Chapter 14 Physical Development in Adolescence

Chapter 14
Physical development in adolescence


1)Franca, age 11, recently started contradicting and disagreeing with her parents. She is self-conscious and often goes to her room and closes the door. Franca is a head taller and several pounds heavier than most girls in her sixth-grade class. Franca has probably

A)developed an eating disorder.

B)entered adolescence.

C)reached full maturation.

D)developed a social phobia.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 519

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.1

2)The beginning of adolescence is marked by

A)reaching full adult height.

B)participation in economic life.


D)secretion of growth hormone (GH).

Answer: C

Page Ref: 519

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.1

3)Anna Freud viewed the teenage years as

A)the period of calm after the storm of childhood.

B)a cascade of instinctual passions.

C)a biologically based, universal “developmental disturbance.”

D)a period of harmony and predictability of behaviors.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 520

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.1

4)In Freud’s genital stage,

A)social forces determine the young person’s reaction to puberty.

B)sexual impulses reawaken, triggering psychological conflict and volatile behavior.

C)sexual impulses remain dormant for a short period of time.

D)sexual impulses lead to the resolution of the Oedipal conflict.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 520

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.1

5)Contemporary research suggests that the storm-and-stress notion of adolescence

A)is the most accurate perspective.

B)has no basis in fact.

C)is greatly understated.

D)is greatly exaggerated.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 520

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.1

6)In most tribal and village societies,

A)adolescence is extended into three phases: early, middle, and late adolescence.

B)young people face postponement of sexual gratification while they prepare for a productive work roles.

C)adolescence is only a brief intervening phase between childhood and full assumption of adult roles.

D)adolescence is extended because young people face prolonged dependence on parents.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 520

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.1

7)Brooke has been experiencing a period of rapid pubertal change. Brooke is in which phase of adolescence?

A)early adolescence

B)middle adolescence

C)late adolescence

D)emerging adulthood

Answer: A

Page Ref: 520

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.1

8)Natalie and James are fraternal twins. Their parents should expect that James will reach puberty ______Natalie.

A)at the same time as

B)slightly later than

C)two years later than

D)two years earlier than

Answer: C

Page Ref: 521

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.2

9)Secretions of ______and ______increase during puberty, leading to tremendous gains in body size and to attainment of skeletal maturity.

A)estrogens; adrenal androgens

B)epinephrine; adrenal androgens

C)growth hormone (GH);thyroxine

D)melatonin; growth hormone (GH)

Answer: C

Page Ref: 521

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

10)Hormonal changes during puberty are initiated and regulated by the ______, a structure located near the ______.

A)thyroid; pituitary gland

B)pituitary gland; cerebral cortex

C)hypothalamus; adrenal glands

D)hypothalamus; pituitary gland

Answer: D

Page Ref: 521

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

11)Sexual maturation is controlled by ______and ______.

A)androgens; estrogens

B)estrogens; insulin

C)adrenal androgens; melatonin

D)testosterone; cortisol

Answer: A

Page Ref: 521

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

12)Which of the following statements about sex hormones is true?

A)Boys have only male hormones called androgens.

B)Girls have only female hormones called estrogens.

C)Neither androgens nor estrogens are present in the average boy.

D)Both androgens and estrogens are present in boys and girls.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 521

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

13)Fourteen-year-old Phil experiences muscle growth and notices the growth of body and facial hair. Which of the following hormones is responsible for this change?



C)adrenal androgens



Page Ref: 521

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.2

14)During puberty, the hands, legs, and feet accelerate first, followed by the torso. This is a reversal of the ______trend.





Answer: A

Page Ref: 523

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.2

15)Which of the following statements about body proportions during puberty is true?

A)Boys’ hips broaden relative to the waist.

B)Girls’ shoulders broaden relative to the hips.

C)Girls’ hips broaden relative to the shoulders.

D)Girls’ legs become longer in relation to the rest of the body.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 523

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

16)Which of the following statements about muscle–fat makeup in adolescence is true?

A)Although both sexes gain in muscle, the increase is 150 percent greater in boys.

B)Arm and leg fat decreases in adolescent girls.

C)Altogether, girls gain far more muscle strength than boys.

D)Around age 8, boys start to add more fat than girls on their arms, legs, and trunk.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 523

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

17)In adolescence, the number of red blood cells ______in ______.

A)increases; both girls and boys

B)increases; boys, but not in girls

C)increases; girls, but not in boys

D)decreases; both girls and boys

Answer: B

Page Ref: 523

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

18)Twins, Jake and Molly, age 15, are both athletic. Which of the following is probably true?

A)Jake’s gains in gross-motor performance are slow and gradual.

B)Molly is experiencing a dramatic spurt in strength, speed, and endurance.

C)By midadolescence, Jake will run faster and throw farther than Molly.

D)By lateadolescence, Molly will jump farther than Jake.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 524

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.2

19)Gregor, a highschool senior, has begun taking creatine to enhance his performance on the basketball court. Which of the following side effects are possible?


B)brain seizures

C)damage to the reproductive organs

D)a loss in muscle power

Answer: B

Page Ref: 524

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.2

20)Researchers who followed a large, representative sample of U.S. youths from ages 9 to 17 found that

A)daily free-time physical activity declined with age, more so for girls than boys.

B)at every age, a majority of participants engaged in regular exercise outside of school hours.

C)daily free-time physical activity increased for both sexes until age 13, then declined.

D)throughout adolescence, girls exceeded boys in regular daily exercise.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 524

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.2

21)Which of the following athletes is especially likely to continue her activity into adulthood?

A)Ellen, a softball player

B)Gerda, a volleyball player

C)Justine, a basketball player

D)Alena, a cross-country runner

Answer: D

Page Ref: 525

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.2

22)Which of the following fosters high physical self-efficacy during adolescence?

A)internalizing the cultural ideal of physical attractiveness

B)early maturation relative to the peer group

C)maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet

D)sweating and breathing heavily, during exercise

Answer: D

Page Ref: 525

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.2

23)Primary sexual characteristics

A)are visible on the outside of the body.

B)involve the reproductive organs directly.

C)are unrelated to sexual functioning.

D)do not develop in a standard sequence.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 525

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

24)Female puberty usually begins with


B)the budding of breasts.

C)the start of her growth spurt.

D)the appearance of pubic hair.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 525

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

25)Menarche takes place

A)after the peak of the height spurt.

B)approximately one year before the height spurt.

C)before pubic hair appears.

D)after breast growth is completed.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

26)The first sign of puberty in boys is

A)the appearance of pubic hair.

B)the height spurt.

C)the enlargement of the testes.

D)deepening of the voice.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

27)In boys, the voice change

A)is the first outward sign of puberty.

B)occurs before enlargement of the penis and testes.

C)usually takes place at the peak of the growth spurt.

D)is due to the contraction of the vocal cords.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

28)Spermarche occurs

A)before the height spurt begins.

B)after the peak strength spurt.

C)around age 13½.

D)after facial hair begins to grow.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.2

29)Julianna is obese. She is likely to experience menarche ______the average girl.

A)earlier than

B)around the same time as

C)slightly later than

D)much later than

Answer: A

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.3

30)Gemma eats very little. She is likely to experience puberty ______the average girl.

A)much earlier than

B)slightly earlier than

C)around the same time as

D)later than

Answer: D

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.3

31)Which of the following statements about body fat and puberty is true?

A)Breast and pubic hair growth occur later for heavier girls.

B)Few studies report a link between body fat and puberty in boys.

C)Few studies report a link between body fat and puberty in girls.

D)Girls who eat very little usually experience earlier puberty.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.3

32)Which of the following girls is likely to reach menarche first?

A)A’akia, who lives in a poverty-stricken village in Ethiopia

B)Anya, who comes from a low-income family in Sweden

C)Alexis, who is a middle-income Caucasian American

D)Angelique, who is a middle-income African American

Answer: D

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.3

33)When children’s safety and security are at risk, it is adaptive for them to

A)reproduce early.

B)reproduce later.

C)fail to reproduce.

D)delay puberty.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 526

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.3

34)Findings that a secular trend exists for pubertal timing lends added support to the role of

A)ethnicity to the onset of puberty.

B)physical well-being in adolescent growth.

C)societal pressure to mature on puberty trends.

D)brain responses to puberty signals.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 527

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.3

35)As humans and mammals become more sexually mature, neurons

A)continue to reproduce in the prefrontal cortex.

B)selectively respond to pleasurable stimuli.

C)experience a growth spurt in the generation of new synapses.

D)become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 528

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.3

36)Which of the following statements about brain development in adolescence is true?

A)Adolescents recruit the prefrontal cortex’s network of connections with other brain areas more effectively than adults do.

B)Adolescents tend to perform better than adults on tasks requiring inhibition and future orientation.

C)When peers are present, adolescents’ brains are especially receptive to cues associated with risk taking.

D)Adolescents react less strongly to stressful events than adults do and experience pleasurable stimuli less intensely.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 528

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.3

37)Compared to teenagers of previous generations, today’s teenagers

A)get much less sleep.

B)are better able to cope with sleep loss.

C)go to bed earlier on school nights.

D)are better educated about the importance of sleep.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 529

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.4

38)Sleep rebound on weekends

A)helps teenagers perform better in school during the weekdays.

B)substantially compensates for sleep loss during the weekdays.

C)can lead to difficulty falling asleep on subsequent evenings.

D)is directly related to the extent of the sleep “phase delay.”

Answer: C

Page Ref: 529

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.4

39)Girls commonly react to menarche with





Answer: A

Page Ref: 529

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.5

40)Kyla’s grandma recalls menarche as a traumatic experience. She would like things to be different for Kyla. What advice can you give her?

A)She should let Kyla be surprised by menarche and then answer any questions she has about puberty.

B)She should explain to Kyla that menarche is an unpleasant but necessary experience.

C)She should prepare Kyla in advance and treat it as an important milestone.

D)She should provide Kyla with biological information but deliver the information as clinically as possible.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 529–530

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.5

41)Compared with Caucasian-American families, African-American families

A)express more conflict over girls reaching sexual maturity.

B)treat menarche as an important milestone.

C)show boys more social support than girls for the changes of puberty.

D)do not prepare girls for menarche as well.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.5

42)Boys typically respond to spermarche with


B)mixed feelings.



Answer: B

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.5

43)Trevor just experienced spermarche. Which of the following is likely to be true?

A)Trevor will tell a friend that he experienced spermarche.

B)Trevor’s first ejaculation occurred earlier than he expected.

C)Trevor did not know about ejaculation ahead of time.

D)Trevor learned about spermarche from discussions with his father.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.5

44)Haeata lives in a tribal society and just experienced menarche. Which of the following is probably true?

A)Haeata will feel ashamed and will not tell anyone about the onset of puberty.

B)Haeata will still be regarded as a child by her parents and family.

C)The tribe will celebrate the onset of puberty with an initiation ceremony.

D)Haeata will experience no change insocial status.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.5

45)Higher pubertal hormone levels are ______linked to ______moodiness.

A)strongly; greater

B)strongly; lesser

C)modestly; greater

D)modestly; lesser

Answer: C

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.5

46)Which of the following teens is likely to have the most stable moods?

A)13-year-old Tya

B)14-year-old Leah

C)16-year-old Tyler

D)19-year-old Jesse

Answer: D

Page Ref: 530

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.5

47)______is a modern substitute for the physical departure of the adolescent from the home.

A)An initiation ceremony

B)Adolescent sensation seeking

C)Psychological distancing

D)Summer camp

Answer: C

Page Ref: 531

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.5

48)Parents and teens quarrel more often

A)in late adolescence, as teens begin making their own life decisions, than in early and middle adolescence.

B)in tribal and village societies where adolescence is recognized by a transition to adult status.

C)when there is a large gap between parents’ and adolescents’ views of teenagers’ readiness for new responsibilities.

D)about important family values, such as honesty and integrity, than about everyday matters, such as driving and curfews.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 531

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.5

49)The Rourke’s have a teenage son and daughter. Which of the following is most likely to be true?

A)Mrs. Rourke’s conflict with her daughter will be just as intense as conflict with her son.

B)Mr. Rourke’s conflict with his daughter will be more intense than conflict with his son.

C)Mrs. Rourke’s conflict with her son will be more intense than conflict with her daughter.

D)Mr. Rourke’s conflict with his son will be just as intense as conflict with his daughter.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 531

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.5

50)Ethan is an early-maturing boy. He is probably perceived by both adults and peers as




D)prone to depression.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 532

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.6

51)Chinara is an early-maturing girl. She is most likely to be perceived as ______by her peers.





Answer: B

Page Ref: 532

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.6

52)Maggi is a later-maturing girl. She is most likely to be regarded as

A)a leader at school.


C)lacking in self-confidence.


Answer: A

Page Ref: 532

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.6

53)Which of the following statements about the role of physical attractiveness and the timing of puberty in Western society is true?

A)The ideal female image is a girlish shape that favors the early developer.

B)The ideal male image is a muscular shape that favors the late developer.

C)The ideal male image is a muscular shape that favors the early developer.

D)Both the ideal male and female image favor early-maturing teens.


Page Ref: 532

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.6

54)Early-maturing ______girls tend to report a less positive body image than other girls.





Answer: C

Page Ref: 532

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.6

55)Follow-ups reveal that ______-maturing ______, especially, are at risk for lasting difficulties.

A)early; boys

B)late; boys

C)late; girls

D)early; girls

Answer: D

Page Ref: 533

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.6

56)Of all age groups, adolescents are the most likely to

A)be obese.

B)skip breakfast.

C)make healthy food choices.

D)need less protein.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 533

Skill: Remember

Objective: 14.7

57)______is strongly associated with greater intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, and calcium-rich foods.

A)Positive body image

B)Adolescent girls’ concern about their weight

C)Frequency of family meals

D)Participation in fad diets

Answer: C

Page Ref: 534

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.7

58)Janelle, a teenager, is chronically tired and frequently irritable, but she appears to be growing normally. She should have a medical checkup because she might be suffering from




D)anorexia nervosa.

Answer: A

Page Ref: 534

Skill: Apply

Objective: 14.7

59)Vegetarian adolescents

A)are far less likely than their nonvegetarian counterparts to have healthy eating habits.

B)may have diets that are deficient in certain nutrients.

C)are prone to fad dieting, which can lead to later weight gain.

D)usually consume too few calories and nutrients for proper growth.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 534

Skill: Understand

Objective: 14.7

60)Which of the following girls is most at risk for an eating problem?

A)Angela, who reached puberty late

B)Caity, who reached puberty early

C)Bea, who grew up in a home with no weight concerns

D)Desiree, whose friends are overweight

Answer: B

Page Ref: 534

Skill: Apply