E102 16J Tutor notes for Block 4 tutorials
Lead tutor: Sue Callan
Block 4 event 1 25th March 2017 BCU Edgbaston : For face to face meeting: students are asked to bring a copy of TMA04 brief, text book and copies of PT3 feedback from TMA 2 (3 in marking process). Format of session will befocused to the TMA title, process for recognising expectations and a workshop for developing initial plan. Specific study skills activity to think about structure.
Format of the session will be facilitated discussion of features of the question, including the critical questions indicated in the task brief. Any ‘product’ of face to face meeting will be shared in terms of essay plan.
Aims: in a mix of face to face and on-line events promote planning strategies for TMA04
Objectives: students will have the opportunity to
- Reflect on experience of the module so far and highlight learning journal process (ends in block 4)
- Identify overview of block topics and question for TMA04
- Recognise key features of question and requirements
- In meeting 1 - Participate in a writing workshop to identify a plan for the TMA (content and references)
- In meeting 2 – opportunity for students to articulate and discuss content ideas and issues relating to the TMA, identifying relevant sources
Tutorial 25th March: 10-12.30am
10.00am; Introductions, domestics, name labels and resources check.
Activity 1: slide 1-3 reflection; the role of the Learning Journals
Tutor talk: block 4 key dates, overview and TMA04 title: slides 4,5,6,7
Study skills: interpreting requirements
10.30 Activity 2: unpick the question ‘what am I being asked to do?’ ‘What are the key issues or critical questions? Slides: 8,9,
Tutor talk: study skills ;planning and preparation block 4/TMA04. Action planning for successslides 10,11,12,13
By 11.00amWorkshop block 4 and TMA:
Activities and group work: study skills (Skim reading, identifying theory, selecting relevant materials)
- Chapter 3 – summarise the nature nurture debate, give references
- Chapter 11 – what are the main points in chapter 11? Any clear reference to boys’ experiences? (boys place in consumer culture. Does playing aggressive games generate aggressive behaviour? Research into children’s perspectives?) Give references
- Chapter 12 – what are the main points in chapter 12? Are there key terms that are worth noting? (gender norms’, gender identity, gender performance) useful distinctions? ‘sex’(biological) ‘gender’ (social construction of gender norms/roles). Factors influencing gender identity – is there a useful and relevant focus on boys and masculinity which might relate to the question in TMA04?
11.30amFeedback from groupsstudy skills; notetaking and highlight some key references for further attention in independent study.
Activity 6 Study skills; initiate rough plan/initial structure ideas Slide 14
12.00 Evaluating claims or argumentsStudy skills for academic discussion TMA04slide 15,(week 26 refers)
Evaluate: present the evidence for two (or more) sides of an argument and some appraisal (based on the evidence and not your own personal opinion) of which side is stronger
Activity 7 : look at chapter 11 (p249) and evaluate the claim that playing aggressive games does not generate aggressive behaviour using the triangle approach
Claim ‘playing aggressive games does not generate aggressive behaviour’
Explanation: why does Kehily claim this?
Evidence: how does she support her argument? Am I convinced? Is there evidence against the claim that I can think of (from other reading)?
12.15 Feedback slide 16
12.25 Summaryslide17
Exit evaluation