ISO 14001: 2015 to ISO 14001: 2004

Correlation Matrix

Revision 10/23/2015

ISO 14001: 2015 DIS / ISO 14001: 2004 / New Requirements / Potential EMS Locations
& change notes (1)
Note: Bold items are where the main content could be addressed. / Where the requirements are addressed in your Quality Management System
Understanding the organization and its context / 4.1 / New Requirements – Understanding (Defining) Context of organization
Internal and external issues / Policy Manual
Mgmt Responsibility
Mgmt Review
Could add to aspect list – with ranking
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties. / 4.2 / Must determine requirements of customers, communities, suppliers, regulators, investors, employees… / Policy Manual
Also will link to L&), SA, and Aspect Ranking
Determining the scope of the EMS / 4.3 / 4.1 / General requirements / Documented Scope / Most policy manuals already have this
Environmental management system / 4.4 / 4.1 / General requirements / Processes and interactions / Flowcharted procedures / processes will help to define this – maybe an overall process interaction – could modify ISO 9001 related document
Leadership (title only) / 5
Leadership and commitment / 5.1 / 4.4.1 / Resources, roles, responsibility and authority / More commitment, responsiveness, active support and feedback from top mgmt / Mgmt involvement in MR & team meetings
Environmental policy / 5.2 / 4.2 / Environmental policy / Language Change
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities / 5.3 / 4.4.1 / Resources, roles, responsibility and authority / Mgmt. Rep can be more than one person (Was also allowed in 2004 version “Management Rep (s)”
Planning (title only) / 6 / 4.3 / Planning (title only)
Actions to address risk and opportunities (title only) / 6.1 / Risks
Also focus on opportunities / Add Risk to Aspects Ranking (Some is already there with emergency situations)
General / 6.1.1 / Mainly the same – Little on other issues
environmental aspects / 6.1.2 / 4.3.1 / Environmental aspects / Communication requirement (Awareness was required)
Added Lifecycle to aspects
Added documentation requirements, but this should be covered by most current systems / Postings should help with this
May address end of life if not design responsible, or design if within scope
Compliance obligations / 6.1.3 / 4.3.2 / Legal and other requirements
Planning Action / 6.1.4 / 4.3.1 / Environmental aspects / Must plan to take actions to address, SA, CO, Risks & Opportunities / Address in Significant aspects, Legal and Other – now Compliance Obligations (CO) & In Aspect Ranking
Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them (title only) / 6.2 / 4.3.3 / Objectives, targets and program(s)
Environmental objectives / 6.2.1 / 4.3.3 / Objectives, targets and program(s) / More on planning / Should be addressed with most MSG systems
Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives / 6.2.2 / 4.3.3 / Objectives, targets and program(s) / Shall consider how actions can be integrated into the business processes / Must include metrics
Support (title only) / 7 / 4.4 / Implementation and operation (title only)
Resources / 7.1 / 4.4.1 / Resources, roles, responsibility and authority / Resources is now more open (examples removed) / No changes for most companies
Competence / 7.2 / 4.4.2 / Competence, training and awareness / Not just related to Significant Aspects, but now “All how affect its environmental performance” / Training
Communication – Posters & Postings
Awareness / 7.3 / 4.4.2 / Competence, training and awareness / “Implications of not conforming with the ems requirements including CO”
“The benefits of enhanced environmental performance” / Training
Communication – Posters & Postings
Communication (title only) / 7.4 / 4.4.3 / Communication / More prescriptive on internal and external communication
Staff / contractor process to enable continual improvement / Update communication procedure
Include process for suggestions
No significant change for most MSG assisted companies
General / 7.4.1 / 4.4.3 / Communication
Internal communication / 7.4.2 / 4.4.3 / Communication
External communication / 7.4.3 / 4.4.3 / Communication
Documented information (title only) / 7.5 / 4.4.4 / Documentation / Language Changes – No really new requirements – Records and Documentation
General / 7.5.1 / 4.4.4
Creating and updating / 7.5.2 / 4.4.5
4.5.4 / Control of documents Control of records
Control of documented information / 7.5.3 / 4.4.5
4.5.4 / Control of documents Control of records
Operation (title only) / 8 / 4.4 / Implementation and operation (title only)
Operational planning and control / 8.1 / 4.4.6 / Operational control / Management of Change Focus (MOC)
More on value chain emphasis (Suppliers and Contractors)
More focus on Design
Lifecycle focus / Clarify MOC Process in Planning Procedure or separate procedure
More on Suppliers and Contractors
More with Companies that include design (Design and Launch Process)
Mainly documentation changes, and few additional actions
Emergency preparedness and response / 8.2 / 4.4.7 / Emergency preparedness and response / Language changes
Performance evaluation (title only) / 9 / 4.5 / Checking (title only)
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (title only) / 9.1 / 4.5.1 / Monitoring and measurement / More on Measurement processes
Shall communicate info relevant to its ems performance both internally and externally as determined by CO and communication process / Update M&M Procedure (s) & Communication Procedure
General / 9.1.1 / 4.5.1 / Monitoring and measurement
Evaluation of compliance / 9.1.2 / 4.5.2 / Evaluation of compliance / Explicit requirement to take action base on evaluation of compliance / Update L&O (Now CO) Procedure
Internal Audit / 9.2 / 4.5.5 / Internal Audit / No Procedure required – No substantive change
General / 9.2.1
Program / 9.2.2
Management review / 9.3 / 4.6 / Management review / Language changes / Update MR agenda / minutes form
Improvement (title only) / 10 / Preventive Action Removed (Now with Risks associated with Threats and Opportunities)
General / 10.1 / Implement Actions
Nonconformity and corrective action / 10.2 / 4.5.3 / Non-conformity, corrective action and preventive action / More Explicit requirement to take action when applicable (e.g. immediate action to control/correct, mitigate…)
Determine if similar NCs exist or could happen (Systemic CAR / CAR impact) / No change to most MSG systems
Continual improvement / 10.3 / 4.1 / General requirements / Must continually improve effectiveness of MES, Improve suitability, adequacy to enhance environmental performance / More emphasis on actually making measurable improvements

Documented Information required:

•4.3 Scope

•5.2 Policy

•6.1.1 Risks

•6.1.1 Processes needed for Risks, Aspects, CO, Planning

•6.1.2 Aspects / Impacts, Criteria for SA, SAs

•6.1.3 Compliance Obligations

•6.2.1 Objectives

•8.1 Operational planning and control

•8.2 Emergency preparedness and response

Documentation Information Retained – (RECORDS)

•7.2 Evidence of Competence

•7.4.1 Evidence of communications

•9.1.1 evidence of M&M, analysis & evaluation results

•9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance results

•9.2.2 Internal audit evidence and audit results

•9.3 Management review

•10.2 Nonconformities & actions taken

•10.2 Results of corrective action

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