PCO 570 (Hartkopf), p. 9

PCO 570: Career Counseling

Cincinnati Christian University

Counseling & Family Studies Department

Spring 2013 ▪ 3 Credit Hours ▪ Section 99 ▪ Online Hybrid (2 on-campus meetings)

Updated 06.11.2012

Instructor: Jennee R. Hartkopf, MA, PC/CR


Phone: 513-661-8336 (office)

Office: Youthworks Adolescent & Family Services

Course Prerequisite

1.  Acceptance into the Master of Arts Counseling (MAC) program

Course Description

This course concentrates on career development theories and their implication for appraisal of vocationally related interests, aptitudes and personality characteristics. It will emphasize the practice of career development and planning for those individuals and groups desiring career counseling in various settings. Graduate Student status is required.

Course Rationale

CACREP – The course material is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters-level training. The specific standard (Section II.G.4.a-g) states that students are to have "studies that provide an understanding of career development and related life factors."

Ohio – This course meets education requirements for Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) for life-style and career development: 4757-13-01(A)(4)(h), as well as the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) for eligibility for the LPCC credential: 4757.22(C)(1).

Kentucky – This course meets education requirements for Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) for lifestyle and career development: 335.525(1)(d)(3), as well as the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR) for eligibility for the LPCC credential: 201 KAR 36:070.

Indiana – This course meets education requirements for Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) for mental health counseling: 839 IAC 1-5-1(a)(6), as well as Indiana Code (IC) for eligibility for the LMHC credential: IC 25-23.6-8.5-3(1)(E).

Course Objectives

1.  Appreciate historical and current theoretical perspectives on vocational development and explore the linkage between career theory, assessment and treatment planning: CACREP II.G.4.a; MAC 2.f.

2.  Identify and use career, educational, occupational and labor-market information resources, computer-based career information systems, and other electronic career information systems to provide career counseling: CACREP II.G.4.b; MAC 2.f.

3.  Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize, implement, and evaluate career development programs and services in educational and community settings: CACREP II.G.4.c; CMHC C.3; CMHC E.4; MAC 2.f.

4.  Understand the impact of interplay between work and other life roles and use this knowledge in career development: CACREP II.G.4.d; MAC 2.f.

5.  Identify and use relevant assessment instruments in career planning and decision-making: CACREP II.G.4.f; MAC 2.f.

6.  Acquire beginning proficiency in planning, placing, evaluating, and following-up with career and educational development plans: CACREP II.G.4.e; MAC 2.f.

7.  Understand the career development issues among diverse populations and select career counseling processes, techniques, and resources applicable to specific populations: CACREP II.G.4.g; CMHC E.1; CMHC F.2; MAC 2.f.

Method of Instruction

To successfully complete this course, students will need access to the Internet. It is imperative that students maintain pace with the class. This is an online hybrid course, and it is designed as a learning environment wherein all members of the class move through the material as a group. Discussions, quizzes, assignments, and readings are designed around the Course Schedule (provided on p. 5). Fifteen (15) lessons are presented. Work for each unit must be completed in accordance with the Course Schedule. Two 3-hour on-campus meeting sessions are scheduled (room location information will be provided prior to meeting dates); attendance at these on-campus meetings is mandatory.

Required Materials

Moodle and Email:

All students enrolled in this course are required to check Moodle and their email weekly for the duration of the course. Course announcements, changes to the syllabus, and memos from the instructor will be distributed via Moodle and/or email. Students are responsible for all information distributed on Moodle.

Required Texts:

Whitfield, E. A., Feller, R. W., & Wood, C. (Eds.) (2009). A counselor’s guide to career assessment instruments (5th ed.). Tulsa, OK: National Career Development Association.

Niles, S. G., & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2013). Career development interventions for the 21st century (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Recommended Text:

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author.


Course Assignments / Points / Percentage / Grading Scale
MBTI Assessment / 15 / 3% / Grade / Points / Percentage
MAPP Assessment / 15 / 3% / A / 475-500 / 95-100%
SDS Assessment / 15 / 3% / A- / 460-474 / 92-94.99%
SII Assessment / 15 / 3% / B+ / 445-459 / 89-91.99%
VPI Assessment / 15 / 3% / B / 430-444 / 86-88.99%
KTS-II Assessment / 15 / 3% / B- / 415-429 / 83-85.99%
SIE Assessment / 15 / 3% / C+ / 400-414 / 80-82.99%
Case Studies (3 x 20 points) / 60 / 12% / C / 385-399 / 77-79.99%
Diverse Populations Assignment / 20 / 4% / C- / 370-384 / 74-76.99%
Annotated Bibliography / 25 / 5% / D+ / 355-369 / 71-73.99%
Career Autobiography & Analysis / 100 / 20% / D / 340-354 / 68-70.99%
Résumé & Cover Letter / 60 / 12% / D- / 325-339 / 65-67.99%
Assessment Instrument Review / 60 / 12% / F / ≤ 324 / < 64.99%
Reading Quizzes (14 x 5 points) / 70 / 14%
*MAC students: In accordance with rule 4757-3-01(J)(1), from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, & Marriage and Family Therapist Board, you must receive a B- (minimum of 415 points or 83%) or higher in this course for it to count toward your MAC degree or toward licensure. In addition, you will not be permitted to move on to Internship without a grade higher than a B- and instructor approval.

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) Assessment: Students are required to complete the MBTI and score the assessment. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the MBTI within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed at the mandatory on-campus meeting. The MBTI is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) Assessment: Students are required to take the free online MAPP (www.assessment.com). Students should complete the assessment, print their profile report, and bring it to class. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the MAPP within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed prior to the mandatory on-campus meeting. Students should print and bring the assessment results to the on-campus. The MAPP is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Self-Directed Search (SDS) Assessment: Students are required to complete the SDS and complete the profile packet. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the SDS within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed at the mandatory on-campus meeting. The SDS is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Strong Interest Inventory (SII) Assessment: Students are required to complete the SII. To complete this assessment, students should reserve a time in the CCU Counseling Center to complete the assessment online. Students will receive an interpretive summary, which should be brought to class. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the SII within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed prior to the mandatory on-campus meeting. Assessments results will be provided at the on-campus meeting. The SII is worth 15 points (3% if final grade).

Course Objective(s): 2, 5

Vocational Preferences Inventory (VPI) Assessment: Students are required to complete the VPI and score the assessment. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the VPI within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed at the mandatory on-campus meeting. The VPI is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II (KTS-II) Assessment: Students are required to take the free online KTS-II (www.keirsey.com). Students should complete the assessment, print their profile report, and bring it to class. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the KTS-II within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed prior to the mandatory on-campus meeting. Students should print and bring the assessment results to the on-campus. The KTS-II is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Strong Interest Explorer (SIE) Assessment: Students are required to complete the SIE and complete the profile packet. Students should be prepared to interpret their results in class. If a student has completed the SIE within the past calendar year, then those results may be used. This assignment will be completed at the mandatory on-campus meeting. The SIE is worth 15 points (3% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 5

Annotated Bibliography: Students will retrieve professional and peer-reviewed resources (books, periodicals, documents, etc.) that the student plans to use in the Career Autobiography & Analysis Report and write an annotated bibliography. Each citation on the annotated bibliography should consist of a 150-200 word descriptive and evaluative paragraph about the resource. The annotated bibliography should consist of at least five (5) references and be provided in current APA writing style. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. The Annotated Bibliography is worth 25 points (5% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 2

Career Autobiography & Analysis Report: Students will prepare a brief research paper between 3000-4000 words (not including the title page and reference page) outlining her/his career to this point in time. Due to life experience, career development may be fuller for some students than for others. Summarize results of all career assessments that have been completed in class, as well as your reactions to the assessment results.Include training and career development beginning with experiences in the home as a child, continuing as a student, and developing as an adult; this includes summer work and both part-time and full-time work experiences. Summarize your own career development, goals, and reasons for becoming a counselor. Students should discuss their career development using at least three (3) theories discussed in class. The report should be written using the APA style format (6th ed.) and a minimum of five (5) professional, peer-reviewed references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. The Career Autobiography and Analysis Report is worth 100 points (20% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 1, 2, 3, 5

Case Study #1: Students will write a 600-750 word response to the “Tim: The Case of the Happy Househusband” case study provided on Moodle. The response should cite appropriate career theory and case conceptualization, as well as any other resources the student believes are necessary to appropriately respond to this case study. Student should also provide an appropriate career development plan for case study #1. APA style (6th ed.) should be used, especially if citing references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. Case Study #1 is worth 20 points (4% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 1, 7

Case Study #2: Students will write a 600-750 word response to the “Nancy: The Case of the Aspiring Neurosurgeon (or “Gym” Teacher)” case study provided on Moodle. The response should cite appropriate career theory and case conceptualization, as well as any other resources the student believes are necessary to appropriately respond to this case study. Student should also provide an appropriate career development plan for case study #2. APA style (6th ed.) should be used, especially if citing references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. Case Study #2 is worth 20 points (4% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 1, 7

Case Study #3: Students will write a 600-750 word response to the “Kelly: The Case of the Gifted Student” case study provided on Moodle. The response should cite appropriate career theory and case conceptualization, as well as any other resources the student believes are necessary to appropriately respond to this case study. Student should also provide an appropriate educational development plan for case study #3. APA style (6th ed.) should be used, especially if citing references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. Case Study #3 is worth 20 points (4% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 1, 7

Diverse Population Assignment: Students will work in teams to research a diverse population. Students will be required to select career counseling processes, techniques, and resources applicable to the specific population chosen. Students will then write an individual 600-750 word response detailing how they would apply the chosen theory, techniques, assessments and resources in career counseling with their chosen population. APA style (6th ed.) should be used, especially if citing references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. The Diverse Populations Assignment is worth 20 points (4% of final grade).

Course Objective(s): 1, 2, 4, 6, 7

Résumé & Cover Letter: Students should complete a professional résumé and cover letter according to a format and style of the student’s choosing. This résumé and cover letter should be created specifically for a counseling position (a prepared job notice will be provided on Moodle). The cover letter should be no longer than one (1) page. The résumé should be no longer than two (2) pages. Students should pay careful attention to spelling, grammar, and formatting. Because it is incredibly important that a résumé and cover letter are free of any errors, this assignment will be critically evaluated. No heavy-weight or cotton fiber paper is necessary. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. The Résumé and Cover Letter Assignment is worth 60 points (12% of final grade).

Assessment Instrument Review: Students will submit a 600-750 word (not including title page and reference page) review of one career assessment instrument that has not been covered in class (i.e., the assessments completed as assignments). Information that should be included in the review of the assessment is the assessment characteristics, administration details, validity, reliability, and a description of the assessment. The review should be written using the APA style format (6th ed.) with a minimum of two (2) professional, peer-reviewed references. This assignment should be submitted on Moodle. The Assessment Instrument Review is worth 60 points (12% of final grade).