To be held on 26 May 2010Agenda No 7c
Report of: / Roger WilsonPaper Prepared by: / Sue Elliston
Date of Paper: / May 2010
Subject: / People Strategy Phase 2 – Final Implementation Report
Care Quality Commission Standards: / All
Assurance Framework Link:
Auditors Local Evaluation (ALE) Link:
Background Papers: / People Strategy October 2007
People Strategy Phase 2 November 2008
Quarterly progress updates
Item Considered at Earlier Committees
(pls detail mtgs):
Patient & Public Involvement:
In case of query, please contact: / Roger Wilson
Phase 2Final Implementation Report
1.People Strategy Phase 2
In November 2008, the Trust Board approved Phase 2 of the People Strategy; this paper provides an update for Trust Board on the final position statement for Phase 2 of the People Strategy, given that Phase 3 (approved by the Trust Board in March 2010) is already in progress.
2.Sustaining the Momentum from Phase 1
Phase 1 of the People Strategy put building blocks in place which have been instrumental in achieving positive results from the 2008 and 2009 Staff Surveys. A focus on Phase 2 activities does not mean that the Phase 1 activities have been forgotten. They remain critical to the well-being of the organisation and these continue to be monitored through the Integrated Performance Report. A final position statement on these areas is attached as appendix 1.
3.Building on the Foundations of Phase 1
a.Performance Optimisation
As presented to Trust Board in March 2010, as part of the development of the Productive Ward initiative, a software application (GURU) is being utilised by wards in the Productive Ward roll-out. Furthermore, work is being undertaken with the Health Informatics team to ensure that quality standards are clear for all managers across the range of people management essentials. This will be followed by Red, Amber and Green measures for money management and Quality management for all areas of the Trust. This is wider than ward areas as these are addressed through the Productive series roll out. Furthermore, the Performance Improvement Policy was agreed in August 2009 and a stretch target for the organisation has been included in Phase 3 of the People Strategy.
b.Management and Leadership Strategy
Over 180 managers from across the Trust have been through the “What it means to be a UHMB manager” and “How to be a UHMB manager”. Plans are in place for each Division and Directorate to ensure that those who did not attend the first sessions will attend in the next 12 months. Phase 2 of the management and leadership strategy is a key element of Phase 3 of the People Strategy.
c.Setting the Standard
This document identifies aspirational Core Standards for People Management Activity. It has been agreed with all key parties in the Trust and a formal review against the aspirational standards will be undertaken in April 2010, before formalising in Phase 3 of the People Strategy.
d.Investors In People
Many of the areas for improvement identified in the 2008 Staff Survey will be addressed through the development of good practice that being assessed for Investors in People (IIP)will bring to the Trust. The HR&OD Directorate received IIP accreditation in the first quarter of 2009/2010 and the FGH Catering Department was reaccredited. The whole Trust will be assessed in May/June 2010. The Trust bid for IIP status was launched at HMT in June 2009 and a variety of activity is being undertaken within Divisions and Directorates to prepare for the assessment process in 2010. Again, this is carried into Phase 3 of the People Strategy.
e.Staff Engagement and Involvement
Staff Governors have joined the JNCC to form the Shadow Trust Partnership Forum. This will remain in shadow form until the Trust is authorised as a Foundation Trust. The first Shadow Trust Partnership Forum was held in September 2009. A range of other activity in this area has taken place: the Nursing and Midwifery Strategy events have been an overwhelming success, the Clinical Leads Forum is gaining strength and there was a positive staff response to the ‘FGH is 25’ celebrations. In addition, a further set of summer of celebration events were held, culminating in the Pride of the Bay awards in September 2009. The Trust exceeded its target percentage return rate for the staff survey of 60% - hitting a 65% return rate, which is a significant improvement on the previous year’s return rate. The Trust has been notified that it has made the 2010 Healthcare 100 assessment and is aiming for a Top 40 place this year. Corporate Induction has also been re-vamped with Executive level support and a structured programme of Patient Safety First and Productive Ward visits from the Executive Team are in place. Timely attendance at Induction continues to be monitored and followed up.
f.Health and Well-Being
The Absence Management policy has had a positive effect on staff health and well-being, with positive reductions in absence across the Trust. The final percentage absence figure for 2009/2010 was 4.06%, approximately 10% under the target of 4.50% for 2009/2010. In addition, the Trust is further developing its focus on Mediation as an integral part of the Dignity at Work Policy, with a view to establishing a network of Mediation champions to reflect changes in employment law.
g.EWTD Compliance
Technically, the Trust has made good progress on EWTD, however the implementation has been costly in terms of gaps in rotas and more work needs to be done in this area to provide a cost-effective, sustainable solution for the Trust. The Trust was successful in bids to secure additional funding from NHS North West to meet the legal requirements.
That the Trust Board notes the final position of implementation of Phase 2 of the People Strategy.
Roger Wilson
Director of HR&OD
26th April 2010
Appendix 1
Sickness Absence and Turnover Information
PERIOD REPORTING / % REPORTED / COMMENTAbsence - Cumulative / Apr 09 - Mar 10 / 4.06% / Sickness Absence has been shown against the Trust Target of 4.0%
Absence - Monthly / Mar-10 / 3.20% / Sickness Absence has been shown against the Trust Target of 4.0%
Turnover / May-10 / 6.99% / Turnover is measured over rolling 12 month period (May 09 - Apr 10)
Appraisals: 95% of staff should have had an appraisal between 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010
Corporate Areas:
With the exception of KELD, All corporate areas achieved over 95% completion. KELD achieved 77%. Further work will be undertaken to ensure that this area of the Trust meets the required standard.
Medicine - A new cycle has commenced and the Divisional Governance Lead has set up a database to monitor progress. It is estimated thatcurrently 95% of staff have a live appraisal that has been carried out within the last 12 months.
Family Services- The establishment of the new Division and management structure required changes to local recording procedures which,along with new starters, maternity leave, sickness etc has impacted on the Divisions ability to achieve 100%.
The Divisionis putting in placerobustprocedures to ensure that able to achieve full compliance2010/11.
Surgery & Critical Care – A full validation has been undertaken of all staff appraisals to ensure accurate and upto date information being presented. The division has achieved 98% completion of appraisals including medical staff.
Core Clinical - 100% compliance for those who are in a position to be appraised. The remaining 48 are unable to be completed due to staff on maternity leave/career breaks/new starters/Long Term Sick
Estates & Facilities- 100% compliance for those who are in a position to be appraised.The3 people outstanding are: 2 on maternity leave and 1person on long term sick who is unable to come back to the post.
Mandatory Training:95% of staff should have completed a Mandatory Training Workbook between 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010
Corporate Areas
All corporate areas achieved over 95% completion
Medicine- Data for Mandatory training for Medicine shows completion at 57% but data has not been captured for paper completions. The Division has put into place an action plan for collating data and full reporting should be in place for the end of May 2010.
Family Services- The establishment of the new Division and management structure required changes to local recording procedures which,along with new starters, maternity leave, sickness etc has impacted on the Divisions ability to achieve 100%.
The Divisionis putting in placerobustprocedures to ensure that able to achieve full compliance2010/11.
Surgery & Critical Care - A full validation has been undertaken of all mandatory training workbook to ensure accurate and up to date information being presented. The division has achieved 98% completion. Where it is possible for staff to have completed the workbook but have not undertaken it they will be taken forward andwill be picked up in line with the disciplinary policy.
Core Clinical - 100% compliance for those who are in a position to be appraised. The remaining 48 are unable to be completed due to staff on maternity leave/career breaks/new starters/Long Term Sick
Estates & Facilities- 100% compliance for those who are in a position to be complete the workbook.The3 people outstanding are: 2 on maternity leave and 1person on long term sick who is unable to come back to the post.