Title: Surface Area – Right Triangular Prisms / Subject & Grade: Math 8
Topic: Math Makes Sense 8 – 4.4 Surface Area of a Right Triangular Prism / Designer(s): Devin Byrka
“Big Ideas” of the Lesson (Enduring understandings connected to PLOs)
·  Students will understand...
◦  The nature of Surface Area of prisms and how a triangular prisms’ SA is similar and different to a rectangular prism’s SA
Student Outcomes (Important skills, knowledge, or processes)
·  Students will be able to...
◦  Unwrap a rectangular prism into its net form and calculate the surface area / ·  Students will know...
◦  How to calculate the area of a triangle
◦  How to calculate the surface area of a triangular prism
Required Resources & Materials
·  Pencils and paper
·  PPT and videos
Stage / Timing / Teacher Activity / Student Activity
Mental Set / 7 min / Where do we see triangular prisms in our everyday lives?
A Dirt Bike Jump is a triangular prism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGui7goeh8I
Triangular Light Prism Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvMnURU1T24
PPT: https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AWCDv8UEk4PLZGQzNHd3NW5fMjVkeDh2NzVnOQ&hl=en&authkey=CIPPjP0E
Discuss the images in the powerpoint, and have students contribute more ideas. / Listen, contribute ideas as teacher asks any questions.
Sharing the Objective / Purpose / 2 min / Triangular prisms can be seen in tents, rooftops of houses, and Toblerone boxes. Surface area of a new type of prism – same principles apply. / Listen to stated objective.
Input/Information / 10 min / Area of Triangle = ½ B x H
Similar to rectangular prisms.
Rec prisms: 6 faces (2, 2, 2)
Tri prisms: 3 rectangle faces and 2 triangle faces. / Listen and ask questions.
Model / Demo / 5 min / Worked examples.
1)  Easy example with small numbers (a door stop works well)
2)  Toblerone box – unwrap it and calculate the surface area
3)  Harder real-life example with skateboard ramp / Observe and ask questions. Take notes.
Check for Understanding / 3 min / How is it different from a rectangle? What’s the area of a triangle formula? / Respond.
·  Collaborative
·  Independent / 40 min / Give practice questions from MMS Practice Book, section 4.4 #2, work with a partner, then field some answers.
Assign HW Questions: / Students work together in pairs or groups of 3, answering the practice questions.
Students who are finished early can work on their projects, or try brain teaser word problems from the side of the class.
T1: 4,5,6,7,8,12,13
T2: 9,10,11,15
T3: 14,16,17
Closure / 5 min / Where will you see triangular prisms in your everyday life? Keep your eyes open for them. / Students give responses.

Math Quiz 4.4 – Surface Area of a Right Triangular Prism Name:

1.  a) Draw the net (2 marks)

b) Calculate the Surface Area (4 marks). Show your work!