Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee

held on Friday, 9 May 2008 at 2.00 pm

in Conference Room, Summerfield House


David Cameron, Chairman (Chair)

Sharon Duncan, Staff Side Rep

Stuart Hannabus, Humanist Society

John McKinnon, Infection control Manager

Fred Coutts, Head of Spiritual Care

Sarah Campbell, GREC

Kitty McDonald, Chaplaincy Volunteer

Margaret Coll, Catholic Representative & Chaplain

Elizabeth McDade, Non-Executive Board Member

Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications

Ian Groves, Sessional Chaplaincy Rep

In Attendance:

Alan Gray, PWC

Mary Innes

Item / Subject / Action
1 / Welcome and Introductions
David Cameron welcomed everyone and introductions were made round the table.
2. / Apologies
Apologies had been received from Harvey Grainer, Sue Kinsey, Harriet Mowatt, Muriel Knox, Bill Mitchell and Sylvia Spencer.
3. / Presentation – Dr Ayaz Shah from the Muslim Community
Dr Shah was welcomed to the meeting and he gave an interesting and informative presentation on the Muslim faith highlighting the following:
For Muslims admitted to hospital, staff need to be made aware of the following:
  • They have to pray 5 times a day on carpet facing Mecca. Local Mosque publishes monthly timetable
  • They are required to fast at Ramadan, although this does not apply to inpatients.
  • Food and drinks – meat has to be slaughtered in Muslim way, no alcohol, alcohol based medicines can be used in emergencies. Vegetarian food suitable – not allowed animal fat
  • Muslim women cover themselves fully – this is part of their belief. In the hospital women patients should be provided with long gowns, or allowed to wear own clothes. Muslim women prefer female doctors.
  • Termination of pregnancies not tolerated at all
  • After birth – requirement to recite Allah – male babies to be circumcised before child one year old
  • Death – patients will wish to recite verses from the Qur’an plus somebody should be there to encourage recital or someone else to recite for them. After death, body should be covered, eyes and mouth should be closed. The body should be buried as soon as possible after death, therefore documentation should be prepared as soon as possible. The body has to be washed in a specific way by someone who has knowledge.
Issues to be addressed included:
Provision of quiet and clean place with the directions to Mecca
Prayer mats and copies of the Qur’an
Awareness of staff about spiritual requirement of patients
Use of alcohol free medicines
Awareness of kitchen staff re catering requirements
Cubicles for female only
General staff awareness of Islami
It was noted that many of the above were already available at ARI but that other hospital sites were not so well equipped.
The Committee agreed to the suggestion of a leaflet highlighting all of these.
It was recognised that some of the issues could be dealt with straight away and Dr Shah was invited to continue his liaison with this Committee.
DC thanked Dr Shah for his enlightening presentation. / FC
4 / Minute of Meeting held on 17 January 2008
Accepted as a true record.
Matters arising not on Agenda
Reference to Sessional Chaplains – no update – still ongoing. A letter had been received letter from Church of Scotland urging action.
5. / Matters Arising
5.1 / Infection Control
Instead of producing new leaflet existing leaflets to all faiths. It was noted that NHSG was one of 3 pathfinder sites for Scotland for MRSA screening which would involve screening every patient coming into ARI and Woodend for MRSA. This would result in a huge workload, including information and advice to public and patients in particular.
5.2 / National Conference
FC attended this useful conference with representatives of Scottish churches and a link to the report had been included in the agenda. Included in the conference was a paper on denominational chaplains and generic chaplains and the changes taking place.
5.3 / Chapel at Dr Gray’s Hospital
It was noted that the area has been identified and plans drawn up for the interior of the area. £48 k had been provided to cover this work and £12 k raised by the community. It was hoped to take on board as many of the other faiths as possible. The spiritual area should be ready by September. It was agreed to send a copy of this minute to the Presbytery of Moray. / LG
5.4 / Chapel at RoyalCornhillHospital
This work was ongoing and the plan was to rebuild on the present temporary site. Chaplains had been asked to put forward their requirements and this had been favourable received. It was suggested that the next meeting should be held at RCH.
5.5 / Spirituality in Healthcare Interest Group (SPHIG)
The chair of the group would be invited to attend a future meeting. / LG
5.6 / CPE Course
It was agreed to invite Mark Rogers (chaplain) who was now attending the second block of Clinical Pastoral Information Interfaces, should be invited to come to make a short presentation at the next meeting. / FC
5.7 / Research
It was noted that Harriet Mowat and Jim Simpson had completed research on the benefits of spiritual intervention for patients with dementia in the community. / All
5.7 / Religion and Belief Matters
A booklet had been circulated for information about an event on 9 June – if interested let FC know.
6 / Recording of Religious Information
The following was highlighted:
  • Attempting to streamline admission documentation and make use of forms used previously.
  • The subject of patient access to spiritual care would now be going to OMT – frustrations and concerns both internally and externally.
  • White cards – not being well used – work in progress.

7. / Spiritual and Religious Care Capability and Competencies for Healthcare Chaplains
The link in the agenda was a very technical document covering the future shape of chaplaincy – moving towards promoting 10 generic competencies. It was noted that NES had commissioned a postgraduate certificate level course starting in the autumn of 2009 leading up to Diploma and eventually a Masters degree. This would be the training route for the future.
8. / Operational Issues
The following was highlighted:
–Events to mark the anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster.
–Following the death of Dr Mohammed Elfellah, pharmacy staff did not feel they had a chance to engage and grieve at the time because of customary quickly arranged Muslim funeral. Amemorial was held in that ARI Chapel some time later and this had been very well received by staff and his family. Special thanks were extended to Sylvia Spencer and Dr Amr Mahdy.
9. / Celebration for 60th Anniversary of the NHS
It was agreed to look at the possibility of a multi-faith service to be held later on in the year. It was recognised that this would involve a lot of work but that the concept was a very good one. / FC
10. / AOCB
Bishop Bob Gillies of the Scottish Episcopal Church was available to come to the next meeting of the Committee.
11. / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be on Friday, 22 August 2008 in the Conference Room, Summerfield House (as noted in the minute, looking at the possibility of holding this at CornhillHospital)
Spiritual Care Evaluation Workshop
Alan Gray, PWC, was welcomed to the meeting to lead the workshop on how to enhance the work of the Committee.
A report will be produced by PWC highlighting the discussion and putting forward recommendations to improve the work of the committee.


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