Teacher: Ms. Gamez Room 216BMcCollum HS

Course Objective:

The focus of PreCalculus is to teach students advance mathematical techniques that prepare students for college. The main mathematical ideas taught by this course are the following: General properties of functions, trigonometry, sequences and series, parametrics and vectors, applications of conic sections.

Supplies Needed:

1.Pencils – All work must be done in pencil. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. Colored Pen(s)–used for grading purposes and for making corrections.

3. Paper – Students should have loose-leaf paper or a notebook. Graph paper is also great.

4. One 3 ring binder with dividers- This will be used for organization and it is a graded item

5. Index cards

6. Calculators – For certain activities, TI-84+ Graphing Calculators will be provided in class. Each student is responsible for theirassigned calculator.Purchasing a calculator is not required.

Expectations and Rules:

1. No personal electronic devices of any kind are allowed during class. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. All work is to be done in pencil only and turned in on time.NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!

3. Be respectful toward teachers and of each other at all times.

4. Ask for help whenever needed, from teacher and other classmates.

5. Be punctual, present with a pencil, and ready to work everyday.

6. NO restroom passes in the first or last 10 minutes of class.

7. Follow all district and campus rules: Dress Code is strictly enforced!

Major Assignments/Assessments:

Assessments—50% (test, quizzes and projects) Class/Daily Work—35% Homework—15%

Absences, Corrections, and Tutoring:

If a student was given an assignment prior to an absence, the assignment is due on the day the student returns to class. Grades on classwork, daily work, homework, and assessments may be corrected for full credit but requires explanations.

Missing or incomplete work will only be accepted when the student attends tutoring to do the assignment(s) unless arrangements have been made with the teacher.

A paper with no name will receive no grade and will be discarded.

Tutoring will be available on Tuesdays from 4- 4:45.

Progress reports:

Progress reports will be given to the students at the end of the third and

sixth week of each grading period. Parents are urged to contact the school for

a conference if there are questions or concerns about the progress of a student.

Contact Information:

By email, at .

Conference: 11 – 11:49 daily


Students must realize, Precalculus is a rigorous course focusing on multiple representations of concepts/topics that will enable them to grasp a deeper understanding of mathematics. The goal is for every student to achieve a higher level of mathematical understanding. Students must learn by doing and not just by watching. Therefore, homework is assigned to help them practice and retain the knowledge. They must keep up with the assignments and do them responsibly and attend class regularly to help ensure their success.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (210) 989-6299 or via email.

I am excited to have your child in my class and look forward to working with him/her.

I am very excited to have you in my class this year and look forward to helping you learn PAP Pre-Calculus!


Parent/Student Acknowledgement:

We have reviewed the syllabus for PreCalculusand understand the expectations.


Student Signature


Student Printed Name


Parent Printed Name


Parent Signature




Phone Number