Global Cooperation Agreement Proposal (GCAP)

Individuals interested in proposing new or renewing existing international agreements at Ohio University (OHIO) are requested to submit the following information. This document, including all required signatures, must be submitted and approved before any detailed discussion with potential international partners and before making any real or implied commitment of university resources.


TYPE OF AGREEMENT / ☐New ☐Renewal (Original agreement expiry date ______)
☐Letter of Intent ☐Memorandum of Understanding
☐Activity Agreement ☐Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement
OHIO Faculty/Staff Lead
Name: / Title: / Department:
College/Division: / Email: / Phone:
Partner Institution
Institution Name: / City & Country: / Institution’s Website:
Name of Primary Contact: / Title: / Department:
College/Division: / Email: / Phone:
Institutional Profile
Describe the type of schools/colleges that make up the institution. If it’s not an academic institution, describe the nature of the partner institution.
How many faculty members are at this institution?
☐1-999 ☐1,000-1,999 ☐2,000-2,999 ☐3,000-3,999 ☐4,000+
☐Non Academic Institution
How many students (both undergraduate and graduate) are enrolled in this institution?
☐1-9,999 ☐10,000-29,999 ☐30,000-49,999 ☐50,000-69,000 ☐70,000+
☐Non Academic Institution
How is the institution funded?
☐Public ☐Private ☐Other (explain)
Describe any previous and/or current agreements or relationship with OHIO.
Proposed Agreement
(check all that apply) / ☐Research Collaboration
☐Students Exchange
☐Faculty or Staff Exchange
☐Academic or Joint Degree Program
☐Non-Degree Visiting Student/Faculty Program
☐Other (specify):
LEVEL OF AGREEMENT / ☐Unit/College/School ☐University
Describe the purpose of the agreement.
Describe the anticipated activities.
Anticipated benefits to the unit and college of the individual submitting the proposal, any other OHIO units and to OHIO as an institution.
Briefly describe how this agreement fits with the university’s global strategy or enhances the university’s global educational capacity. Please make specific reference to all pillars of OHIO’s global strategy that apply.
PLEASE COMPLETE: Cultivating relationships takes time and effort. To understand more fully the commitments for this potential or current activity, please describe the OHIO resources including human, material, monetary, space, etc. that have been used and/or would be needed to establish and maintain the partnership. Also state which unit(s) will provide the support.
Risk Awareness: Risk management is an integral part of the international partnership operations. The faculty or administrative lead should be aware of any risks associated with the proposed partnerships and keep the university community informed at all times. Risk examples might include, but not limited to, export control, tax issues, applicable laws, government/ministry of education regulations, and travel restrictions. Contact the Office of Global Affairs at with any questions.
For Renewal and Termination Only
List the activities that have happened during the partnership.
List OHIO resources (human, material or monetary) that were used to establish and maintain the partnership.
Describe the benefits this partnership has brought to the unit and college of the individual submitting the proposal, any other OHIO units and to OHIO as an institution.
Short & Long-Term Goals (For Renewal Only)
Justify why OHIO should renew the partnership. Describe how the renewed partnership will fit the university’s global strategy and/or enhance the university’s global educational capacity. What will be the future goals of the partnership?
Submitter (Print Name) / Signature / Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Department Chair or Director
(Print Name) / Signature / Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Dean or Head of Division
(Print Name) / Signature / Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Upon the completion of this information, please submit this form to:
Marian L. Carr, Coordinator for Global Partnerships
Office of Global Affairs, 206 Yamada International House
Tel: (740) 593-1971  Email: 

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