Orthopeadic MCQ and OSCE (2nd batch)
- 1st step in Mx of a multiple injured patient is:
- ----
- clear airway, assist respiration and ensure circulation
- transfuse immediately(b)
- Ant. Dislocation of the hip:
- Limb in flexion , ext. rotation and abduction(a)
- Pt sustained an open wound which is bleeding profusely. Before he arrives art hospital, which is the safest method to control the bleeding?
- Elevation of limp
- Local pressure and elevation of limp
- Ligation of the bleeding vessel
- Use of tourniquet
- Pressure over the femoral artery in the groin(b)
- ----
- in Rheumatoid arthritis, one of the following is not a complication of prolong steroid therapy:
- decrease ACTH pit. Secretion
- osteoporosis
- cutaneous straie and moon facies
- pathological #
- increase in serum Potassium(e)
- features of common peroneal nerve palsies
- inability to flex and extend big toe
- anaesthesia of toe
- inability to walk on toes
- ALL of the above
- NONE of the above(e)
- DM foot features include all except
- Foot drop is common
- Anaerobic infection is rare
- Penetrating ulver at base of big toe
- Neurogenic joint of foot occurs
- Gangrene of toe(a)
- most impt pre-requisite of a successful syme’s is
- elderly pt
- fit young pt
- good post. Tibial pulse
- normal ipsilateral knee joint
- normal contralateral ankle joint(c)
- intertrochanteric # treated conservatively get:
- malunion
- non-union
- delayed union
- avascular necrosis of hip(a)
- -----
- Ewing’s and Osteomyelitis can be confused by
- Swelling
- Diaphyseal location
- Periosteal bone formation
- Exploration reveals liquefied material like pus
- All of the above(e)
- child with cystic lesion at epiphysis of long bone, most likely diagnosis:
- osteosarcoma
- osteoid osteoma
- osteochrondroma
- osteoblastoma
- chrondrosarcoma(d)
- earliest bone degeneration in Rheumatoid Arthritis occurs at:
- articular cartilage
- metaphysis
- subchrondral
- periarticular
- diaphysis(d)
- medical Mx of OA includes:
- Nsaids
- Walking aid
- Repeated injection intra-articular of steroids
- Heat therapy
- Weight reduction(c)
- A young female with scoliosis, the most pertinent manoeuver to diagnose the underlying condition is
- Measure leg length
- Pelvic obliquity
- Ask child to bend forward
- Spine Xray
- Look at level of shoulders(c)
- recurrent dislocation of patella
- may be treated by realignment procedure
- more common in males than in females
- usually medial dislocation
- not associated with patella-femoral arthritis
- treated by patellectomy ASAP(a)
- 7/male/afebrile has pain over left knee. no history of trauma. Knee ROM full.
- septic arthritis of hip
- torn right meniscus
- Perthe’s Disease
- Discoid meniscus(c)
- frozen shoulder
- pain in middle 3rd of the arc of abduction
- inability to abduct shoulder, but passive ROM full
- uniform limitation of both active and passive movements
- – (c)
- 13/girl/idiopathic scoliosis. Which of following is not true:
- scoliosis may progress
- hemiverterbra may be seen on T9
- apparent limb length shortening
- shoulder and pelvis not leveled(b)
- semilunar tear of the cartilage of the knee, history of injury is:
- force on the medial side
- lifting of heavy weights on bent knees
- twisting injury on knees bent
- stamping foot violently on the ground
- fall from height in heels(c)