Wouldham Parish Council – 1 February 2011 1674




Present: Cllr K Malkinson (Chairman)

Cllrs D Adams, T Fulwell, J Head, A Parnell, D Parris, K Savagej , and R Stone

Mrs S Egglesden (Clerk)

In Attendance:

Borough Councillor R Dalton,

County Councillor P Homewood

PCSO J Stoner

Community Warden D Liepnik

1 member of public

There were no apologies.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th January 2011 and the Precept Meeting held on 18th January 2011 were proposed by Cllr Stone and seconded by Cllr Savage, to be a true record of proceedings and it was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman.
Members agreed that any matters arising from the minutes would be dealt with under the appropriate heading, as the meeting progressed through the agenda. /
Cllr Head declared a personal and prejudicial interest in any issue that arose relating to grounds maintenance work within the parish. She also declared a personal interest in items relating to the Tramway and the Allotments. The Chairman declared a personal and prejudicial interest in any issue that arose relating to Lafarge. /
The police report had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. An incident with a car on the farm in School Lane had been reported to the police. There was a report of vandalism to headstones in the churchyard which had not been reported to the police and PCSO Stoner agreed to follow this up. PCSO Stoner reported on a few incidents of ASB in the village over the weekend which she would be dealing with. The village shop window had been broken which the police were aware of. There was a disturbance in Ravens Knowle which was a Russet Homes matter. The next ASB meeting, which the Chairman would be attending, is on 8/3/11.
Community Warden Liepnik had spoken with a resident in Hall Road (Russet Homes) complaining about vehicle’s parking on the pavement. The Chairman agreed to bring this up at the next ABS meeting with Russet Homes.
CW Liepnik had been asked to find out if the fence at the allotments had been repaired and the Chairman confirmed that it had.
The Census is being conducted from 27/3/11 and they are short of census collector. Further information can be obtained from www.census.gov.uk.
Any scam or chain-mail letters can be passed to CW Liepnik for shredding. He can be contacted on his mobile phone number regarding this.
PCSO Stone and CW Liepnik left at 7.50 pm. /


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Cllr Dalton had received a copy of the letter to TMBC from a resident concerning parking in the village. Karole Reynolds at TMBC had responded.
A copy of ‘A plain English guide to the Localism Bill’ was passed to the clerk for reference.
Following a Borough Council meeting, Cllr Dalton informed the Parish Council that they are aim to protect frontline services and 450 plus staff will have a nil % increase this year. Members have also agreed not take up an allowance increase awarded 2 years ago. /
A certain amount of reshuffling is currently taking place at KCC. Cabinet Minister for Highways, Nick Chard, has left and is being replaced by Bryan Sweetland. KCC have to make a 320 million saving over the next 3 years.
Cllr Homewood had spoken with KHS regarding Cllr Head’s request for a further salt bin in School Lane and he informed her that it is in their system. Cllr Head requested the portal number from the Clerk. /


A member of public, a new resident to the village, was welcomed to the meeting. She did not have a question for the Council but wished to observe the meeting.
Planning applications considered and commented upon, by Planning Committee: TM/11/00010/FL – Natural swimming pool and associated solar panels at Squires Court, Starkey Castle Farm, Wouldham Road, Wouldham – No objections
TM/00090/ELEX – Erection of new terminal pole to support an existing overhead line at land at Pilgrims Way, Wouldham – The Chairman advised that as this was routine work, this would not be circulated to the Committee. The Planning Committee agreed with this.
A new application for a front porch at 12 Walter Burke Avenue had been received and was currently being circulated to the Planning Committee.
Planning consents issued: TM/10/03280/FL – Conversion of the existing detached garage to living accommodation at 1 Trafalgar Close, Wouldham – Granted Permission
(a)  Planning applications refused: None to report
Other Planning Issues: The Clerk advised that she is continuing to chase Planning Enforcements regarding the alleged timber construction by the river edge, left of Trafalgar Close, to find out the outcome of their investigations.
The Clerk advised she had received the architect plans for a new village hall and its location from Martin Hunt and she had passed a set of the plans to the Area 3 Development Team for their initial comments on the location before submitting an application for outline planning permission.
Cllr Parris advised the Parish Council that she had heard about grants available for funding Village Halls through Meridian, thought to be the Jubilee lottery fund and it was agreed that the Clerk would investigate further. / Clerk
Cllr Adams did not have any new streetlight issues to report but asked Councillors to advise himself or the Clerk of any problems as they occur. The 2 streetlights were still out in Hall Road. The Clerk advised that both the lights belong to Russet Homes and they had advised her that there was a problem with the electricity supply here. Russet Homes are liasing with EDF but this might take some time to sort the problem out.
The Clerk had emailed Councillors the quote from EON for the unmetered electricity supply prior to the meeting. All councillors agreed that the Clerk should instruct EON to take over the supply from 1/3/2011. /


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The resident’s letter to TMBC and the response had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. The access road plans had been mentioned in the response letter. The condition of the recreation ground car park was discussed and it was agreed that it was currently in reasonable condition considering the type of car park it is. It was therefore agreed that no further action to the letter was required.

The traffic calming bollards in Knowle Road were discussed and it was agreed that the clerk would advise KHS that the Parish Council are concerned about the lack of reflective lights here and request they survey the bollards.

Cllr Head reported a shrub in the alleyway next to 99 High Street that needs cutting back and it was agreed that the Clerk would report this to KHS.

Cllr Parnell reported a blocked drain outside 246 High Street and asked what maintenance programme is in place for cleaning blocked drains. It was thought that they do not have a schedule in place now and work with a call out system. It was therefore agreed that the Clerk would report this to KHS.

Cllr Fulwell asked when the grit on the roads would be swept? Road sweeping is on a schedule although generally only roads with kerbs are swept. Cllr Fulwell asked Cllr Dalton to speak with Burham Parish Council regarding grit clearing in their parish.

The Clerk reported that the work on the bollards by the church is scheduled for completion by 13/2/11.

Cllr Homewood left the meeting at 8.25 pm.





Cllr Stone reported that he had collected 400 plus whips for planting on footpath MR1 as part of the Valley of Visions scheme. These would be planted during this month.
The kissing gate had been installed at the bottom of the steps on footpath MR6, organised by ROW, although councillors expressed disappointment that is was galvanised steel rather than black as had been installed at the top of the footpath.
Cllr Parris reported that there is a blocked footpath next to a property near the Waterman’s Arms. It was agreed that the Clerk would speak with ROW officer to establish if the footpath is in fact a public ROW.
The clerk informed councillors that the handrail had now been installed on footpath MR179. The planned guardrail, to be installed by KHS, was currently under review by their Design Engineer. / Clerk
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The Clerk reported that she has asked South East Water for a plan showing the water meter on the allotments and to whom it supplies.

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Cllr Head reported that Headland has now cleared the site lines here and the fire pit will be installed once the frosts have subsided.

A meeting had been held with the Chairman, Cllr Head, Vaughan Redfern (Savills) and Vic Waller (UK Power) regarding the easement which had drifted onto a neighbouring landowner’s land in the plans. This has now been resolved and will come out onto vehicle access at the Common and new plans are being drawn up. Cllr Head did suggest to UK Power that they install and finance a gate here, although this was not confirmed. Cllr Head also looked at where the posts were to be sited, making sure they stayed away from the bluebell area.

The Chairman suggested that the Parish Council look to obtaining a further grant for this area in the future for railings and gate to make the area more secure. Advertising the Common was also discussed, as it seems more ramblers are starting to visit the Common and the walks in the village.


Cllr Head

Cllr Stone reported that the electrician would be carrying out the requested work shortly, preferably when Jellybeans are not in the hall. A risk assessment had been carried out and further work on sorting out the outstanding issues is in progress. Cllr Parris advised that she has carried out risk assessments as part of her job and offered any assistance required. /
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The Chairman advised that a quote from Fawns had been received for approximately £400 for fitting a new flat swing seat and 1 horse see-saw seat. He was currently disputing this price as being too expensive as they were asked to carry out this work along with the RoSPA report work.

General – The Clerk reported that the Internal Audit Review checklist, along with the Internal Control Procedures had been circulated to the councillors. This was now an audit requirement. Cllr Fulwell raised a query with audit procedure and the Chairman requested that he put this in an email to the Clerk to look at. The Chairman advised that he was looking for the Internal Control Procedures to be agreed at the March meeting.
Financial Statement – January 2011: This had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. The Chairman verified and signed the bank statements.
Bank Position as at 24/01/11
Current Account £100.00
Reserve Account £23,070.64
Building Society £10,289.98
Income for January 2011
31/12/2010 / Natwest / Interest / 3.90
11/01/2011 / UK Power Network / Wayleave / 60.24
19/01/2011 / KCC – Error payment / Hire of hall / 55.00
20/01/2011 / KCC – VOV Grant / Trees for MR1 / 217.02
Cheques signed:
2591 / Sapphire Holdings / Food/beverages / 145.00
2592 / SE Water / Allotment – Water bill / 249.87
2593 / N Ford / Clearance – Hill Rd (VOV) / 600.00
2594 / Sarah Egglesden / Salary & Expenses – Jan 11 / 925.99
2595 / J Harmer / Litter Duties – Jan 11 / 205.57
2596 / HMRC / Tax & Ni / 105.57
2597 / Wouldham Village Hall / Hire of Hall – paid to PC/error / 55.00
2598 / Burham & Wouldham Church Fund / Church Mag – Oct 10 to Mar 11 / 100.00
2599 / HE Construction / MR8 cut & install w/markers (VOV) / 165.00
SO / EDF / Street lighting – Jan 11 / 52.82
The following cheques were signed for the Village Hall Management Committee:
100655 / SE Water / Village Hall Water Bill / 68.57
100656 / P Stacey Electrical / Electrical inspection/cert / 282.00
100657 / J Harmer / Village Hall Duties – Jan 11 / 200.00
100658 / Southern Water / Waste water bill / 109.17
Items for the Church Newsletter – It was agreed to report on the police and community warden’s report and publicise the Valley of Visions trail again. Cllr Head would forward any details of forthcoming photographic exhibitions to Cllr Parnell. /

Cllr Parnell

19 / CORRESPONDENCE LIST: The list of correspondence received and letters sent during the last month had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
20 / DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st March 2011 at 7.30 pm.
Cllr Parris had received a request from a resident in the Russet Homes in Hall Road for a salt/grit bin here. Discussion took place regarding as to whether a salt bin here would be the responsibility of Russet Homes or KHS and it was agreed that the Clerk would find out and request a bin here.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.05 pm. / Clerk
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Signed: ______Dated: ______