Spring Lake Public Schools
Early Childhood Teacher Conference Report
Name Date Teacher
Key: I-Independent E-Emerging P- Prompted N-Not at this time
Language Skills
When we sing I usually I usually talk
__ stand or sit with the group __when I am spoken to directly
__ do the motions __ when I need something
__ sing the words some of the time __ when I want to share something
__ sing the words most to the time
I understand oral directions I can be understood When I talk in class I use
__ some of the time __ some of the time __ single words
__ most of the time __ most of the time __ short phrases
__ sentences
Social Skills
I usually play I appropriately express my feelings
__ by myself __ some of the time
__ along side other children __ most of the time
__ with the other children
I follow the classroom rules and routines I participate in group activities
__ some of the time __ some of the time
__ most of the time __ most of the time
My favorite classroom activities are:
Fine Motor
I can use scissors to I can use a crayon to
__ place on fingers __ color on paper
__ open and shut with one hand __ copy lines
__ snip paper __ copy simple shapes
__ cut on lines __ draw a person
__ cut out simple shapes
Gross Motor Skills
__ I am aware of my body in space
__ I can move around the classroom and school safely
__ I can move around the playground safely
- playground type equipment
My favorite playground activities are:
Academic Readiness
I can sort / point to / name
__ red __ blue __ yellow __ green __ orange __ purple __ brown __ black
__ pink __ white
I can sort / point to / name
__ circle __ square __ triangle __ rectangle
I can count to _____ I can count objects to _____
I can
__ say my name
__ identify my name in print
__ write my name
Self Help Skills
I can put my coat on I can zip my coat I can put my shoes on
__ with help __ with help __ with help
__ by myself __ by myself __ by myself