Diversity Proficiencies Linked to Course Work

Examples of proficiencies that candidates who complete an educator preparation program should develop include:

  1. Incorporation of multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural norms.
  2. A commitment to deepening awareness and understanding the strengths and needs of diverse learners when planning and adjusting instruction that incorporates the histories, experiences and representations of students and families from diverse populations.
  3. Verbal and nonverbal communication skills that demonstrate respect for and responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners and their families bring to the learning environment.
  4. Ability to interpret and share student assessment data with families to support student learning in all learning environments.
  5. An understanding of their own frames of reference (e.g., culture, gender, language, abilities, ways of knowing), the potential biases in these frames, the relationship of privilege and power in schools, and the impact of these frames on educators’ expectations for and relationships with learners and their families.

Areas Examples - Evidence

With corresponding

Intasc Standards

The context of the school – classroom – community / KPTP includes a section for context including classroom, school and community with discussion on its impact on instruction
All P-12 & 6-12 Candidates observe content-area classrooms at Highland Park H.S. in USD 501 during their ED 302 Exceptional Learner’s Class.
Student in ED 285-Educational Psychology examine issues surrounding the concepts of multiple perspectives, ethnicity, culture, SES, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, gender bias, inclusion of exceptional students, English language learners and multicultural education through readings and class discussions.
Candidates in Block A Elementary-ED 330, 335, 337 have field experience in diverse setting in Topeka 501—mostly at Williams Magnet: 90% Economically disadvantaged, over 30 % African American, about 28% Hispanic and 18% listed as “other”
ED 327 Literacy Block Practicum Experience: Students are required to complete the contextual information in the Pre-KPTP concerning schools they are serving in; some of the students whom they serve receive F and R lunch
Candidates in Block D (ED 410, 415, 420, 430, 440, and SE 456 complete 18 weeks of student teaching in Topeka USD 501: 7% African American, 19% Hispanic, 9% Other; 49.3 economically disadvantaged; 10% ELL; 14% students with disabilities
ED 385 – Video:The Struggle of Desegregation in Schools Article: Racialized Space: Framing Latino and Latina Experience in Public Schools – Followed by small group discussion and individual reflective essay.
In ED 150 Music Section-placements are in USD 501 to allow for diversity experiences.
MU 313, MU417 and MU 418 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP (contextual elements)
ED 366 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP (contextual elements)
ED 362 address diversity within their placements for most and within completing the modified KPTP (contextual elements and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
Block B ED317 – students placed in rural areas. Lesson plans are written and taught to address students of all abilities and diversities.
The major classes in the MFL program include a large range of diversity in terms of understanding the perspectives of a number of authors/people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and cultures.
Content - What is taught
Incorporation of multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural norms.
The teacher engages students in learning experiences in the discipline(s) that encourage learners to understand, question, and analyze ideas from diverse perspectives so that they master the content.
The teacher knows how to integrate culturally relevant content to build on learners’ background knowledge.
The teacher facilitates learners’ ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives that expand their understanding of local and global issues and create novel approaches to solving problems. / EN 320 Teaching Adult Lit-Read a variety of literature where candidates understand adolescents from various perspectives. In turn learn how to better instruct diverse students. Focus on various types of readers and reading abilities that candidates will encounter (and motivate and instruct those students).
ED 327 Literacy Practicum Experience: Lesson Plan Reflections include responses including how Diversity is addressed and met within the classroom setting while teaching in the field.
ED 330-Teaching Social Studies…
Major focus of course is that good social studies is multicultural and multicultural concepts make for good social studies. The concept of multiple perspectives is a major theme of the course covered in readings, journaling and classroom activities. Other concepts similarly covered include: culture, cultural pluralism, visibility of women and people of color in the curriculum and an anti-bias curriculum that covers stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Content checks include the civil rights legislation, Brown v. Board and school desegregation.
ED 362 Methods in English Ed
Extends EN 320 and includes writing.
418 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
MA 381 Math History-create a series of lessons to demonstrate historical events on mathematics (teacher engages student in learning)
MA 320 Math for Middle School-create lessons to demonstrate the impact of culture to mathematical topics.
MU 313, MU417 and MU 418 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
BI 340 Evolution
Addresses historical context of race and biological specifies (engages)
ED 366 Methods Secondary Ed Social Studies-Look at global and transnational perspectives through readings and activities
(engages and develops)
Student teachers must include demographics in their KPTP Task I contextual data and talk about how they address this diversity in classroom lessons.
Block B – ED 317, ED 310 & 315 – Lessons are designed and taught to integrate culturally relevant backgrounds of the students in rural areas.
ED 335 – One of the main foci of the Creative Experiences class is on the arts as aids to multicultural understandings. Further, a great deal of the class focuses on using the arts as they relate to learning styles and multiple intelligences as a way to address the needs of diverse learners.
KPTP for all secondary and P-12 ed methods
ED 300 Candidates learn about the digital divide and how it affects diverse students.
ED 305 Candidates learn about the role culture and SES impact the language development of children. Candidates learn about the needs of ELLs related to language acquisition.
SE 460 Module 4 paper – integration of diversity in teaching and anti-bias approaches
Instructional practices – management, communication, materials, groupings of students
A commitment to deepening awareness and understanding the strengths and needs of diverse learners when planning and adjusting instruction that incorporates the histories, experiences and representations of students and families from diverse populations.
Verbal and nonverbal communication skills that demonstrate respect for and responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners and their families bring to the learning environment.
The teacher understands the role of language and culture in learning and knows how to modify instruction to make language comprehensible and instruction relevant, accessible, and challenging
The teacher knows how to access information about the values of diverse cultures and communities and how to incorporate learners’ experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction.
The teacher designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each student’s diverse learning strengths and needs and creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. / KPTP includes information on focus groups and individual students. Adaptions made for different students
ED 302 – lectures and exams on teaching students with exceptionalities
ED 405 – discussion of communication differences related to diversity especially as it relates to low SES
SE 440 discussion of diversity tied to management with an emphasis on verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal differences and an emphasis on students from low SES backgrounds
ED 327 Literacy Practicum Experience: Students are trained and encouraged to use a variety of Kagan Learning Structures and Power Teaching Techniques.
ED 337-Social Studies Practicum: Students have developed and taught many lesson on culture, cultural pluralism and on the value and strength of diversity
MU 313, MU417 and MU 418 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
ED 366 Methods Secondary Ed Social Studies- address diversity within completing the modified KPTP and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
ED 362 Methods in English Ed
Extends EN 320 and includes writing.418 address diversity within completing the modified KPTP and address accommodations and differentiation and classroom content. Heavy emphasis on diversity for task 2-Instructional Planning).
ED 317, ED 310 & 315 – Lessons are designed and taught to address all diversities that occur in their classroom placements. Modifications & accommodations for teaching math and science are addressed in courses.
KPTP for all secondary and P-12 ed methods
See rubric for details
ED 300 Candidates practice with built-in accessibility features on computers.
ED 305 Candidates learn about instructional practices for children developing language skills and ELLs acquiring language skills.
The major classes in the MFL program include a large range of diversity in terms of understanding the perspectives of a number of authors/people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and cultures.
The teacher understands the range of types and multiple purposes of assessment and how to design, adapt, or select appropriate assessments to address specific learning goals and individual differences, and to minimize sources of bias.
The teacher designs assessments that match learning objectives with assessment methods and minimizes sources of bias that can distort assessment results.
The teacher prepares all learners for the demands of particular assessment formats and makes appropriate accommodations in assessments or testing conditions, especially for learners with disabilities and language learning needs. / ED 353 papers on legal, ethical, potential sources of discrimination, assessing ESOL students
ED 302 – issues involving assessment, ways discrimination can occur in testing, testing accommodations
ED 402 Struggling Learners: Candidates administer assessments in the field and adjust/adapt as needed to fit students’ specific needs.
ED 335 The arts as they may be used in creating assessments that meet the needs of all learners is a major focus of the Creative Experiences Class. Students are required to create assessments that incorporate each of the art forms and create a list of assessments that use the arts to address each of the types of intelligences. This allows students to explore the use of the arts for assessment for learners with various differences.
KPTP for all secondary and P-12 ed methods
See KPTP rubric for details
ED 305 Candidates conduct observations and assessments to draw conclusions about language development and use that information to make recommendations for instruction
ED 405 Candidates complete a classroom management project
Working with colleagues, students and parents – communication, respect
Ability to interpret and share student assessment data with families to support student learning in all learning environments.
Verbal and nonverbal communication skills that demonstrate respect for and responsiveness to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners and their families bring to the learning environment.
The teacher works collaboratively with learners and their families to establish mutual expectations and ongoing communication to support learner development and achievement. / ED 405 – discussion of diversity tied to management including differences in verbal and nonverbal communication
ED 302 – inclusion and mainstreaming lecture – exam 1 and working with families – exam 4
ED 327 Literacy Block Practicum Experience: Students attend Parent Teacher Conferences with Mentor Teachers in order to observe and participate in communication with parents and/or guardians.
ED 353 – discussions of how diversity impacts assessments and how to convey assessment information in a sensitive way
KN 340 Adapted Physical Education
Students complete practicum observations, community volunteer work, Special Olympics volunteer efforts, journal writings and reflections, lesson plans with modifications, class discussions, case studies
SE 460 working with families to develop IEP’s and IFSP’s and foster collaborative assessments – module 2
Secondary and P-12 Student teaching summary evaluation and disposition form
Diversity in field placements / Students in Block A Elementary-ED 330, 335, 337 have field experience in diverse setting in Topeka 501—mostly at Williams Magnet: 90% Economically disadvantaged, over 30 % African American, about 28% Hispanic and 18% listed as “other”
Block B - ED 317 – Math & science placements are in rural schools
Candidates in Block D (ED 410, 415, 420, 430, 440, and SE 456 complete 16 weeks of student teaching in Topeka USD 501: 7% African American, 19% Hispanic, 9% Other; 49.3 economically disadvantaged; 10% ELL; 14% students with disabilities.
ED 302A – candidates have 15 hours in schools with students with exceptionalities and often students from diverse backgrounds
ED 353 – ECU candidates – 2-3 hours with infant/toddlers with disabilities in home-based settings
All P-12 & 6-12 Candidates observe content-area classrooms at Highland Park H.S. in USD 501 during their ED 302 Exceptional Learner’s Class.
KN 310 Elementary and Middle School Health and P.E.
Students complete practicum experience in a diverse school setting, journal writings, community volunteer hours, class presentations
KN 375 Secondary Methods
Practicum Experiences, Observations, Classroom Discussions, Lectures, Exams, Presentations, Journal Writings
All P-12 & 6-12 Candidates work with a struggling learner or groups of students who struggle. Many at Mathes Learning Center within USD 345 (formerly Lyman Learning Center) Diversity:
In ED 150 Music placements are in USD 501 to allow for diversity experiences.
Music field placement candidates experience P-K, elem and mid level practicum placements. Each candidate has a variety of diverse placement experiences (urban, rural and suburban).
6-12 English Practicum placements are varied for most students and program is working to be more strategic to ensure that all students have diverse placements.
How does multiculturalism affect social, economic, etc. as well as what goes on in classrooms.
The teacher facilitates learners’ ability to develop diverse social and cultural perspectives that expand their understanding of local and global issues and create novel approaches to solving problems.
The teacher knows how to access information about the values of diverse cultures and communities and how to incorporate learners’ experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction
The teacher understands schools as organizations within a historical, cultural, political, and social context and knows how to work with others across the system to support learners.
The teacher reflects on his/her personal biases and accesses resources to deepen his/her own understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences to build stronger relationships and create more relevant learning experiences
The teacher understands laws related to learners’ rights and teacher responsibilities (e.g., for educational equity, appropriate education for learners with disabilities, confidentiality, privacy, appropriate treatment of learners, reporting in situations related to possible child abuse). / ED 302 Elem – discussion of diversity, ways in which we can differ, child abuse and legal requirements, discussion of low SES (elementary)
ED 405 – discussion of how diversity can effect behaviors and classroom management
SE 440 – K-6 Sped candidates – discussion of legal/ethical aspects of management and student rights including informed consent, privacy, and restraint; low SES students
ED 320 Teaching Reading and ED 327 Teaching Language Arts: Class Discussions, Lectures on Researched Based information concerning School Law and IEP specifications.
Candidates in ED 330 complete a personal and classroom cultural profile that show similarities and differences along with personal perspectives and biases.
EN 320 Teaching Adult Literature-Class readings and paper assignments to develop diverse and social and cultural perspectives.
EN 320 Write a rationale for a novel indicating how they would address the various political cultural and social groups might view the work and how they would address this.
ED 302 Special Ed Laws Discussion and questions on test about special ed laws as they relate to 6-12 and P-12 gen ed teachers. (secondary and P-12)
MU 313 Foundations of music education addresses class discussions and assigned readings which illustrate the 4 indicators on the left. (e.g., Writes personal philosophy of education, develop an advocacy Powerpoint for administrators and parents related to advocacy for the music program to illustrate a place for each child. Candidates study Case studies regarding the laws indicator).
Student teaching Evals for P-12 and 6-12 candidates (section on reflection addresses many of these indicators)
Demographics of Candidates, Students, School and University staff – Tracking and Trends
Selectivity of candidates, comparisons
Demographics of schools / Have and monitor data on demographics of schools and WU candidates.
Have data on diversity related to admissions and program completion
KPTP has a section on Context and its implications
Candidates and Program Completers have a Positive Impact on Student Learning / Have some data on impact on student learning based on diversity (disability, ESOL, low SES)
ED 402 Secondary and P-12 Level. Formal presentation of a case study with specific response to how they impacted student learning.
KPTP Task 3 and 4 for secondary and P-12 candidates for methods, ED 402 and student teaching (have impact and reflect upon the impact).
CAEP Standard 4: Plan in place to track alumni and their impact on student learning.