/ Date of receipt / Reg. No. (Dnr): / En 5:1

Application and admission certificate for the PhD programme in Informatics[1]

Personal data(* = required information)

Personal identity number *(yyyymmdd-xxxx)
First name * / Surname *
Address *
Post code * / Place *
Telephone-/mobile number / E-mail

Intended degree

Typeof degree
☐PhD degree
☐PhD degree, later part[2]
☐Licentiate degree
☐Change over from other university (please state previous university)

Academic degree for meeting the general entry requirements

Type of degree / University

Proposed supervisors

Main supervisor / Department, university
Primary supervisor / Department, university
Assistantsupervisor / Department, university

continued on next page

Planned fundingand affiliation

Type of funding (seeexplanatory notes at the end of this form)
☐ DTJ ☐ HTJ ☐ FTG ☐ AUH / Source of financing / Reg. No. (Dnr)foremployment
School and departmentat the Universityof Skövde
Affiliation to other university in or outside Sweden (where applicable)
Additional information, e.g.research school

Supplements (* = required information)

☐List of qualifications (e.g. certificates, transcripts from
Ladok, CV)
☐Degree certificate/diploma*
☐Degree project (e.g. master’s thesis)*
☐The above documents were already submitted with
application for employment / ☐Certificate or agreement for funding*
☐Certificate or agreementfor funding if other than doctoral
studentship(doktorandanställning) at the University of
Skövde(state Reg. No. / Dnr)
☐Otherdocuments (please specify)


Date och place * / Signature *

Name in block letters *

Fakultetsnämndens beslut (gäller som antagningsbevis)

Faculty board’s decision (valid as admission certificate)

Anmälan │The faculty board is
☐Beviljas│granting the application
☐Avslås │rejecting the application with the following
explanatory statement / Fakultetsnämndens motivering vid avslag│Faculty board’s explanatory statement[3]
Startdatum, Forskarutbildning HiS │Starting date for PhD studies at the University of Skövde
Datum │Date
Underskrift │Signature * / Namnförtydligande │ Name in block letters *

continued on next page

Explanatory notes

DTJ –Doctoral studentship (doktorandanställning) irrespective of how the post is funded.

HTJ –Other form of employment (than a doctoral studentship) within the student’s own HEI (Higher education institution) or

at another (including outside Sweden) within which PhD studies may be pursued.

FTG –Externally employedPhD student, i.e. a PhD student employed by a company (and paid by the company) and who pursues PhD studies as part of this paid employment. Company include joint-stock company, partnership, limited partnership and sole trader. Employment within a HEI (Higher education institution) that is funded by a company is not reported here but under another appropriate form of income.

AUH –Other formsof employment outsidean HEI (than by a company or as a physician) in which scope is provided for pursuing PhD studies. For instance employees at public authorities, municipalities and county councils or trade unions. Teachers who are working in compulsory or upper-secondary education and studying at graduate schools are to be reported here.

For arole descriptionofmain supervisor, primary supervisorandassistantsupervisorseeRiktlinjer för handledning och studieuppföljning (Dnr HS 2011/483-111).

Application form: application-and-admission-certificate-for-the-PhD-programme-in-informatics.docx, 26 October 2016


[1] This is a translation of the Swedish version (Ansökan och antagningsbevis – utbildnings på forskarnivå I informationsteknologi). In the event of any discrepancy, the Swedish version of this document has preferential interpretation.

[2]Only for PhD students who have previously completed a licentiate degree and now wish to continue towards a PhD degree.

[3]Överklagan behandlas i HF 12 kap. De beslut som tas i antagningsprocessen och beskrivs i antagningsordningen vid Högskolan i Skövde (Dnr HS 2011/12-54) kan inte överklagas.│The procedural requirements for appeals are outlined in the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100, chapter 12). Decisions taken during the admission procedure and stipulated in the admission regulations at the University of Skövde (Reg. No./Dnr HS 2011/12-54) can not be appealed.