Members of the American Pain Society Low Back Pain Interventional andSurgical Therapies Panel, specialty area and affiliation

Paul M. Arnstein, RN, PhD, APRN-BC - Nursing, Boston College

Steven J Atlas, MD, MPH - Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Jamie L. Baisden, MD, FACS - Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin

Claire Bombardier, MD, FRCPC - Rheumatology, University of Toronto

Mark V Boswell, MD - Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Texas Tech University

Eugene J Carragee, MD - Orthopedic Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine

John Anthony Carrino, MD, MPH - Radiology, Johns Hopkins University Medical Center

Daniel Cherkin, PhD - Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research, Center for

Health Studies - Group Health Cooperative

Penney Cowan - Patient/consumer Representative, American Chronic Pain Association

Anthony Delitto, PhD, MHS - Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh

Robert J Gatchel, PhD, ABPP - Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington

Lee Steven Glass, MD, JD - Occupational and Environmental Medicine, State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries

Martin Grabois, MD - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine

John D Loeser, MD - Neurosurgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Timothy R. Lubenow, MD - Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Rush Medical College

Kathryn L Mueller, MD, MPH, FACOEM - Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Colorado Health Science Center

Donald R Murphy, DC, DACAN - Chiropractic, Rhode Island Spine Center and Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Douglas K Owens, MD, MS - Internal Medicine, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Stanford University

Marco Pappagallo, MD - Neurology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Daniel K Resnick, MD - Neurosurgery, University of Wisconsin Medical School

Richard W Rosenquist, MD - Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, University of Iowa

Kenneth G Saag, MD, MSc - Rheumatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham

William O Shaffer, MD - Orthopedic Surgery, University Of Kentucky

Paul G Shekelle, MD - Internal Medicine, Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center/RAND

Steven P Stanos, DO - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University Medical School

Eric M Wall, MD, MPH - Family Practice, Qualis Health - Seattle, Washington

Conflict of interest disclosure statements for American Pain Society Low Back Pain Interventional and Surgical Therapies Panel members

Steven J Atlas, MD, MPH

Fee Income:

  • Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making: Medical Editor for Low Back Pain. Foundation provides 15% of salary
  • Section editor on spinal disease and back pain for UpToDate, receives royalty payments work

Research Funding:

  • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: Research completed within the past 3 years includes grants from the National Institute on Aging, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the American Osteopathic Association, Harvard Medical School Osher Institute, and the Aventis Quality Care Research Fund

Claire Bombardier, MD, FRCPC

Research Funding:

  • Consultant :Merck Research Laboratories, Schering Canada, Wyeth-Ayerst Research, Pfizer
  • Member of Advisory Board: Abbot Laboratories (formerly Knoll Pharmaceutical Co.) for S.O.N.O.R.A. Study, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Merck Frosst Canada, AMGEN (Global Advisory Board in Inflammation) and Merck & Co., Inc., (Global Advisory Board)
  • Hold Research Grant from: Abbott Laboratories and AMGEN.

Gene Carragee, MD


  • United States Army

Fee Income:

  • United States Army
  • Department of Army
  • US Justice Department

Research Funding:

  • Renovis Grant
  • AO Foundation Small Grant

Penney Cowan, Patient/Consumer Advocate

Fee Income:

  • Chronic Pain Network: Ligand – Organon, Advisory Committee

John D Loeser, MD


  • University of Washington Medical Center and UW Physicians

Research Funding:

  • Medtronic, Endo, Elan, Neurogesx, Pfizer.

Kathryn L Mueller, MD, MPH, FACOEM


  • Division of Worker’s Compensation in Colorado, a government agency that produces guidelines to the public at no cost.

Donald R Murphy, DC, DACAN


  • Private Practice specializing in the care of non-surgical spine problems, including back pain.

Ownership Interests:

  • Private Practice (see above)

Fee Income:

  • Private Practice,
  • Consultation with 3rd party payers regarding utilization review
  • IME and related activities
  • Teaching Postgraduate programs

Marco Pappagallo, MD

Research Funding:

  • NIH
  • Glaxo SK
  • Endo

Richard W Rosenquist, MD

Research Funding:

  • Celgene – Radiculopathy study with Lenalidomide
  • Endo – Ziconotide treatment for chronic pain

Kenneth G Saag, MD, MSc

Research Funding:

  • Pfizer, Inc.: Unrestricted Education Research Grant for arthritis survey

Paul Shekelle, MD


  • VA Physicians – Treatment of back pain patients

Research Funding:

  • ACOVE project – Pfizer, Inc.


No conflicts to report

Paul Arnstein

Mark Boswell

Jamie Baisden

John Carrino

Daniel Cherkin

Roger Chou

Anthony Delitto

Robert Gatchel

Lee Glass

Martin Grabois

Timothy Lubenow

Douglas Owens

Daniel Resnick

William Shaffer

Steven Stanos

Eric Wall