Westhampton Beach

2011 Summer Recreation Program

Westhampton Beach School District Residents

Summer Recreation Program

All Westhampton Beach residents entering grades K- 8 in September 2011 are welcome to enroll in the Summer Recreation Program. The program runs from Tuesday, July 5 through Friday, July 29. Students entering grades K – 2 will spend their day with one group: Kindergarten Club, Future First Graders, and Soon-to-be Second Graders. These groups will enjoy the same variety of recreational activities while remaining in the same group with one teacher. Students entering grades 3 through 8 will be given the freedom of choosing their activities each hour of the morning.

Students living within the Westhampton Beach District will also be able to attend swimming lessons. The enrollment for each session of swimming is limited. Swimming lessons are available only to Westhampton Beach School District residents. Summer recreation registration and fees must be paid to participate in swimming lessons.

Summer Academy

Summer Academy provides extra academic support for children entering grades 1 - 6. The program provides 60 minutes of hands-on activities to help strengthen academic abilities while also providing the opportunity to attend the Summer Recreation Program. Summer Academy enrollment is based on teacher recommendations only. If your child was recommended they will receive a schedule from their teacher within the closing weeks of the school year. The schedule and registration form must be returned by the date indicated to participate. This program will run concurrently with summer recreation. Parents who want their child to attend both Summer Academy and Summer Recreation must also register their child for summer recreation and pay the Summer Recreation fee.


The fee for the Westhampton Beach School District Summer Recreation Program is $150 per child with a maximum fee of $275 per family (siblings) for Westhampton Beach School District residents. This fee includes the option of attending swimming lessons if space is available. Swimming lessons have limited enrollment and are limited to Westhampton Beach School District residents. Proof of residency is required for these programs. If your child is not registered in the Westhampton Beach School District, a current utility bill or tax bill will be required as proof of residency.

If you have any questions, please contact the Summer Recreation program at 288-3800 extension 206.

Please return all forms and registration fees by Wednesday, June 1st to:

Director of Summer Recreation

Westhampton Beach Middle School

340 Mill Road

Westhampton Beach, NY 11978

Checks or money orders must be made payable to Westhampton Beach School District.

Please write Summer Recreation and your child’s full name in the memo area.

Seen next page.

Registration & Health History Form –Westhampton Beach School District

Please fill in all information and return with payment by June 1, 2011

If your child is not registered in the Westhampton Beach School District, a current utility bill or tax bill will be required as proof of residence.


Child’s full name: ______2011/2012 Grade Level:

Sex: Male / FemaleAge: ______Birth date: ______

Parent / Guardian Name(s) ______

Street Address: ______

Town: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______Work Phone:______

Emergency Contact: ______Emergency Phone: ______

Emergency travel release: Name______Phone: ______

PERMISSION TO TREAT: In order that your child may be treated in an emergency, the following must be signed by a parent/guardian. The Parents/guardians will be informed of an emergency as soon as possible.

I grant permission for the student health service staff to examine and treat, hospitalize and secure proper treatment of my child.


Parent/Guardian signatureDate

Medical history: Please be specific, as we may not have access to your child’s school records.

IMMUNIZATION RECORDS: If your child is not a registered student in the Westhampton Beach School District, you must attach a copy of your child’s current immunization record.

Is your child in good health? YES/NO (If ‘NO’ please give details)



Does your child have any conditions that may inhibit participation in activities? YES/NO

If ‘YES’ please list: ______


Does your child have allergies? YES/NO (If ‘YES’ please list)


All medications must be given to the school nurse in the original container. The label must be current and state the child’s name and dosage. Medications must be accompanied with a medication dispense form, which are available in the nurse’s office. Medications will not be dispensed without the completed form and required container label. Exceptions to these requirements are not permitted.

What school has your child’s medical records on file? ______

Additional information: Please include information that will help us medically treat your child if the need arises.



Parent/Guardian (Print)Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Westhampton Beach Residents Only

Dear Parents of Westhampton Beach School Children,

The Westhampton Beach Summer Recreation Program will once again offer swimming lessons at the Swordfish Club. Your child will be able to improve his/her ability to swim and also learn about water safety. Our staff is qualified to work with your young swimmer. Take advantage of this opportunity to prepare your child for a lifetime of swimming! To take swimming lessons your child must be registered for summer recreation and the appropriate fees must be paid. Enrollment for each session is limited.

The swimming lessons take place in four sessions. Session A and Session B take place during the first two weeks of recreation and Sessions C and D will take place during the second two weeks. The bus times and actual lesson times are listed below in the selection part of this notice on the second page. In order to facilitate the registration process, you should indicate the session of your choice and the appropriate level for your child. The children will be tentatively placed on the first day of the session based on your request. The instructors will make any necessary adjustments to the groups after the children are assessed as to ability and group size.

Important notes:

  1. Children come to swimming in their swimming clothes and will change into their recreation clothes at the school after they return on the bus.
  2. Changing areas will be supervised and young children must be able to change and fully dress themselves. Slip on athletic shoes are suggested for younger children.
  3. Swimming Classes are formed after general enrollment. We will send a note home with your child when class times have been assigned.
  4. We do not guarantee placement with requested carpool friends. We will attempt to accommodate special needs when we can.


-Summer Recreation health/registration form

-Registration fee

-Proof of residency – If your child is not registered in the Westhampton Beach School District, a current utility

bill or tax bill will be accepted as proof of residence.

BY Wednesday, June 1stTO:

Director of Summer Recreation

Westhampton Beach Middle School

340 Mill Road

Westhampton Beach, NY 11978

Continue to next page.

It is time to register your child for Summer Recreation Swimming. Every effort will be made to accommodate your first choice for sessions but you should indicate two sessionsin order of priority. There is a limit of forty-eight children per session and registration is on a first come first served basis. Proof of residency is required. If your child is not registered in the Westhampton Beach School District, a current utility bill or tax bill will be accepted as proof of residence.

RETURN THIS FORM BY Wednesday, June 1st.

Please Print!

Child’s name ______2011/2012 Grade Level______

Parent or Guardian name ______

Address ______

Phone: Home ______Cell ______Work ______

Special needs or requests ______

Emergency Contact: ______Phone: ______

People you will Carpool with: ______

I authorize ______to transport my child.

Although testing will be administered on day 1, please select the swimming level that best describes your child:

______Level 1- Introduction to Water Skills – the child is being introduced to the water. Blowing bubbles, Face in the water, reaching underwater to get objects, bobbing, Front and back float with assist. Basic safety.

______Level 2- Fundamental Aquatic Skills- The child is more comfortable in the water – learning to float without support, various kicking and arm movements are introduced. Basic safety

______Level 3- Stroke Development- The child can jump into deep water from the side, retrieve objects underwater, front crawl and back crawl 15 yards. Safety skills.

______Level 4- Stroke Improvement- Swim underwater 3 body lengths, front crawl 25 yards, back crawl 25 yards, 1 minute survival float, beginner diving.

______Level 5- Stroke Refinement- Shallow dive and glide, 50 yards crawl, 50 yards back crawl, elementary backstroke 25 yards, sidestroke 25 yards, rescue breathing, safety skills.

______Level 6- Personal Water Safety, Fitness Swimmer- Offered in Session A or B only. Increased endurance, advanced safety skills, 500 yard swim. These swimmers may be asked to help throughout the summer.

Select TWO choices for which session you would like your child to attend (‘1’ & ‘2’):

______Session A- July 5 - July 15. Bus leaves the school at 7:30. Lessons from 7:45 - 8:15

______Session B- July 5 - July 15. Bus leaves the school at 8:00. Lessons from 8:15 - 8:45

______Session C- July 18 –July 29. Bus leaves the school at 7:30. Lessons from 7:45 - 8:15

______Session D- July 18 - July 29. Bus leaves the school at 8:00. Lessons from 8:15 - 8:45

Signature of Parent/Guardian: