June 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM

Depauville Social Hall

Regular Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Lynn Schnauber at the Depauville Social Hall.

Roll Call: Commissioners present: Chairman Lynn Schnauber, Vice Chair Deb Farmer, Hal Matthews, Jim Kenney, Tom Grant, Dale Harvey, Ray Lowe Excused: LucianneLaPierre (Sec/Treas)

Others Present: Chris Barton Chief;Arnie Disotell Chief Curtis Harvey Larry Girard 2nd Assist Chief

Agenda Amendments:

Jefferson Co Board of Elections

Approval of the minutes: Motion made by Commissioner Grant to accept the minutes of May 11, 2016 with amendmentsas presented, 2nd by Commissioner Harvey. Motion carried.

Approval of abstract: Motion made by Commissioner Kenneyto approve payment of abstract as presented, 2nd by CommissionerHarvey . Motion carried.

Financial Report: Reports provided in board packet

Correspondence: Jefferson Co Board of Elections-Use of building starting 2017 Motion made by Dale Harvey, 2nd by Tom Grant to grant use of hall.

Chiefs Reports

Clayton FD: Chief Chris Barton reported on the following:

19calls for May

Solar Energy Reading 6/1/2016 EZ Meter Total 31027

Chief Barton reported on arrival of artifact from 911 that occurred yesterday.

Purchase Requests: none

Depauville FD: Chief Arnie Disotell reported the following:

17 calls for May

New Member Aaron StevensMotion made by Dale Harvey 2nd byRay Lowe to approve membership of Aaron Stevens

Purchase Requisitions: None

Use of Building

Depauville: None new

Clayton: None new

Old Business

  1. Grants-Deb Farmer-DEC Grant-Depauville radios 6 applied for
  2. Strut Bid (opening)-Lynn Schnauber-tabled
  3. Clayton Building roof-Chairman Schnauber-Reported that attorney is reviewing all the paperwork at present, will receive a letter when all data reviewed.
  4. Depauville membership-Chairman Schnauber-Reported Perry Dugan Jr and Casey Reynolds vote needs to be voided. They belonged to another department at the time of the election. Cannot belong to 2 departments at same time according to NYS. Motion made by Dale Harvey 2nd by Jim Kenny to rescind approval of Perry Dugan and Casey Reynolds due to dual membership Carried.
  5. Depauville Station-Lynn Schnauber-Reported that building 65 X 75 feet. Preliminary plans laid forward for review, will pursue grant funding

New Business:

  1. Chief Barton reportedoverhead door came down has been repaired. Rescue truck will be down next week to Chiefs show Wednesday thru Sunday. Equipment on other trucks.
  2. Larry Girard-Joe Plummer is looking for another tower site, potential of the old town site on top of hill.
  3. Dale Harvey questioned repairs to ladder truck Chief Barton reported it will go out for repair when list is completed.

Public Comment: none

Other Business: none

Adjourn-Motion made by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn at 7:18 PM, 2nd by Commissioner Kenney . Motion carried.

Submitted by Commissioner Deb Farmer