Bicycle Advisory Council
Meeting Agenda
November 12, 2013
8:00 AM
Office of Sustainability, 1680 UCC
8:00-8:10 Call to order and remarks – Mark Pooley
8:10 – 8:55 Updates
· Health Fair
· Winter Warrior Challenge
· Smartphone app
· Bike rental expansion – Communications Center tour results
· Foundation planning
· BAC representative on Jo Co MPO’s Regional Trails & Bicycling Committee
· Iowa Bicycle Summit – January 24, 2014
8:55-9:00 Wrap-up!
· Next meeting is December 10
PRESENT: Joshua Smith, Mark Pooley, Liz Christiansen, George McCrory, Ben Anderson, Susan Beckett, Andy Lynch, Ingrid Anderson, Sara Cooper, Kris Ackerson, Michelle Ribble, John Fuller
Health Fair – George reported that the bike table at the Health Fair last week was a popular stop. He handed out around 125 bike brochures and over 90 attendees took the bike quiz. About 25 signed up for more information. George and Sara prepared the bike quiz display and the new bike brochure. George said he visited with several people who drive and park much farther away from campus and bike in to work. Josh mentioned that he would like to visit with Michelle about adding bike racks on the van pool vans. Andy suggested exploring published routes for bikers coming in from commuter lots. Thanks to everyone who staffed the table!
Winter Warrior Challenge – Sara displayed the (nearly) final web site for the challenge. She’s set up the Twitter hashtag, as well. The group agreed that the challenge should count all miles that were traveled by bicycle instead of car (not just commuting to and from work). The challenge is open to faculty, staff and students. She’s also been out visiting vendors to obtain donated gifts for both the challenge and photo contest winners. An all-campus e-mail will go out before the Thanksgiving break. We may need help from committee members to put up posters. Good work, Sara!
Smartphone App: The Saga Continues – Andy reported that he, Mark and Alex met with Dave Ricketts, Michelle and UI Parking and Transportation IT folks regarding server space to house the app. There were some concerns expressed about privacy and security. Dave offered to put them in touch with the person who helped developed the Bongo app. Kris said he would also talk with the folks at the JoCo MPO.
Bike Rental Expansion – Josh reported that several committee members toured the two rooms at the alley entrance of the Communications Center. One room is being used by the College of Engineering, but another room appears to be available. He recommended that a rack-type storage system should be used to maximize the use of space. Josh said that he would check with Diane Machatka regarding the plans for the space. Ben also suggested contacting Kirk Banks. Josh suggested that both the Office of Sustainability and Rec Services should make a joint request for the space – good idea.
Foundation Planning – Liz reported that after the meeting with Jen Wyatt, she prepared a giving statement for bike support services at the UI. She met with David Triplett at the Foundation yesterday to start the process. Dave was provided with the statement and a list of recommended items and a target for fund raising. Once the statement has been edited and approved, the giving opportunity will be assigned to a staff person.
BAC Rep On Jo Co MPO’s Regional Trails & Bicycling Committee – Kris said that this committee has been trying to expand representation. Michelle is already a UI rep but given the impact of the UI biking community, Kris felt it made sense to add a rep from this committee. It’s suggested that the chair of the committee serve as the rep and the group agreed. The committee meets three or four times a year. Kris said the group would also like to have a rep from Think Bicycles. New representatives must be approved by the committee. Kris said there was a meeting of the committee later that day and that he would report back to the group.
Iowa Bicycle Summit – Mark reminded everyone that the Iowa Bike Summit will be held Friday, January 24, 2014 in Des Moines. Michelle, Liz and Mark plan on going. If anyone else is interested, please contact Liz to coordinate rides.
Wrap-up – Ben reported on the upcoming Jingle Cross event at the JoCo Fairgrounds starting this Friday. Eric Holthaus is looking for recycling volunteers, so contact him if you’re interested – or 384-3415. There’s also a volunteer shift open at the kid zone. If anyone wants to help set up the venue on Friday, please come out to the Fairgrounds in the morning. Ben said that event planners have worked to make this a sustainable event with recycling and incredible local and organic food vendors. This is expected to be a large event, with over 1,300 participants and a total expected attendance of 3,000 to 4,000 people. Both Ben and Ingrid are racing, so stop out and enjoy the food and crowd!
Next meeting - December 10 at 8 AM. Join us for breakfast!!