GCET15 - General Programme
WEDNESDAY 24th SEPTEMBER see page19.00-21.00 / Welcome reception at DOME OF VISIONS, Søren KierkegaardsPlads / 9
8.45-9.10 / Welcome / 5
9.10-9.50 / Keynote lecture:
Jock Martin (Hans Bruyninckx) EEA (European Environment Agency)
Environmental taxation and the transition to a green economy / 14
9.50-10.30 / Keynote lecture:
Prof. Michael Grubb, University College London
Time to take stock – changing the role and narrative of environmental taxation / 15
10.30-11.00 / Tea & coffee break
11.00-12.45 / Parallel sessions I
SAL I: Environmentally harmful subsidies
Salon F: Acceptability and communication
Room 4: Green innovation
Room 5: Tax expenditures and incentives
Room 6: Renewables
Room 9: Energy transition
Room 10: Emissions trading / 24-26
12.45-13.45 / Lunch (sandwich)
13.45-15.30 / Parallel sessions II
SAL I: Environmental fiscal reform
Salon F: Managing fossil fuels
Room 4: Costing transitions
Room 5: Border-tax adjustments and trade law
Room 6: Water management and offsets
Room 9: Carbon taxes ex-post
Room 10: Maritime and aviation emissions / 26-28
15.30-16.00 / Tea & coffee break
16.00-16.20 / Keynote: Prof. Claudia Dias Soares, Portugal’s Green Tax Commission
A green tax proposal to address fiscal and environmental issues / 20
16.20-16.40 / Keynote: Chris Boyd, European Commission
Environmental fiscal reform in the EU / 21
16.40-17.50 / Panel debate on fiscal consolidation and environmental taxation
Chair: Prof. Paul Ekins, University College London
Panelists: FabriziaLapecorella, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Italian EU Presidency)
Ian Parry, IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Chris Boyd (European Commission) and Claudia Dias Soares (Portugal’s Green Tax Commission) / 19-22
18.15- / Optional harbor boat tour with transfer via Langelinie/Little Mermaid to JOSTY / 9
19.00 / Bus departure to JOSTY from Hotel Copenhagen Strand, Havnegade 37
19.30-22.30 / Conference dinner, Restaurant JOSTY, Pile Allé 14a, Frederiksberg / 9
FRIDAY 26th SEPTEMBER see page
8.45-10.30 / Parallel sessions III
SAL I: Fuel taxation
Salon F: Political economy
Room 4: Cleaner Technologies
Room 5: State aid
Room 6: Climate adaptation
Room 9: Green tax policy
Room 10: Carbon credits / 28-30
10.30-11.00 / Tea & coffee break
11.00-11.45 / Keynote lecture:
Counsellor LudivineTamiotti, WTO (World Trade Organization)
The trade and climate change debate and the topic of border tax adjustments / 16
11.45-12.15 / Kreiser Award
12.15-13.30 / Buffet lunch(salon C and D in ground floor)
13.30-15.15 / Parallel sessions IV
SAL I: Road transport
Salon F: Mobilizing actors
Room 4: Accounts and modelling
Room 5: Consumption taxes
Room 6: State vs markets
Room 9: Emerging schemes
Room 10: Implementation and compliance / 31-33
15.15-15.45 / Tea coffee break
15.45-16.25 / Keynote lecture:
Prof. Thomas Sterner, IPCC coordinating lead author and University of Gothenburg
Are carbon taxes the solution? Design of policies to deal with climate change / 17
16.25-17.00 / Keynote lecture:
Prof. Andy Jordan, Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia
Policy innovation in a changing climate: sources, patterns and effects (INOGOV) / 18
17.00-17.20 / Next year’s conference
GCET16 Host
17.20-17.30 / Closing remarks
Prof. emeritus Larry Kreiser, Cleveland State University