William Peter Rea GIBSON

Professor of Otolaryngology, The University of Sydney

Director of Cochlear Implant Centres, NSW

Academic head of Department, The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Visiting medical officer, The Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children

Visiting medical officer, Mater Hospital Crows Nest

Adjunct professor, Department of Audiology, School of English, Linguistics and Media, MacquarieUniversity

Date of birth: 11 June 1944

Married with two children

Education: Epsom College, England

: MiddlesexHospitalMedicalSchool

(The University of London)

Qualifications: MB BS (LondonUniversity) 1967

: FRCS (otolaryngology) England 1972

: MD (LondonUniversity) 1975

: FRACS (by election) 1988

Academic distinctions:

Undergraduate: Freer Lucas Scholar, MiddlesexHospital

Asher Asher prize, MiddlesexHospital

Postgraduate: Harry Stewart Hutchinson Prize, Glasgow University 1976

Runner up: Best paper prize at 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on cochlear implants, Hong Kong Nov 2005

TWJ Foundation travelling fellowship, 1976 & 1978

Harrison Prize, Royal Soc. Med., 1980

Dalby Memorial prize, Royal Soc. Med., 1982

Smith Kline Visiting professor, 1982

Civil Honour Member of the Order of Australia June 1995

Other honours:

Paul Harris Fellow Rotary International 1989

Paul Harris Sapphire Pin (Rotary club of Cambelltown) 2005

Medaille de Bronze Ville de Bordeaux 1991

Vocational excellence award Rotary International 1993

Humanitarian Award - Variety Club of Australia 1994

Honorary professorship at University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Phillipines, 1994

The George Halliday Medal (ASOHNS) March 1995

Judge on International panel for Quota International Outstanding Woman of the Year 1996

Clinical Gold medal, Prosper Meniere Society, 1998

Clinical Award from Society for Promotion of International Otorhinolaryngology 1999

Visiting Journal of Laryngology and Otology Professor to UK in February 2003

The Community Service Award Rotary District 9680 2004

Life member, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, NSW 2009

Gold medal British Association of Otolaryngology, 2009

Honorary membership of ENT UK 2009

Clinical training and experience:

House surgeon ( ENT) MiddlesexHospital July-Dec.1967

House physician BethnalGreenHospital Jan.-June 1968

House surgeon Royal Devon and ExeterHospital June-Dec. 1968

Senior HO Royal Devon and ExeterHospital Jan-March 1969

(general surgery and vascular surgery)

Senior HO Royal Devon and ExeterHospital March-Oct 1969

(accident & emergency, orthopaedics)

Medical officer North London blood Transfusion Service Oct-Jan 1970

(study for primary fellowship examination) Jan-April 1970

Senior HO (ENT) Royal National Throat, Nose

and EarHospital April-Oct 1970

Registrar ENT The Royal Free Hospital Oct 70 - April 72

Research assistant Guy's Hospital Aug 72 - Oct 73

(preparing MD thesis)

Senior registrar The London Hospital Oct 73 - Aug77

(Hon senior registrar RNTN&EHospital Dec 73 - Aug77

(Hon senior registrar Hosp for Sick Children , Hackney) Jan 74 - Dec75

Locum consultant University College Hospital Sept 77-Sept78

Consultant surgeon The National Hospitals

for Nervous diseases, Queen Sq. & Maida Vale Sept 77 - Oct83

Consultant surgeon The Royal National Throat,

Nose and EarHospital, London Sept 78 - Oct83

Associated honorary appointments (Sept 1977 - Oct 1983)

Consultant to MRC Hearing and Balance Unit, Queen Square

Hon Lecturer Institute of Laryngology and Otology

Recognised teacher in The University of London for both

Institute of Laryngology and Otology and Institute of Neurology

Hon secretary of Joint Research Commitee at Institute of

Laryngology and Otology

Medical Adviser: The London Otological Centre

Member of Project Ear Foundation

Present appointment: Inaugural Professor of Otolaryngology at The

University of Sydney since Oct 1983

Associated honorary appointments:

Academic head The Department of Otolaryngology, Royal PrinceAlfredHospital

Director of EAR Foundation The University of Sydney

Adviser to the National Medical Research Council

Research committee of The Australian Deafness Research Foundation

Advisor to the Research advisory committee of The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Medical adviser SHHH

Patron of Sydney Branch of Better Hearing Australia

Chairman of Cochlear Implant Club and Advisory Association

Member of The Board of Otolaryngological Studies, NSW

Medical adviser The Acoustic Neuroma Society of Australasia

Membership committee of Barany Society

Advisory board (neuro-otology) EAR International

Past Australian Medical Adviser, The Medical Defence Union,

Medical Board The Menieres Support Group (NSW)

Board member of The Australian Tinnitus Association

Member of the NSW parliamentary committee on hearing


Savage Club Sydney

Collegium Otorhino-laryngolicum Amicitae Sacrum (since 1973)

Member of sections of otology and laryngology, The Royal Society of Medicine since`1976

Prospere Meniere Society (founder member and gold medalist)

Barany Society (committee member)

Australian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery

Australian Medical Association

Member of American Neuro-otology Society

Member Collegium Neuro-otologicum Amicitae Sacrum

Japanese Audiological Society

Past member of Toynbee Society

Honorary membership of Phillipine Society of Otolaryngology -HNS

Honorary membership of The British Association of Otolaryngologists


British Journal of Audiology (1975-1985)

The American Journal of Otology (1984-1992)

The Ear, Nose and Throat Journal (1991 - )

International Tinnitus Journal (1995- )

Cochlear Implant International Journal (1999- )

Acta Otolaryngologica [1999- ]

` Hellenic otolaryngology {2008-}


British Academic Conference 1975,1983,1991,1995 ,1999,2005,2009

Royal Society of Medicine (section of otology) 1976,1978,1995,

Royal Society of Medicine (section of neurology) 1979

British Society of Audiology 1976,1980,1983

International ERA study group 1973,1975,1979,1981

First course on evoked potentials (Seville) 1974

Centenary meeting Foundation Portmann (Bordeaux) 1976

International neuro-otology course (Sydney) 1981

Microsurgery of the ear (Kualar Lumpur) 1982

2nd Asean ORL congress (Kualar Lumpar) 1984

Workshops on surgery of the inner ear (Colorado) 1982,1986,1990,1994

Collegium ORLAS meetings Budapest 1978, San Francisisco 1980, The Hague 1982,

Munich 1986

Otolaryngological society of Australia meetings, 1981,83,84,85.86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,96, 97,98, 99, 00 03,04, 06

American Academy of Otolaryngology meetings

(instructor) 1982,1988,1989,1990 ,1992,1993 ,

Cambridge Advance otolaryngology course 1978,1980,1982,1986

Otolaryngology society of the New Zealand 1983,89,2008

Children' Cochlear implant Symposium, Denver 1988

Course on endolymphatic sac surgery, Denver 1988,1989,1990,1991

Course on electrocochleography, Denver 1988,1989,1990,1991,1992

Prosper Meniere Society Meeting, Aspen USA 1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1994,1997,1998

Prosper Meniere Society meeting, Zell Austria 2006,2008

Meeting on brainstem potentials, Hong Kong 1988

4th Asean ORL Congress (Singapore) 1989

Temporal bone instructor, Tympanoplasty course,Singapore1989

International symposium on Meniere's disease Taiwan 1990

Satellite Barany Society Meeting on Meniere's Japan 1990

Ist International Perilymphatic Fistula Conference, Portland,Oregon, Sept 1990

Tinnitus 91 Bordeaux 1991

2nd Andian Otology-Audiology Symposium - Las Lenas, Argentina 1991

Visting specialist (IDP) Papua New Guinea, June 1991

Shea Shambaugh weekend of Otology, Chicago 1992

Fifth Asean ORL Congress (Jakarta) 1992

First international conference on ECoG, OAE and intraoperative monitoring


150th Anniversary of BritishHospital, Buenos Aires Oct 1993

3rd International Menière's Symposium, Rome Oct 1993

International Symposium Recent Advances in Otolaryngology-

Head and Neck Surgery Riyahd, 1994

4th Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness, Manila Nov1994

241 Luis Ma Guerrero Professorial lecture, Manila, Dec 1994

Li Dak Sum Lecture The ChineseUniversity Hong Kong Dec 1994

Joshi Memorial lecture Nagpur India

Plenary Speaker The 47th Annual Conference of The Association of Otolaryngologists of India Nagpur Feb 9-12 1995

National meeting of Indonesian Society of Otolaryngology, Jogyakarta, Oct 1995

George Choa lecturer, Hong Kong , November 1995

The International Symposium on the prevention of deafness, Hong Kong, Nov 1995

The Graham Fraser Memorial Lecture, London Feb 1996

The Barany Society, Sydney, 1996 speaker and session chairman, August 1996

Guest speaker The Maharashtra State ENT Conference, Lonavla, India, Oct 1996

Dr Joe De Sa Memorial Annual Oration, Lonavala, India, Oct 1996

Invited speaker, XXX World Congress, International Surgical Week, Kyoto, November 1996

Invited speaker, Chang Gung International Symposium on cochlear implant and related sciences,Taiwan, November 1996

Breakfast grandround, The University of British Columbia , January 16 1997

Organiser of temporal bone surgical demonstrations, panelist (x3), chairman and free paper presenter at 16th IFOS World Conference of Otolaryngology, Sydney March 1997

Panelist at Cochlear Implant Meeting, Melbourne, March 1997

6th International Symp& Workshops on Inner Ear Medicine, Colorado, 1997

Plenary speaker, International conference on ear disease, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan 1998

7th International Symp& Workshops on Inner Ear Medicine, Colorado, 1998

Plenary speaker, 8th Asean ORL-HNS Congress, DavoaCity, Phillipines October 1998

Plenary speaker at 2nd Congress of Asia Pacific Symposium on cochlear implant, Seoul 1999

Speaker, panelist at 4th International symposium on Meniere’s disease . Paris 1999

Kaye Coddington Memorial Lecture, Auckland May 1999

Speaker, British Academic Conference in otolaryngology, Cambridge 1999

Plenary speaker, 5th European symposium on paedatric cochlear implantation, Antwerp,2000

Speaker, 3rd International Symposium on electronic implants in otology, Birmingham,2000

Speaker, 21st Barany Society meeting, Uppsala 2000

Plenary speaker - International conference for Education of the Deaf, Sydney, July 2000

Libby Harricks Memorial Oration, July 2000, Sydney

Plenary speaker at 3rd Congress of Asia Pacific Symposium on cochlear implant, Osaka 2001

Speaker at European CI meeting, Las Palmas March 2002

Speaker at Australian Society of oto rhinolaryngol. HS Perth March 2002

Organiser and speaker at Workshop on bone anchored hearing aids at RPAH May 2002

Keynote speaker at 7th International Cochlear Implant conference, Manchester Sept 4th 2002

Speaker at Barany Society meeting, Seattle October 2002

Plenary speaker IFOS World Conference of Otolaryngology, Cairo, Oct 2002

Speaker at Royal Society of Medicine February 2003

Pleanary speaker at 4th Congress of Asia Pacific Symposium on cochlear implant, Taiwan 2003

Speaker at 7th European Symposium on Paedatric Cochlear Implantation, Geneva May 2004

Plenary Speake at Symposium on Hearing Disorders in Early Childhood, Prague, May 2004

Invited speaker at International Meniere’s symposium April 2005

Invited speaker at Alexandria 23rd International Combined ORL Congress , Alexandria April 2005

Speaker at 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on cochlear implants, Hong Kong Nov 2005

Instructional; session at British Academic Conference Otolaryngology, Birmingham, July 2006

Invited speaker International Congress of Rhinology-otology& skull base surgery Athens August 2006

Invited speaker 5th inner ear disease and cochlear implant symposium Izmir, Turkey Sept 2006

President and plenary speaker APSCI 2007

Invited speaker “The Future of Otology” El Gouna, Egypt March 2008

Speaker Prosper Meniere Society 13th meeting, Zell March 2008

Invited speaker “ 3rd conference on developments in otorhinolaryngology” Athens April 2008

Invited speaker “Frontiers in Otorhinolargology 2008, Noosa, August 1-2 2008

Invited speaker New Zealand sociatey of otorhinolaryngology HNS meeting , Auckland October 2008

Invited speaker; First international meeting on imaging the inner ear, Nagoya November 2008

Invited speaker; 6th Wullstein meeting. Wurzeberg December 2008

Invited speaker 13th BACO ( Gordon Smyth lecturer) July 2009

Plenary speaker Politzer Society meeting London Sept 2009

Invited speaker Austrian national ENT meeting Bregenz Sept (2009)

RESEARCH Please see the separate attached list of the current




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Beagley,H.A, Gibson W.P.R. (1976) Clinical significance of the

cochlear microphonic. In Hearing and Davis: Essays honouring Hallowell Davis Ed. Hirsch,S.K., Eldredge,D.H., Hirsch,I.J. & Silverman,S.R.. Washington University Press: St Louise,Miss.

Gibson, W.P.R. (1979) The physical and functional examination of the ear. In Scott Brown's Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, 4th ed Ed. Ballantyne,J.C. & Groves,H.. Vol 2, 1-48

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Gibson, W.P.R. (1979) The physical and functional examination of the vestibular system. In Scott Brown's Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, 4th Ed. Editors:Ballantyne,J.C. & Groves,J. Vol 3, 49-80 Butterworths: London

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Gibson, W.P.R. (1979) The middle latency responses. In Auditory investigation: The scientific and technological basis. Ed.Beagley,H.A. 472-488 OxfordUniversity Press: Oxford,London

Gibson, W.P.R. (1980) The auditory evoked potentials. In EvokedPotentials- International evoked potential symposium. Ed. Barber,C. 43-54 MPT Press Ltd: Lancaster

Gibson, W.P.R. (1981) The investigation of a suspected acoustic neuroma. In Clinical Audiology.Ed.Beagley,H.A.. Vol 1, Chapter 6, 415-440 OxfordUniversity Press: Oxford, London

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Gibson, W.P.R. (1982) The estimation of hearing acuity using acoustically evoked potentials. In evoked potentials in clinical testing Ed Halliday,A.M. Chapter 9, 313-344. Churchill Livingstone: London

Gibson, W.P.R. (1984) Vertigo associated with trauma. In Vertigo Ed.Dix,M.R. & Hood,J.D. Chapter 18, 373-389. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester

Gibson, W.P.R. (1987) Important ENT issues: hearing loss, otitis media & glue ear. In Child and Adolescent Health for practitioners. Ed. Buchanam,N. 240-254. Williams & Wilkins Pty: Sydney

Gibson, W.P.R. (1988) Cochlear Implants. In Scott Brown's Diseases of the Ear, nose and Throat. Ed.Kerr A volume 3, chapter25, pages 602-617 Butterworths:London

Gibson, W.P.R. (1988) The early diagnosis of the deaf newborn Dilemmas in Otorhinolaryngology. Ed Harrison DFN Chapter 9, pages 159-163. Churchill Livingstone:Edinburgh

Gibson, W.P.R. (1988) Vestibular diagnostic tests. In Otologic Medicine and Surgery. Ed Alberti PW & Rubin RJ. Pages 487-506 Churchill Livingstone: New York.

Waner,M., Gibson,W.P.R. & Pensak, M.L. (1988) Uncommon tumours of the cerebello-pontine angle and the temporal bone. In Textbook of Uncommon Cancer. Ed Williams, C.J., Krikorian J.G., Green, M.R. & Raghavan, D. John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Arenberg, IK, Gibson WPR (1990) Nondestructive surgery for vertigo. In Operative challenges in Otolaryngology-head and Neck Surgery Ed Pilsbury HC and Goldsmith MM Year Book Medica publishers, Inc: Chicago

Gibson, W.P.R. (1991) Neuro-otology. In Clinical Neurology. Ed Swash,M. & Oxbury, M. 1 (9); pages 488-509. Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh.

Gibson W P R (1996) Cochlear Implants. In Scott Brown's Otolaryngology 6th Edition. Gen ED Kerr AG, volume 3 Otology. Ed Booth JB, chapter 25, 1-20. Heinemann & Butterworths, London

Gibson WPR (1999) Removal of the extraosseous portion of the endolymphatic sac. In Meniere’s disease, ed Harris JP, pages 361-369. Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/Paris

Gibson WPR (2009) Electrocochleography in Vertigo and Imbalance: Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular SystemHandbook of Clinical Neurophysiology S.D.Z. Eggers and D.S. Zee (Vol. Eds.),

Vol. 9, chapter 22

Donnelly N and Gibson WPR (2009) Objective audiometry in Ballantyne’s Deafness, ed Graham J

Vol. 9, chapter 22


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Gibson, W.P.R. (1972) A convenient method of examining the post-nasal space. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 86, 1081-1083.

Douek, E.E.,Gibson, W.P.R., Humphries, K.N. (1973) The crossed acoustic response. The Journal of Larynology and Otology. 87,1019-1023.

Dick, R., Gibson, W.P.R., Golton, A. (1973) A marker for middle ear tomography. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 87, 1019- 1023.

Douek, E.E., Gibson W.P.R., Humphries, K.N. (1974) The crossed acoustic response and objective tests of hearing. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 16,32-38.

Groves, J., Gibson W.P.R. (1974) The significance of taste and electrogusometry in assessing the prognosis of idiopathic facial paralysis. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 88, 855 -861.

Groves, J., Gibson, W.P.R. (1974) Bell's (idiopathic facial palsy: the nerve excitability test in the selection of cases for early treatment. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 88,851-854.

Douek, E.E., Gibson, W.P.R., Humphries, K.N. (1975) The crossed acoustic response. Revue de Laryngology. 96,121-125.

Gibson, W.P.R., Walace, D. (1975) Basilar artery ectasia (an unusual cause of a cerebello-pontine lesion and hemifacial spasm). Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 89,721-731.

Humphries, K.N., Gibson, W.P.R., Douek, E.E. (1976) Objective methods of hearing assessment - a system for recording the crossed acoustic response. Medical and biological engineering. 42,1-7.

Gibson, W.P.R., Beagley, HA. (1976) Electrocochleography in the diagnosis of acoustic neuroma. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 90,127-139.

Miller, R., Davies, C.B., Gibson, W.P.R. (1976) Using the acoustic reflex to predict the pure tone threshold. British Journal of Audiology. 10,51-54.

Beagley, H.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1976) Lesions mimicking acoustic neuroma using transtympanic electrocochleography. In Disorders of auditory function,11. Ed. Stephens S.D.G. Academic Press: London

King, T.T., Gibson, W.P.R, Morrison, A.W. (1976) Tumours of the Eighth cranial nerve. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 16, 259-272.

Morrison, A.W., Gibson, W.P.R., Beagley, H.A. (1976) Transtympanic electrocochleography in the diagnosis of retro- cochlear tumours. Clinical Otolaryngology. 1,153-167.

Gibson, W.P.R., Beagley, H.A. (1976) Electrocochleography in the diagnosis of acoustic neuroma. ORL digest. 18,23-32.

Gibson, W.P.R., Beagley, H.A. (1977) Clinical electrocochleography: its application to the diagnostic of acoustic neuroma. Revue de Laryngologie, Otologie.

Gibson, W.P.R. (1977) Measurement of auditory function. British Journal of Clinical Equipment. 2,28-38.

Gibson, W.P.R., Ramsden, R.T.R., Moffat, D.A. (1977) Clinical electrocochleography in the diagnosis and management of Meniere's disorder. Audiology. 16, 389-401.

Gibson, W.P.R., Ramsden, R.T.R., Moffat, D.A. (1977) The immediate effects of Naftidofuryl on the human electrocochleogram in Meniere's disorder. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 91,679-696.

Ramsden, R.T.R., Gibson, W.P.R., Moffat, D.A. (1977) Anaesthesia of the tympanic membrane using iontophoresis. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 91,779-785.

King, T.T., Gibson, W.P.R., Morrison, A.W. (1977) Tumores del Octavo par craneal.British Journal of Hospital Medicine. (Edicion en Espangnol). 88,1887-1904.

Gibson, W.P.R. (1978) An electrocochleographic abnormality associated with tinnitus and the immediate effects of naftidrofuryl. In X1 World Congress on Otorhinolaryngology. Ed. Tato, J.M. and Aruaz,S.A., Club Otorhino- laryngologico:Buenos Aires. 199-203.

Gibson, W.P.R. (1978) The post-auricular sonomotor response. In,X1 World Congress on Otorhinolaryngology Ed. Tato,J.M. Aruaz,S.A., Club Otorhino-laryngologico: Buenos Aires. 343-346.

Ramsden, R.T.R., Jay, M., Moffat, D.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1977) S- Carboxymethyl Cysteine in the treatment of glue ear. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 91,847-851.

Moffat, D.M., Ramsden, R.T.R., Rosenberg, J., Booth, J.B., Gibson, W.P.R. (1977) Oto-admittance measurements in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 91,917-924.

Ramsden, R.T.R., Moffat, D.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1977) Transtympanic electrocochleography in patients with syphilis and hearing loss. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngolgy. 86,827-834.

Moffat, D.A., Gibson, W.P.R., Ramsden, R.T.R., Morrison, A.W., Booth, J.B. (1978) Transtympanic electrocochleography during glycerol dehydration. Acta Otolaryngologica 85,158-166.

Graham, J.M., Ramsden,R.T.R., Moffat, D.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1978) Sudden sensorineural hearing loss: Electrocochleographic findings in the 70 patients. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 92,581- 589.

Beagley, H.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1978) Electrocochleography in adults. In Evoked Electrical Activity in the Auditory Nervous System. Ed. Naunton,R.F. & Fernadez,C. 259-272. Academic Press: New York

Gibson, W.P.R. (1978) The diagnosis and treatment of Meniere's Disease. The Practitioner. 221,718-722. (also published in italian & spanish ed.)

Rosenburg, J.N., Moffat, D.A., amsden, R.T.R., Gibson, W.P.R., Booth, J.B. (1978) Middle ear function in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Annuals of Rheumatic Diseases. 37,522-524.

Gibson, W.P.R., Kanegaonaker, G.S. (1979) Syringing of the ear. Nursing Mirror. 148, (7),24-25.

Halmagyi, G.M., Gresty, M.A., Gibson, W.P.R. (1979) Ocular tilt reaction with peripheral vestibular lesion. Annals of Neurology. 6,80-83.

Ramsden, R.T.R., Wilson, P., Gibson, W.P.R. (1980) Immediate effects of intravenous tobramicin and gentamycin on human cochlear function. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 94,521- 531.

Gibson, W.P.R., Oppenheimer, S. (1980) The value of noting the subject's sensations during bithermal caloric testing. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 94,905-915.

Prasher, D.K., Gibson, W.P.R. (1980) Brainstem auditory evoked potentials:significant latency differences between ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation. Electroencephalography and

Clinical Neurophysiology. 50,240-246.

Prasher, D.K., Gibson, W.P.R. (1980) Brainstem auditory evoked potentials: a comparative study of monaural versus binaural stimulation in the detection multiple sclerosis. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 50,247-253.

Al-Sheikli, A.R.J., Gibson, W.P.R., Oppenheimer, S. (1980) A comparative study of air and water as a caloric stimulus. In Disorders of Auditory Function 111. Ed.Taylor,I.G. & Markides,A. 161-166, Academic Press: London