Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 3rd July 2013, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Cllr Carol PrattCllr Pat Burnett
Cllr Linda Steer
Cllr David Daykin
Cllr Tricia Barber / Clr Richard Cheetham (8.36pm)
Cllr Sue Sprules
Asst Clerk Jo Edmonds
Clerk Jane Heskey
Absent: / Cllrs Tina Domigan, Trevor Allen, John Green, Brian Baldwin, Geoff Bagnall.
Clr John Gregory
Visitors: / Reverend Kim Lepley, Martin Peachey (resident),Mr Smith (resident) and District Cllr Jackie Cheetham
13/ 114 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Clr. Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors and received apologies as above. / All note
13/ 115 /
Declarations of Interest:
None.Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.
/ All note13/ 116 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 5th June 2013, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr Carol Pratt. / All note
13/ 117 / Matters arising from the Minutes
Cllr David Daykin requested an update on minute 13/103 in regards to grants available from DC Jackie Cheetham and Derek Jones for the fencing at the Cricket Club. The Clerk confirmed that this information has been forwarded to the Cricket Club and they now need to apply directly to the District Councillors.
Cllr David Daykin also requested an update on minute 13/110 in regards to a transit site for Gypsy’s and Travellers. The Clerk confirmed that TPC is currently in contact with UDC and ECC in an effort to resolve. / All note
13/ 118 / Open Forum
District Councillor Jackie Cheetham updated the Council in regards to the LGBCE consultation on warding in Uttlesford. Hatfield Broad Oak and The Hallingburys would like the 100 homes at Bush End to remain in their ward. They are unhappy that Bush End community is being split between 2 different wards.
District Councillor Jackie Cheetham also reminded the Council that she has a £2K grant budget for local community groups. Applications should be made for funding.
Discussions at UDC will take place at the end of the year in regards to a transit site for Gypsy’s and Travellers.
Neighbours of Cranwellian are unhappy that there is a private briefing tomorrow for members of the UDC Planning Committee. It is purely a briefing session, as the detail is complex and the Council needs to ensure that Councillors understand the detail.
Mr Smith addressed the Council in regards to the proposed extinguishment of vehicle rights on Byway 25 (Jacks Lane). Mr Smith would like vehicle access once or twice a year via Jacks Lane to his land. Mr Smith is in full support of stopping vehicles using the Lane but would like to be assured that he can access his garden to be able to empty his bio disc. The Clerk will refer this to Mr. Kennedy LOM. / All note/ Clerk
13/ 119 / June 2013 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Cllr Pat Burnett pointed out that the payment for the hire of the Station House was for the Chapel and not hired by ‘Singing from the Heart’.
Financial transactions for June 2013 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted completed bank reconciliation. / All note/ Clerk
13/ 120 / TPC Planning Committee Report & Recommendations 12/6/13
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the committee meeting 12th June 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr Carol Pratt:
UTT/13/1237/HHF 22 Roseacres, Takeley
Brief Description: Alterations to 2 front dormer windows, 2 storey rear extension and alteration to garage.
Recommendation: No objection
No objection in principle providing the proposed changes to the garage do not undermine the adjoining property/garage, and the rear extension does not unacceptably reduce light to the neighbouring property.
UTT/13/1352/HHF 64 Longcroft, Takeley
Brief Description: 1st floor rear extension and loft conversion. 2 roof lights to front elevation.
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/13/1274/FUL The Green Man, Dunmow Road
Brief Description: Change of use of 1st floor from owner’s accommodation to B&B, with new staircase. Construction of fire exit lobby to rear and installation of 2 roof lights.
Recommendation: Objection
UTT/13/1279/HHF Stanholm, Dunmow Road, Takeley
Brief Description: Ground floor and 1st floor extensions. Raise roof height to form additional accommodation.
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/13/1190/OP Land adj Belstock, Cricketfield Lane, Takeley
Brief Description: Erection of 4 dwellings with all matters reserved
Recommendation: Objection
UTT/13/1440/LB & UTT/13/1439/HHF Attridges, Brewers End, Takeley
Brief Description: Construction of new roof and associated works following fire damage
Recommendation: Support
UTT/13/1157/FUL 14 & 14a Hawthorn Close, Takeley
Brief Description: Change existing house and flat to 2 dwellings, to include change of use of one garage to living accommodation and a single storey rear extension.
Recommendation: Objection
/ All note
13/ 121 / TPC Planning Committee Report & Recommendations 19/6/13
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the committee meeting 19th June 2013 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr Carol Pratt.
UTT/13/1393/OP Land South of Dunmow Road, Brewers End
Brief Description: Proposed residential planning application for erection of up to 100 dwellings, to include provision of 5.7 hectares of public open space.
TPC requests that this application is determined by Committee.
Recommendation: Objection
Mark Gibson: Potential development of land on Takeley Street (opposite Taylors Farm)
Mark Gibson came to speak to TPC Planning Committee with a view to developing land on Takeley Street. Mr Gibson is the owner of the land and intends to apply for outline planning only. The current proposal for 6 homes is to include 3 x 3 bedroom house, 2 x 4 bedroom houses and 1 x 5 bedroom house.
The development area is 1.1 acres.
The Planning Committee advised:
1. This site is outside village development limits & within the CPZ
2. TPC will not support any further development in the village that does not meet the housing needs of the community. The community require smaller low rise homes for the elderly and young families - 2/3 bedroom houses or bungalows.
3.The site is very close to Stansted Airport & may require noise studies to determine suitability for development/mitigation.
4. The plot currently includes a pond area and is adjacent to Flitchway/Hatfield Forest. Mr. Gibson should commission an ecological study of the site.
5. Dilapidated stables on the site require specialist asbestos removal.
TPC recommended that if Mr Gibson wanted TPC’s support to revise the plans in line with the needs of the community. Mr Gibson advised the planning committee that he would be submitting the current plans.
/ All note
13/ 122 / LGBCE Consultation re warding in Uttlesford
TPC agreed to resubmit previous comments with an emphasis on the following:-
· TPC supports UDC proposal agreed 1/7/13.
· TPC supports the view that Takeley, Little Canfield, Broxted and Chickney could be grouped to create a members ward.
· TPC believes that communities should remain whole and not split between wards.
· Warding should not be about numbers, it should be about communities. To add Bush End to our ward would be artificial.
· In this rural district it should be an imperative that whole communities are maintained thereby giving equal weight to criteria 2 & 3 to ensure a democratic process that best represents our residents thereby underpinning the fundamental principles of community cohesion and 'localism'. / All note/
13/ 123 / Priors Green Stay and Play Group
TPC approved a donation of £1000 to the Priors Green Stay and Play Group. / All note/
13/ 124 / ROSPA Annual Inspection
TPC agreed payment of £237.60 (including VAT) for the annual safety inspection of the Recreation Ground and Sports Field play equipment. / All note/ Clerk
13/ 125 / RCCE Annual Renewal
TPC agreed payment of £66 (including VAT) to renew membership with RCCE. / All note/ Clerk
13/ 126 / Smith’s Green - Cutting
TPC debated whether to approach the Lord of the Manor re the cutting schedule on Smith's Green. There are those that would be prefer the green to have a more manicured look whilst others prefer a more natural look.
TPC agreed that a survey should be conducted to gather the views of the Smith’s Green residents to decide what action (if any) is required.
The Survey will be included in the next newsletter.
The Clerk will inform LOM of TPC’s actions. / All note/ Clerk
13/127 / ECC Highways Traffic Order in relation to parking restrictions on Bennett Canfield, Priors Green
TPC agreed to support the application. TPC will also requested the presence of the Enforcement Team and the local Police team when new restrictions are put into place.
TPC will also ask TPS to communicate the new parking restrictions in their newsletter. / All note/ Clerk
13/128 / ECC Winter Salt Scheme 2013/14
TPC agreed to sign up to the scheme for Winter 2013/14. Takeley do not require a salt delivery as currently have enough salt in reserve. / All note/ Clerk
13/129 / ‘Reduce your Speed’ – wheelie bin stickers
TPC agreed that they did not wish to purchase the 'reduce your speed' wheelie bin stickers. / All note
13/130 / Morrells Green – 2 x green spaces
(Cllr Richard Cheetham arrived 8.36pm)
TPC agreed to go ahead with the transfer of the green spaces without incurring the cost of searches. As TPC do not intend to develop or dig down into the ground it was decided searches would not be required
UDC has agreed to replace the dead laurels at Morrells Green in the autumn but not with Field Maples as suggested by UDC. TPC will go ahead with the transfer with an understanding from UDC that the soil should be prepared appropriately and the planting is of TPC’s choosing. / All note/ Clerk
13/131 / Recreation Ground refurbishment
TPC authorised the final invoice for the refurbishment of the recreation ground on completion of works. There will be an additional cost for the painting of 3 panel boards on the multi unit piece of play equipment. Spray painting the panels will cost between £50 - £100. / All note/ Clerk
13/132 / Four Ashes Bus Shelters
This item will be carried forward to August meeting as TPC waiting for 2 further quotes. / All note/ Clerk
13/133 / Clerks Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report.
§ Takeley Cricket Club fencing – The additional quotes TPC asked for will be available for the August meeting.
§ The Bench at Roseacres has now been installed.
§ Blocked ditch at Leyfields – Appears there may be a blockage under the playground of the old primary school.
§ Dog waste bins – Speaking with the company installing the dog bins as it appears the job is still not completed with some missing bins on Priors Green.
§ Mobile Library Service – Amendments have been made to the timetable.
§ Superfast Broadband – Information session will take place in Flitch Green on Monday 19th August at 7.15pm. Councillors to contact clerk if interested in attending.
§ GP/Health service in Takeley – NHS England is now the organisation that deals with local surgery’s etc. TPC now have a contact and is hoping to make some progress. / All note/
13/134 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Inspection Report
Cllr Carol Pratt made the report in Clr John Green’s absence. The report was tabled and approved by TPC. / All note/
13/135 / Youth project including Skate park proposals
Cllr Linda Steer has sent a list of equipment that TPS specified in their skate park proposals to UK Skate Parks to cost as a steel structure. UK Skate Parks have completed works for other Parish Councils, Clr Steer will find out who the other PC’s are and will contact for recommendations.
The Assistant Clerk updated the Council on a recent meeting with Caroline Fuller, Clerk of Great Dunmow Council, in regards to her experiences with installing a Skate Park. Caroline has recommended a company called Maverick who installed a skate park in her previous parish. TPC agreed that in order to move forward 3 companies should be asked to attend the site and provide a design with costings.
The Youth Club opening night has been postponed until the CRB checks have been received by TPC. TPC agreed that a 2nd volunteer can also be CRB checked. When CRB checks have been received by TPC a date can be arranged.
The Essex Youth Bus is not scheduled to visit Takeley. / All note /Clerk
13/136 / Non Agenda Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report. / All note
13/137 / Other Reports
Highways - Martin Peachy reported CSW have conducted a lorry count through village. TPC have reported all information to ECC Officers and have asked them to put pressure on individual lorry companies re movements through village.
Verges - The cutting of the verges has been contracted out to Ringway Jacobs. Ringway Jacobs will not confirm when verges will be cut in Takeley. ECC cannot obtain a schedule from the contractor. Have asked ECC to confirm a date for Takeley. TPC agreed to invoke the complaints procedure with ECC as the service is poor. Highway Rangers have capacity for extra work so the Clerk has moved over as much work as possible to the Rangers i.e. village gates. / All note/ Clerk
The meeting finished at 9.50pm
THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on