodores were asked to review their portions of the website that pertained to each of them and make updates and discussion with Ross.

2nd order of Business: Membership and Training - Bridge discussed the fees for River training and Membership combined. Several ideas to simplify membership were discussed but Bridge voted on the following:

Vote #1 - Two types of memberships –Single for $70 and Family for $90, All members “yes”.

Bridge discussed ASA requirements and fee breakout. Following was voted:

Vote #2: ASA Certification for 103/105: $365, Membership Fee: $70, B-KVS: $32 All members voted “yes”.

3rd order of Business: River - The bridge discussed new boat status and the plan for refinishing it. Bridge discussed Racing Commodore’s concern about scrubbing more often.

Action: Taken by Racing Commodore to talk with racers regarding work to be done. As well, discussion on what boats would be register for racing and decision was made to register all boats with DISC.

4th order of Business: Membership and Communications: New boat name – discussion on the status of the new boat name.

Action: Membership to work with Communications regarding email and logistic on surveying members on new name.

5th Order of Business: Financial Facts – Treasurer provided this month’s financial status. Figures were a rough order of magnitude $38k with deposits of $10k. Treasurer reported that expenditures are right on track.

6th order of Business: Children on the B-KBS Class – Bridge discussed age limit requirements. Most of the members agree with age limit; however, Bridge could not decide based on insurance requirements and Training Commodore being absent.
Action: Vice Commodore to review insurance policy and speak with Training Commodore to survey several Instructors on how they would feel about teaching children.

7th order of Business: Racing Program – Racing Commodore brought back an issue that was voted on during the Off-site. Reversal of vote with regards to changing yearly racing fee coverage was achieved. Vote #3: All members voted “yes”.

8th order of Business: Coverage of Base Access - Bridge discussed possible alternatives to what changes have to be made to the process.

Action: Secretary took action to bring back information.

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, 4 April 2013, 6:30pm at P. Brennan’s.

Vilma M. Baez

PSC Secretary
11 March 2013