Ch. 10 and 11 Concept Cube

Rationale: To increase understanding of the impact of Greece and Rome by isolating specific details that show complex understanding of the concept.

The task:

1.  You will be assigned to a group. Each group will be assigned either Greece or Rome.

2.  Research

·  Complete a SPICE chart on your assigned state using multiple sources (your textbook, 1 internet source, and 1 primary source). Record your sources somewhere on your cube.

·  Narrow the information down to the top 5 ideas (concepts) that are essential to understanding the organization of this state. These ideas will become the sides of your cube.

·  You must work together to assure you have complete and accurate information. Your participation WILL impact your grade.

3.  Organize

·  Sketch it first! One side of the cube must be dedicated to the title. What exactly are you going to have on the other 5 sides of your cube?

·  When designing the cube, you cannot just write words on the sides. Each concept needs to be accompanied by a picture, graph, political cartoons, etc. This may be printed or hand-drawn, but needs to have a direct correlation to the concept.

·  Neatness, color and creativity count. How are you going to make it colorful and creative?

4.  Construct your Cube:

·  Fold on the lines above and secure with glue or tape.

5.  Due Date

·  Your project is due at the BEGINNING of your class period on Wednesday, October 15.

·  Late projects will NOT be accepted, so you need to make sure that your group is organized and that the project is ready to go on that date.

·  Group evaluations will be done after all projects have been presented. If you have any problems with your group, you must inform me PRIOR to the due date.