Chemistry I Syllabus
RHS Spring 2013
Teachers: Mr. Plottel & Ms. Griffin
Emails: ;
Phone: (706) 935-2254
Materials Needed:
Three ring binder with 3 dividers (one for homework, one for notes,
one for warm ups)-you should have a folder only for chemistry!
Notebook paper
Paper towels or a box of tissues for Mole Bucks (Mole Bucks = extra points!)
Lab donation-$10 for chemicals and lab equipment
Class Rules
* Follow directions
* Stay on task
* Practice verbal and physical control
* Bring all materials to class
It is important that you are here each day in order to keep up with the material. The Catoosa County Student Handbook policy will be upheld which states that students who miss more than 6 days will fail the class.
If students arrive at school after 8:10, students should get an Admit before coming to class. Tardy Policy: 1st offence - warning by teacher, 2nd offence - warning by teacher, 3rd offense - detention, 4th offense - detention, 5th offense - Saturday school, 6th offense – 3 days ISS (pull Parking Permit), 7 + offenses – 3 days ISS (other consequences)
Semester Grade
The semester grade is determined as follows: each nine weeks grade counts 42.5% of the overall grade with the comprehensive final exam counting 15%. Tests count 50% and Daily Work (quizzes and labs) count 50% of the nine weeks grade. Your grade in chemistry will be posted on Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Students can be exempt from the final if they have an A average and 3 absences, B average and 2 absences, or C average and 1 absence. Therefore, you are rewarded if you are here every day!!!
Homework will be assigned every night. Chemistry is a challenging class which requires a lot of independent practice. Each nine weeks your homework will be averaged and willcountasonetestgrade. Missed homework assignments will be treated as follows:
1 missed homework - a zero for that homework and a warning.
2 missed homeworks - a zero for that homework and a warning.
3 missed homeworks - a zero for that homework and your parents will be called.
5 missed homeworks - a zero for that homework, your parents will be called, and an administrator will be notified.
Homework is very important to your success in Chemistry! * If completed, it will also fulfill the state literacy requirement for 50 pages of technical writing (see below).*
Unit tests will consist of the following parts: vocabulary, math problems, and previous material. Tests will count 50 % of the nine weeks grade. Missed tests due to absences will consist of essay/constructed response questions and can only be taken before or after school as scheduled by your teacher.
If a student receives a non-passing grade for missing too many problems on a test, the student can make up the test each Wednesday after school (or by appointment). If the student makes up the test at the first tutoring session, the student can get a maximum grade of 78/C. If the student makes up the test at the second tutoring session, the student can get a maximum grade of 74/C. If the student makes up the test at the third tutoring session, the student can get a maximum grade of 70/D. If the student has not made up the test after the third tutoring session, the student will receive the grade earned (or a zero if never taken) for the test. This is in effect for testsonly. There are no makeup opportunities for either the quizzes or the final exam.
Help Sessions
Homework help is available every day from 3:30-4:00 by appointment. This is the best way to get individual help if you are having trouble in class. Extended sessions for making up tests will be held from 3:30-5:00 one day a week. These times will be announced in advance so you can make transportation/work arrangements. It is far better to get help assoonas you don’t understand something instead of waiting until later.
*Literacy Implementation Plan*
As part of the Catoosa County Schools Literacy Implementation Plan, Science students are encouraged to read at least one book per school year. A “book” is considered to be any one of the following: 150 pages of traditional prose; 50 pages of technical writing; 30 magazine articles; 30 poems; or 20 short stories.