Town of Northwood Planning Board
Site Walk Meeting Minutes_6/17/2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:00 am
Chairman Bob Strobel calls the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Present: Chairman Bob Strobel, Roger LeClerc, Rick Wolf, Babette Morrill, Alternate Victoria Parmele, Selectman Alden Dill; Christopher Berry of Berry Surveying and Engineering; Board Administrator Linda Smith
Chris Berry led members on a walk of the Family Dollar site beginning at the stone wall near Northeast Credit Union.Selectmen Dill asks what the distance from the side boundary to the building is. Mr. Berry states that the corner of the building would be approximately 23’ from the center of the stone wall.
Discussion is held on the trees that will be removed for construction. The store is planned to be 100’ deep and 80’ wide.
Discussion is held on the layout of the site. Mr. Berry explains the design of the site to accommodate storm water runoff and drainage; and the need for the delivery truck to be able to back up and access the loading zone. He adds that he has kept the building back as far as possible. Ms. Parmele notes that the location of the store will not create a village center effect and Mr. Berry agrees. He states that the location is based on drainage which is directed to the NHDOT drainage. He adds that although it is not a standard design, it is specific to the issues on this site.
Mr. Berry states that they have come to an agreement with their abutter Chris Meyers regarding the shared driveway access.
Discussion is held on the driveway entrance and Mr. Berry notes that they are creating a deceleration lane for northbound traffic coming on the site. He adds that they will be installing granite curbing and will have a crosswalk across the right of way.
Ms. Parmele asks for an explanation on the drainage. Mr. Berry explains that it is an underground system with a water quality filter in the system; the stormwater will go through the filter before connecting to the DOT drainage system and eventually to a treatment swale. He notes that it is a “Storm Tech” system and provides details on how the system works. Mr. Berry notes that he has designed an infiltration system for the drainage on the rear of the site which goes into an infiltration pond. He adds that at this point it appears there may be an off site volume increase to the NHDOT system, with a collective increase from the site but is not harmful to other property owners.
Selectmen Dill asks where the sign will be located. Mr. Berry indicates the general area of the sign and notes that it will be on their site, not within the highway right of way.
Chairman Strobel closes the Family Dollar site walk discussion.
Chairman Strobel opens discussion on a review of an application to build on a private road for Thomas and Karen Scoon, 13 Sky Farm Road. Map 221; Lot 13. Planning board members had been requested to visit the location for review and comment. Discussion is held on the status of the road and the history of this lot as it relates to the subdivision. A subdivision plan showing planning board approval and signature is viewed. After discussion on the location, it is agreed that comment will be provided to the board of selectmen indicating that the planning board does not have any specific safety concerns relative to this private road; and to indicate that no research on the status of the road has been done by the board.
Meeting adjourned at 10:04 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Smith, Board Administrator
Official as of June 24, 2010