OCTOBER 24, 2008



November 12th from noon until 2 PM---M.A.G.I.C. Collaborative Board meeting will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds.


Oct. 25th and Nov. 1st have been set as Fall Visitation Days for students interested in visiting Waynesburg University. Prospective students can meet and interact with current students, faculty and admissions counselors. Check-in begins at 8:30 AM at the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. To register, please call 800-225-7393.


October 25th from 6 to 10 PM, the Family Faith Ministries (550 W. George St., Carmichaels) will host an alternative to Halloween called “Light the Night.” This family event will include: prizes, food, live music, games and skits. For more information please call Tim Ackley at 724-998-8773.


Oct. 25th from 7 AM to 3 PM the Franklin Township Supervisors have scheduled a Fall Clean up day for Franklin Township’s residents. Please bring unwanted items to the township building on Rolling Meadows Road. All air-conditioning units and refrigerators must be tagged with the Freon removed. The following items will NOT be accepted: batteries, tires, microwaves and oil.


October 28th from noon until 1 PM at the Ft. Jackson Building, 3rd Floor Conference Room, 19 South Washington Street in Waynesburg the Greene County Tobacco Control Program is hosting a luncheon for MAGIC members on available tobacco cessation programs and the new PA Clean Indoor Air Act. Please join in for this hour-long informational session. Admission is free and lunch will be provided. Space is limited. Please RSVP to Tracie Wilson at 724-852-5276 Ext. 525 or email . Information packets will be available.


Aleppo Township Oct. 31st 5 – 6:30 PM

Carmichaels Borough Oct. 25th 2 – 4 PM (Parade is Oct. 26th –line up at 1:30 PM at Yoskovich Funeral

Home parking lot….procession will begin at 2 PM)

Clarksville Borough Oct. 31th 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Cumberland Township Oct. 25th 2 – 4 PM

Franklin Township Oct. 30th 4 to 6 PM

Freeport Township Oct. 31st 6 – 8 PM

Gilmore Township Oct. 31th 6 – 8 PM

Gray Township Oct. 31th 6 – 8 PM

Jackson Township Oct.31st 6 – 9 PM

Jefferson Borough Oct. 31st 6 – 7:30 PM

Jefferson Township Oct. 31st 6 – 7:30 PM

Monongahela Township Oct. 31st 6 – 8 PM

Morgan Township Oct. 31st 6 – 7:30 PM

Morris Township Oct. 31st 6 – 7:30 PM

Perry Township Oct. 31st 5 – 6:30 PM

Richhill Township Oct. 31st 6 – 8:00 PM

Springhill Township Oct. 31st 6 – 8 PM

Washington Township Oct 31st 5 – 8 PM

Wayne Township Oct. 31st 6 – 8 PM

Waynesburg Borough Oct. 30th 4 – 6 PM (Lions Club parade –line up at 6 PM in the Morgan St. parking lot—will begin at 6:30 PM)


October 31st from 7 until 10 PM there will be a special Halloween Skate held at the Mon View Roller Rink in Greensboro (724-943-3440). Admission is $5.00 and everyone is encouraged to bring their costume. Treats will be available for everyone. Judging will take place at 8 PM with prizes for the following categories: youngest, ugliest, prettiest, scariest and most original.


Up until October 31st Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Inc. will be accepting applications for the Angel Tree Program. A child must be 12 years old or under and must be signed up by the parent or legal guardian (based on 135 % of the Federal Poverty Guidelines). Information required: Child’s Name, Child’s Birth Date; Child’s Social Security number, Child’s shirt/jeans/shoe sizes; Gross Monthly Family Income, Parent’s Name, Address and Phone Number; 2-3 Wish List Items (No electronic Items). Greene County office is 724-627-6410.


October 29th-Nov. 1st at 7:30 PM---The Waynesburg University Players will perform their rendition of The Crucible. This event is not recommended for small children and will take place at the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. Free admission. For more information call 724-852-3226.


October 30th—10th Annual Greene County Job Fair to be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds from 10 AM to 3 PM. This event is sponsored by the Greene County Commissioners and the Pennsylvania CareerLink of Greene County. Please bring an up-to-date resume and dress appropriately for an interview.


October 31st from 9 AM to noon the Board of Directors of Southwestern Pennsylvania Human Services, Inc. cordially invites you to the Open House for SPHS Greene County Mental Health. Location: 35 South West Street in Waynesburg. Please come and learn more about this program and other SPHS Programs that are offered throughout Greene County (SPHS Care Center: STTARS Program; Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program/SPHS Area Agency on Aging/SPHS Connect: Homeless Assistance Program) Light refreshments will be served.


October 31st at 6 PM there will be a Costume Party and Halloween Idol Contest at Rohanna’s Restaurant and Golf Course. There will be $100 First Prize for the best costume. If you dare to face the judges for the Halloween Idol Contest you must contact Tom at 724-998-8781and please be prepared to provide your own background music. First Prize is $300 and Second Prize is $150. The evening will include fireworks display, free hay rides and the 2008 Return of the King “Elvis” Starring Tom Ankrom. All proceeds will benefit the Waynesburg Police Association. Admission: Donations requested.


November 1st from 9 AM to 4 PM at the Waynesburg Central Elementary School (90 Zimmerman Drive, Waynesburg) the Social Service League invites everyone to attend their14thannual craft show. Admission is free and there will be an activity room to help entertain the children while you shop. The day features: hand-crafted items by local artists, refreshments for sale and a crafter’s raffle.


November 2nd—clocks are set back one hour.


November 3rd marks the opening of the LIHEAP Program (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program) which helps low-income families pay for their heating bills. You do not have to be on public assistance to apply. Applications are available at our local County Assistance office (724-627-8171)or you can apply online at There are Cash Grants which help families pay their heating bills. The Crisis Grants help families who have an emergency and are in danger of being without heat (broken heating equipment, leaking lines, fuel shortage or utility service shut off). Income guidelines: Family of 1….$15,600; Family of 2…..$21,000, Family of 3…$26,400, Family of 4 ….$31,800, Family of 5…..$37,200, Family of 6…..$42,600, Family of 7..$48,000, Family of 8…$53,400 (add $5400 for each additional person). The program closes March 31, 2009, however the length of the program may change depending on availability of funding.


Nov. 4th at the 4 H Building at the Greene County Fairgrounds from 10 AM to noon the Dollar General Literacy Foundation and the National Center for Family Literacy are presenting a parent workshop. It takes just a minute to teach your child a new word or chant a nursery rhyme together. This workshop will offer a free kit of learning materials, share information about early literacy development, teach parents how to use the materials to promote children’s language and literacy skills and take time to share with other parents and have some fun. The workshop is limited to 50 participants, so it is important to call and register. Refreshments will be served and one family will win a desktop computer! For more information please contact John Buchanan by calling 724-222-9100 Ext. 453.


November 4th at 7:30 PM----Waynesburg University Jazz and Percussion Ensembles will hold their Fall Concert. This event is free and will take place at the Stover Campus Center.


Nov. 9-10 --High School Seniors are invited to stay overnight on campus with a Waynesburg University student host. Come and see what Waynesburg University has to offer. Check-in time will be held in Miller Hall at 4:30 PM. Please call 800-225-7393 to register.


November 7th from 8:30 AM until noon the Greene County Chapter of School Retirees has planned a special Community Outreach Program to provide important and relevant information to members of our community who are 55 years and older (however, all ages are welcome to attend). Topics include: Preventing Identity Theft/Fraud, Preparing for Medicare/Medicare Updates, Maintaining a Healthy Brain, Digital Television Transition & New Technologies, Social Security Update and Exercising with the Wii. This event will be held at the Greene County Education Center of Westmoreland County Community College in EverGreene Technology Park, Waynesburg. There will be a $10 registration fee on the day of the program or you can register for $5.00 by calling 724-627-8379.


November 12th from noon until 2 PM there will be a full board meeting of the M.A.G.I.C. Collaborative held at the Greene County Fairgrounds.


On November 15th from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM the semi-annual multiphasic blood analysis program will be held at Southwest Regional Medical Center on Bonar Avenue. This event is sponsored by Southwest Regional Medical Center and the Waynesburg Rotary Club. Pre-registration is required. Please call 724-627-2623 or visit their website at


Beginning on November 17th through November 22nd (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM) and Nov. 23rd 1 PM to 4 PM and Nov. 24th 8 AM to noon the Oak View United Methodist Church will once again be the Greene County collection site for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child project. The goal of this mission project is to share the joy of Christmas with less fortunate children around the world. To participate, please fill a standard-sized shoe box, or a similar sized plastic container, with school supplies, hard candy, hats, gloves and small toys. Gifts can be for girls or boys in three age groups: 2 to 4, 5 to 9 or 10 to 14. Please do not include war-related items, chocolate, liquids or anything breakable. If you choose to wrap the gift, please wrap the lid separate from the box and secure with a rubber band. Our goal is to collect 900 shoe boxes in 2008. Oak View United Methodist Church is located at 160 Rolling Meadows Road in Waynesburg. Contact person is Nicki Strayer (724-883-4020) or email


Nov. 18th at 7:30 PM—Soprano Svetlana Strezeva & Pianist Milana Strezeva will perform at the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. Admission is $5.00 (Waynesburg University students—free).


Nov. 19 to Dec. 7th—Ten Thousand Villages works with over 100 artisan groups in more than 30 countries to bring fair trade jewelry, home décor, gifts and more to the consumer. As one of the world’s oldest and largest fair trade organizations, it builds long-term relationships with artists that are based on mutual understanding and respect. Come and see the many products available for purchase at the Stover Campus Center, 2nd Floor. Hours: Mon.- Fri 10 AM – 1 PM and 4 PM – 7 PM; Sat and Sun.: Noon – 4 PM and 6 – 7:30 PM.


Nov. 20th from 10:30 AM until noon at the Greene County Fairgrounds there will be a free food distribution open to income-eligible guests. Please bring your own bags and boxes.


Nov. 20th at 9 AM—students in grade 7 – 12 are invited to join the Waynesburg University faculty and students for a day dedicated to creative writing. Students will hear from a keynote speaker, be given an introduction to the Scholastic Writing Competition and will participate in a number of workshops. Goodwin Performing Arts Center will be the location of this event. Call 800-225-7393 to register.


Nov. 20th at noon—Waynesburg University Music Department will present a variety of ensembles during this second Chamber Works concert of the fall semester. Location: Benedum Hall, Room 108. Admission is free.


On November 20th The University of Pittsburgh’s Small Business Development Center will be offering a free seminar on starting your own business. Topics include: Business Structures, the Important Forms, Supportive Professionals, Establishing Capital and Writing a Business Plan. The seminar runs from 8 AM to 10 AM and will be held in their offices located in the Fort Jackson Building, Mezzanine Level (Suite 150) in Waynesburg. Please call 724-627-9054 to register for this workshop.


Distribution date will be November 22, 2008 from 9 AM to 10 AM in Waynesburg at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Orders for November will be taken until November 7th. (Please note: deadline for mail-in orders is earlier). There is presently only ONE site for placing your order and pre-payment: Becky (724-833-5115) at Oak View Methodist Church (there are several sign-up opportunities). Payment may be mailed: must send a money order only, made payable to: Oakview United Methodist Church (no food stamps or personal checks accepted by mail). Tell your neighbors, family and friends. Volunteers are welcome. To order by mail send payment of $30.00 to: Oakview United Methodist Church Attention: Becky—AFM at 160 Rolling Meadow Road, Waynesburg, PA 15370

For information only please email .

N O V E M B E R2 0 0 8

Balanced nutrition and variety with enough food to feed a family of four for a week. / SENIOR/CONVENIENCE BOX
For Seniors or People on the Go!
Ten perfectly seasoned, nutritionally balanced, fully cooked meals—just heat and serve. Each meal has been developed with the dietary needs of senior citizens in mind, and contains 3 oz. of protein, a starch & two vegetables or fruit. / THANKSGIVING DINNER BOX
(Quantities are Limited, So Place Your Order Today!!)
Our special holiday box contains everything you need for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Order one for your family and one for a family in need this holiday season.
Feeds average Family including 2 adults and 2 children.
1.5 lb.New York Strip Steak (4 x 6 oz.)
3 lb.IQF Split Chicken
2 lb. Baby Back Pork Ribs
2 lb.Chicken Chunks
28 oz. Jumbo Charbroiled Beef Patties with Gravy
1 lb. Smoked Sausage
1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 lb. Green Beans
1 lb.Diced Sweet Potatoes
10 oz. Peanut Butter
15 oz. Cranberry Sauce
7 oz. Beef-Flavored Rice & Vermicelli
20 oz. Shoestring Fries
32 oz. 2% Reduced Fat Shelf-Stable Milk
6 oz. Pancake Mix
One Dozen Eggs
One Dessert Item / Sweet 'n Sour Chicken: Slow-Cooked Chicken Chunks served in a Sweet 'n Sour Sauce over Steamed Rice. Steamed Broccoli with Mushroom Pieces accompanied by Wax Beans.
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce: Spaghetti Noodles served with a Rich Traditional Italian Meat Sauce, Seasoned Italian Green Beans, Diced Pears and an Oatmeal Cookie.
Chili Con Carne: Chili Con Carne with Ground Beef served with Elbow Macaroni, Carrot Coins and Beets with Onions.
Chicken with Creole Sauce: Tender Chicken Pieces served with Classic Creole Sauce, accompanied by Mashed Potatoes, Peas with Mushrooms and Pineapple Chunks.
Ground Beef Teriyaki Stir Fry: Seasoned Ground Beef with a Teriyaki-Flavored Sauce served over Penne Noodles, accompanied by Lemon Pepper Green Beans, and a Sugar Cookie.
/ Chicken Ala King: Luscious Chicken in traditional Ala King-Style Sauce, served over Rice, with Seasoned Green Beans and Sliced Beets.
Beef Cabbage Casserole: Seasoned Ground Beef interlaced with delicious Cabbage Leaves, served with Creamed Potatoes and Green Peas with Carrots.
Chicken Rice Pilaf: Tender White Chicken served over perfect White Rice Pilaf, accompanied by Broccoli Cuts with Diced Red Peppers and a Chocolate Chip Cookie.
Turkey Tetrazzini: Diced Turkey in a luscious Cream Sauce with Mushroom Pieces served over Spaghetti, accompanied by Seasoned Green Beans with Onions and Italian Seasoned Diced Tomatoes.
Chicken Stew: Slow-Cooked White Chicken with Diced Potatoes and Diced Tomatoes lightly seasoned and folded into a Chicken-Flavored Broth. Stew is served over lightly seasoned Rice with a side dish of Sliced Celery and Carrot Coins, a Southern Biscuit and Apple Sauce for dessert. / 7lb. (avg.) Perdue Roasting Hen
2 lb. Heat and Serve Mashed Potatoes
2 lb. Heat and Serve Corn
2 lb. Heat and Serve Green Beans
17 oz. Cornbread Stuffing
4.5 oz. Brown Gravy Mix
15 oz. Cranberry Sauce
8 Dinner Rolls
One Dessert Item
$30.00 / $28.00 / $30.00

***One or More Specials Below Available Only with the Purchase of Either of the Boxes Above***

7 lb. Grill Box$21.00
2 lb. Choice Cut Beef Roast
2 lb. St. Louis Style Pork Ribs
2 lb. Hamburger Beef Steaks (4 x 8 oz.)
1 lb. Mild Italian Sausage with Mozzarella Cheese
4.5 lb. Meat Combo$21.00
1.5 lb. Bone-In Ribeye Steaks (2 x 12 oz.)
1.5 lb. Kansas City Strip Steaks (2 x 12 oz.)
1.5 lb. Boneless Center-Cut Pork Chops (4 x 6 oz.)
4.5 lb. Flavored Boneless/Skinless
Chicken Breasts$18.00
1.5 lb. Rotisserie Flavor (4 x 6 oz.)
1.5 lb. Lemon-Fajita Flavor (4 x 6 oz.)
1.5 lb. Sun-Dried Tomato Flavor (4 x 6 oz.) / NOVEMBER SPECIAL #4
Fresh Fruit and Veggie Box$21.00
3 lb. North Carolina New Crop Red Rome Apples
3 lb. Washington State New Crop Granny Smith Apples
4 lb. New Crop Florida Navel Orange
1 stalk California Celery (in sleeve)
4 lb. Premium Idaho Baking Potatoes
3 lb. New Crop North Carolina Sweet Potatoes
2 each Ruby Red Florida Grapefruit
1 lb. Premium California Carrots (cello wrapped)
2 lb. Large-Medium Yellow Onions
Orders Due:Check with your Local Host Site*
Distribution Day: Saturday, November 22*
*Please note that some host sites have earlier order deadlines and distribution dates. Please contact your local host site for information.
Locate a host site near you
Angel Food Ministries Reserves the Right to Substitute Any of the Above Items Due to Availability, Cost and Quality
We Accept Food Stamps (EBT).
Angel Food Ministries is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights Washington, DC 20250-9410


December 4th from 1 PM to 6 PM the Bowlby Public Library (311 N. West Street in Waynesburg) will hold their annual holiday tea. There will be speakers, musical entertainment, refreshments and photographs with Santa.


On Saturday, December 6th at 7:30 PM and again on Sunday, December 7th at 2:30 PM the Waynesburg University Music Department will present their annual Christmas Concert offering seasonal music from around the world. Everyone is invited and the admission is FREE.