Meeting 1: Wednesday 13th July 2016, Scarcroft Village Hall 8pm


Scarcroft Parish Council (SPC):-Breeda MurrayConsultants:-David Gluck

Ruth MiddletonMike Dando

Roger Shirley

Peter Campbell


1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Draft Project Plan

3. Arrangements for consulting on the 1st Draft

4. Additional policy areas to consider and gather evidence for

5 Contracting arrangements

6. AOB

7. Date of next meeting




1. Welcome and Introductions

David and Mike are covering many of Leeds’s NPDs.

Breeda, Ruth, Roger, and Peter helped produce the existing NDP for Scarcroft.

2.Draft Project Plan

See Appendix A

This is the process to be followed from now to adoption of the plan by Leeds City Council in approximately two years. One year to hand over the plan and one year for Leeds City Council to process it, which could be less than a year.

Key Stages :-

2.1 Informal consultation and draft plan… 1 month during Aug to Sept 2016

2.2 Writing the Plan

2.2.1 EU screening likely to be no, not needed (David/ Mike)

2.2.2 March/April 2017 final consultation, with everything coming through SPC (Roger/David)

2.2.3 Section on project and aspirations for NDP should be considered for inclusion (David)

2.2.4 Parishioners will vote on plan; if rejected the NDP would go back for amendment

2.2.5 Concern that if negative vote Leeds CC would take over (Ruth)

2.2.6 Risk of not achieving time frames? (Roger) SPC not completing work on time (David/Mike)

2.2.7 How tight are the time frames? (Roger) They are realistic and achievable (David/Mike)

2.2.8 How will the process be managed? (Roger) Regular meetings and update plan to keep on track (David/Mike)

3. Arrangements for consulting on the 1st Draft

3.1 Send out current document (with sticker to correct date) with covering letter. One or two to be sent to Npower but in general one document per household. There are approx. 800 copies sothere should be some spare. Copies also need to go to stakeholders and employees of businesses.

3.2 In addition to documents, the details will be put on the SPC website and use will be made of email.

3.3 Covering letter:-

3.3.1 ACTION 1: Mike and David to send out draft letter to SPC

3.3.2 ACTION 2: Ruth and Breeda to edit, produce and sign letter to include:- Explanation for 18 month delay Deadline for comments Contact details for comments Next steps Drop-in sessions

3.4 Questionnaire:-

3.4.1 ACTION 3: Mike and David to produce draft questionnaire

3.4.2 Return to drop boxes at a) New Inn, b) Village Hall, or c) Village Hall postal address

3.4.3 Survey Monkey to be set up on website. John Wright is the contact for setting up on SPCwebsite (David/Mike)

3.5 Drop-in sessions :-

3.5.1 To be mentioned in covering letter, one on mid-week evening and one on a weekend day.

3.5.2 Date range is mid-August to mid-September; plan to have one session early part and one late part of this period. Suggested dates, wc 5th Sept and Sat 10th Sept.

3.5.3 ACTION 4: Drop-in dates to be determined by SPC

3.5.4 Recommend using cover of current NDP to advertise sessions (Mike)

3.5.5 Gina (or Andy in East Keswick) has .pdf version of current NDP which can be used to produce poster.

3.6 Delivery of current NDP:-

3.6.1 ACTION 5:SPC has to deliver draft NDP and covering letter by mid-August 2016

3.6.2 Volunteers to be asked to deliver (SPC).

3.7 Stakeholders:-

3.7.1 Any stakeholders to meet face-to-face? (Mike)

3.7.2 Seems not, but could be requested during the consultation.

3.7.3 ACTION 6: Produce an example list of stakeholders and send to SPC (Mike/David).

3.8 Posters:-

3.8.1 ACTION 7: Produce example poster for SPC (Mike/David)

3.9 E-mail contacts:-

3.9.1 List of owners who gave permission for historic to be included in NDP exists (Roger)

3.9.2 ACTION 8: Send e-mail list to Mike and David (Roger)

4. Additional policy areas to consider and gather evidence for

4.1 Any changes or additions to policy areas? Example, Local Green Spaces (LGS)? (David)

4.1.1 Green in front of New Inn (Ruth)

4.1.2 Cricket pitch and land in front of Npower site (Ruth)

4.1.3 Field below playground (Ruth)

4.2 Suggestion to generate candidate list, start with long list to include eg. Woodlands Trust land (Mike)

4.3 ACTION 9: Send to SPC the framework for Local Green Spaces (LGS) (Mike/David)

4.4 Comment that the current NDP has good evidence and good policy but needs crafting (Mike/David)

4.5 Any other policy areas? Eg.Village heart? No line shown on map (Mike)

4.5.1 Line is from New Inn to Playground (Village Hall) (Ruth)

4.5.2 Village Heart becomes stretched if Npower site included.

5. Contracting arrangements

5.1 Contractual payment schedule has been produced, ie. Fee Proposal (David)


5.2 Anything else to be included in Fee Proposal?

5.2.1 Objectives in plan

5.2.2 Rate and Number of days

5.2.3 Details of what is expected

5.2.4 Covering letter to state a) arrangement covered by English Law (Roger) and

b) any disputes go to Leeds City Council (Roger)

5.2.5 The Kippax contract can be used as the basis to show the dispute process (Mike/David)

6. AOB

6.1 None identified

7. Next Meeting

7.1 Wednesday 10th August 7.30pm

7.2 ACTION 10: Check dates for Wed 10th Aug and availability of Village Hall (Breeda)

7.2 Have letter and NDP starting from 15th August.


ACTION 1 : Mike and David to send out draft letter to SPC

ACTION 2 : Ruth and Breeda to edit, produce and sign letter to include:- Explanation for 18 month delay Deadline for comments Contact details for comments Next steps Drop-in sessions

ACTION 3 : Mike and David to produce draft questionnaire

ACTION 4: Drop-in dates to be determined by SPC

ACTION 5: SPC has to deliver draft NDP and covering letter by mid-August 2016

ACTION 6: Produce an example list of stakeholders and send to SPC (Mike/David)

ACTION 7: Produce example poster for SPC (Mike/David)

ACTION 8: Send e-mail list to Mike and David (Roger)

ACTION 9: Send to SPC the framework for Local Green Spaces (LGS) (Mike/David)

ACTION 10: Check dates for Wed 10th Aug and availability of Village Hall (Breeda)

Mike/David: Actions 1, 3, 6, 7, 9.

Ruth and Breeda: Action 2.

Breeda: Action 10.

SPC: Actions 4, 5.

Roger: Action 8.