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Present: Cllr S Fowler (Chairman),Cllr J Harding, Cllr S Hussey, Cllr I Harding and

Cllr H Kilvert

Others Present: Mrs Hubbard (Clerk)

1.Welcome and to consider accepting apologies for Absence

The Chairman welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received from

Cllr P Gardner and Cllr D Twining and these were accepted.

2.To declare any Interests re items on the agenda

There were no interests declared.

3.To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2013

Cllr Hussey proposed the minutes, which hadbeen circulated, be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Kilvert, and carried by the Council. The Vice Chairman signed the minutes.

4.To discuss any matters from the minutes (not on the agenda).

Thank you letters had been sent to Mr Ray Brolly and Mr Tony Barrett, a letter to Susan Nally regarding the Little Dunham Charity trustees and a letter to George Freeman, MP regarding the Broadband problems. The Clerk had received a reply from Mr Freeman’s office stating he is aware of the problems and stating what he is trying to do about them.

5.To discuss Correspondence

The following mail had been received:-

A copy of Clerks & Councils Direct magazine, a copy of Norfolk Link and a copy of Norfolk gritting routes leaflet (which will be placed on the notice board).

Crime report – 2 crimes in November, one for criminal damage, one described as ‘other’, 5 non-dwelling burglaries in December.

e.on – paperwork regarding the setting up of a direct debit from Barclays Bank.

Letter from the Local Government Boundary Commission regarding the electoral review of Breckland and the draft recommendations.

When the burglaries were taking place, an email had been sent out by Cllr I Harding to residents, making people aware of the crimes so they could become more vigilant and take measures. He was thanked by the Chairman for doing this.

6.To discuss any Planning Issues

Mr & Mrs Rogers, Juniper House, construction of detached garage, refusal of planning permission paperwork received.

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7.To discuss any Highways Matters

The Highways Rangers are coming to the parish week commencing February 17th. The Clerk will inform them that the overgrowth around the 3 speeding signs needs cutting back and the signs also need cleaning. There is a large pot hole that needs attention on the southern end of Necton Road, coming into the village from the Necton area. They will also be told about this.

8.To discuss Dunham Lodge

The Clerk had written a letter to Liam Aggett at Albanwise Ltd but had not received a reply. She had managed to talk to him and was informed that the Chief Executive Officer would be sending a reply in due course.

9.To discuss the playing field

The playing field looks clean and tidy. The Chairman mentioned that the handles had broken off the monkey swing play equipment and a swing was also broken. Cllr Kilvert offered to deal with these breakages.

10.To discuss the amenities area

All the hedges have been trimmed. The branches had been removed, free of charge. The Clerk will remind Mr Lake that he needs to meet up with Cllr Hussey to discuss the extra grass cutting he is required to do and to discuss cost. It was thought that the extra cost required should be a maximum of £200.00

11. To discuss the footpaths

Everything is satisfactory.

12. To discuss possible erection of wind turbines in Sporle

Two wind turbines may be put up, but so far no planning application has been submitted. If it does a letter will be written, stating concerns.

13.To authorize any necessary financial payments

The Chairman proposed the following financial transactions be authorized for payment, seconded by Cllr J Harding and carried:-

M.P. Dennis and Sons £114.00 e.on £24.89

Clerk’s net salary for Dec./Jan. £114.56 HMRC Dec./Jan. tax £28.60

Internal audit £18.00

Cllr Kilvert proposed that the donation, which will be given to the Church in September, be raised to £250.00, seconded by Cllr Hussey and carried.

14.To set the precept for 2014/2015

The Chairman proposed the precept be set as last year, at £3,500.00 and this was seconded by Cllr J Harding and carried. The Clerk will inform Breckland of this decision.

15.To discuss update on the website

The Chairman has written a history of the village for the website. There is some work to be done before the website will be up and running but progress is being made. When it is in operation an article will be put into the village magazine advertising its existence.

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16. To receive items for next agenda

To discuss the condition of the notice board

17. To set meeting dates for 2014

The dates for the meeting throughout 2014 were set as follows:-

March 25th at 7.30 p.m.May 27th at 7.30 p.m. Annual parish meeting at 7.00 p.m.

July 22nd at 7.30 p.m.September 30th at 7.30 p.m.

November 25th at 7.30 p.m.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 25th March at 7.30 pm in the Hut.

There being no other business to discuss, Cllr Fowler declared the meeting closed at 8.20 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending

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Chairman Date