Week/Date: Sept. 14-Oct. 5., 2015Grade/Subject SciencePrepared by: Eaton and Ruff

Learning Goal:Students will identify the three states of matter. / Daily Objective: Students will examine the three states of matter.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
SPECIAL NOTES / Physical Science / Physical Science / Physical Science / Physical Science / Physical Science
Bell Ringer / Identify items in the classroom as being a solid, liquid or gas. / Identify items in the classroom as being a solid, liquid or gas. / Identify items in the classroom as being a solid, liquid or gas. / Identify items in the classroom as being a solid, liquid or gas. / Identify items in the classroom as being a solid, liquid or gas.
Procedure / I Do: Give instructions on how to investigate different types of matter
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Give instructions on how to investigate different types of matter
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Give instructions on how to investigate different types of matter
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Give instructions on how to investigate different types of matter
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Give instructions on how to investigate different types of matter
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results.
Question / How many states of matter are there and what are they? / How many states of matter are there and what are they? / How many states of matter are there and what are they? / How many states of matter are there and what are they? / How many states of matter are there and what are they?
Assessment / Classify items as solid, liquid, or gaseous. / Classify items as solid, liquid, or gaseous. / Classify items as solid, liquid, or gaseous. / Classify items as solid, liquid, or gaseous. / Classify items as solid, liquid, or gaseous.
Materials / “Matter”by Bill Nye / Computer, worksheets / Computer, worksheets / Computer, worksheets / Computer, worksheets
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted/Modified Assignments
Multimedia Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction/Small group Preferential Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids/Manipulatives
Alternative Assessments Strategies, extended time / Key Vocabulary:
Solid, liquid, gas
Atoms, chemical change, physical change
Solutions, mixtures, acids, bases
Homework: Identify items at home as being solid, liquid or gas.