June 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Depauville Social Hall
Regular Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order at 7 PM by Chairman Lynn Schnauber at the Depauville Social Hall.
Roll Call: Commissioners present: Chairman Lynn Schnauber, Vice Chair Deb Farmer, Hal Matthews, Jim Kenney, Tom Grant, Dale Harvey, Ray Lowe Excused: LucianneLaPierre (Sec/Treas)
Others Present: Chris Barton Chief;Arnie Disotell Chief Curtis Harvey Larry Girard 2nd Assist Chief
Agenda Amendments:
Jefferson Co Board of Elections
Approval of the minutes: Motion made by Commissioner Grant to accept the minutes of May 11, 2016 with amendmentsas presented, 2nd by Commissioner Harvey. Motion carried.
Approval of abstract: Motion made by Commissioner Kenneyto approve payment of abstract as presented, 2nd by CommissionerHarvey . Motion carried.
Financial Report: Reports provided in board packet
Correspondence: Jefferson Co Board of Elections-Use of building starting 2017 Motion made by Dale Harvey, 2nd by Tom Grant to grant use of hall.
Chiefs Reports
Clayton FD: Chief Chris Barton reported on the following:
19calls for May
Solar Energy Reading 6/1/2016 EZ Meter Total 31027
Chief Barton reported on arrival of artifact from 911 that occurred yesterday.
Purchase Requests: none
Depauville FD: Chief Arnie Disotell reported the following:
17 calls for May
New Member Aaron StevensMotion made by Dale Harvey 2nd byRay Lowe to approve membership of Aaron Stevens
Purchase Requisitions: None
Use of Building
Depauville: None new
Clayton: None new
Old Business
- Grants-Deb Farmer-DEC Grant-Depauville radios 6 applied for
- Strut Bid (opening)-Lynn Schnauber-tabled
- Clayton Building roof-Chairman Schnauber-Reported that attorney is reviewing all the paperwork at present, will receive a letter when all data reviewed.
- Depauville membership-Chairman Schnauber-Reported Perry Dugan Jr and Casey Reynolds vote needs to be voided. They belonged to another department at the time of the election. Cannot belong to 2 departments at same time according to NYS. Motion made by Dale Harvey 2nd by Jim Kenny to rescind approval of Perry Dugan and Casey Reynolds due to dual membership Carried.
- Depauville Station-Lynn Schnauber-Reported that building 65 X 75 feet. Preliminary plans laid forward for review, will pursue grant funding
New Business:
- Chief Barton reportedoverhead door came down has been repaired. Rescue truck will be down next week to Chiefs show Wednesday thru Sunday. Equipment on other trucks.
- Larry Girard-Joe Plummer is looking for another tower site, potential of the old town site on top of hill.
- Dale Harvey questioned repairs to ladder truck Chief Barton reported it will go out for repair when list is completed.
Public Comment: none
Other Business: none
Adjourn-Motion made by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn at 7:18 PM, 2nd by Commissioner Kenney . Motion carried.
Submitted by Commissioner Deb Farmer