
James Allen Ankrum



103 S Capitol St, 1406 Seamans Center, Iowa City, IA 52242617-335-7739



Assistant Professor Aug 2014-Present

University of Iowa, Department of Biomedical Engineering

  • PI of the Regenerative Engineering Laboratory, 3336 PBDB
  • Member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
  • Member of the Pappajohn Biomedical Institute


Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology Sept 2008 –Aug 2013

Degree: PhD in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics Cambridge, MA

GPA: 4.80 / 5.00

Thesis Title: A Microparticle Engineering Approach to Enhance the Potency of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Select Course Highlights


  • Human Pathology
  • Immunology
  • Cancer Biology
  • Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions
  • Respiratory Pathophysiology
  • Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Intro to Clinical Medicine
  • Precision Engineering


The University of Cambridge Oct 2007-Aug2008

Degree: MPhil in Engineering Design Cambridge, UK

Thesis Title: A study of user interaction with written medicine information

The University of Iowa Aug 2003-May 2007

Degree: BSE inBiomedicalEngineering w/ Honors and Highest Distinction Iowa City, IA

GPA: 4.17 / 4.00

Select Course Highlights


  • Human Factors
  • Dynamics
  • Bioelectrical Design
  • Ergonomics of Injuries
  • Biomechanical Design
  • Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
  • Clinical Ergonomics
  • Physiology
  • Biostatistic



I am passionate about identifying problems and engineering solutions to improve human health. The long-term goal of my laboratory is to develop cell-based therapeutics that remodel diseased tissue microenvironments to promote tissue regeneration. To this end, my lab focuses on using nano- and micro-scale technologies to interrogate cell function, track cell location, and influence cell behavior. Of particular interest is understanding the factors that make mesenchymal stem cells potent, augmenting those factors, and using cells to treat diabetes and diabetic complications.


Senior Innovation Fellow Aug 2013-August 2014

Medical Devices Center, University of MinnesotaDr. Saurav Paul & Dr. Ben Arcand

  • Identified unmet clinical needs surrounding the post-surgical prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and early intervention in heart failure
  • Evaluated market opportunity surrounding clinical needs based on market size, regulatory pathway, and intellectual property landscape
  • Design, prototype, and perform proof of concept testing of new medical devices
  • Secured research funding for the development of two novel medical device concepts from Boston Scientific Inc.
  • Collaborate extensively with faculty and clinicians
  • Filed 7 invention disclosures with office of technology transfer

Graduate Student Feb 2009-Aug 2013

Laboratory for Advanced Biomaterials Stem Cell Based TherapeuticsProf. Jeff Karp

  • Engineerednovel cell based therapies & drug delivery platforms
  • Explore therapeutic uses of mesenchymal stem cells
  • Developed microparticle based cell tracking technology
  • Developed mechanical-based adhesives based on mimicking of porcupine quill
  • Collaborated extensively with post-doctoral fellows and clinicians

Clinical Clerkship May 2012-July 2012

Mount Auburn Hospital & Massachusetts General HospitalDr. Roger Mark

  • Supported patients from admission to discharge in the Cardiac Care Unit of Mount Auburn Hospital
  • Identified opportunities for improving the design and administration of care
  • Trained alongside physicians in the MGH Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Researcher Oct. 2007-July 2008

Health-Care Design, Engineering Design Centre, CambridgeProf. PJ Clarkson

  • Evaluated current design of medicine packaging and its impact on patient safety
  • Evaluated types of medicine errors committed by patients
  • Communicated findings and their impact on policy at meetings of the National Patient Safety Agency and The Design Council of London

Research Assistant Aug. 2006 – Jan. 2007

Virtual Soldier Research, University of IowaDr. Salam Rahmatalla

  • Developed a method of analyzing motion capture data in LifeMOD
  • Analyzed vibration data within LifeMOD
  • Developed task simulator and controls for motion capture experiments

Corporate Intern May 2006 – Aug. 2006

Ergonomic Machine Research Team, Caterpillar, Inc. Bernard Meegan

  • Developed methods for estimating operator workload using heart rate variability
  • Used EEG and gaze tracking to estimate operator distraction
  • Analyzed vibration data and developed a weighting curve to predict comfort

Certified Investigator Jan. 2005 – Sept. 2007

Iowa Spine Research Center, University of Iowa Prof. David Wilder

  • Researched and analyzed the effects of posture, supports, and vibration on the spine
  • Designed, tested, and implemented testing equipment
  • Performed study to demonstrate effect of cognitive load on EMG activity during sudden impacts
  • Ran complex human subject experiments



  • 2015 NIH SCAP ‘Follow that Cell’ Prize Winner
  • 2011 Lindau Nobel Laureate Participant
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
  • MIT Presidential Fellowship
  • HST Medical Engineering Fellowship
  • U. Iowa President’s List
  • U. Iowa Dean’s List
  • Excellence in Engineering Scholarship
  • Paul D. Scholz Scholarship
  • Rhodes Dunlap Collegiate Scholarship
  • Winston Churchill Scholar
  • Honorary Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholar
  • 2011 & 2012 Hugh Hampton Young Fellowship
  • 2011 MIT 100K Elevator Pitch Semifinalist
  • Barry Goldwater Scholar
  • Collegiate Scholar Award
  • 2006 Homecoming King
  • Hancher-Finkbine Medallion
  • NSCS Scholar of the Day



  1. Ankrum J, Dastidar R, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Enhanced Mesenchymal Stem Cell Immunomodulatory Potency Through Intracellular Microparticles. British Journal of Surgery (2014), 102(s1):165 (abstract)
  1. Ankrum J, Dastidar R, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Performance-enhanced mesenchymal stem cells via intracellular delivery of steroids. Scientific Reports (2014), 4 (4645).
  1. Monsur A, Li F, Zhang Z, Zhang K, Kang D, Ankrum J, Le X, Zhao W. Rolling Circle Amplification: A Versatile Chemical Biology Tool. Chemical Society Reviews (2014), DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60439j.
  1. Ankrum J, Ong JF, Karp J. Mesenchymal stem cells: immune evasive, not immune privileged. Nature Biotechnology (2014), 32(3), 1-9.

Recognized for special significance in cell therapy by F1000Prime.

  1. Ankrum J, Miranda O, Ng K, Sarkar D, Xu C, Karp J. Engineered Cells with Intracellular Agent-Loaded Microparticles to Control Cell Phenotype. Nature Protocols (2014), 9(2), 233-245.
  2. Vemula PK,Wiradharma N, Ankrum J, Miranda OR, John G, Karp JM.Prodrugs as self-assembled hydrogels: a new paradigm for biomaterials.Current Opinion in Biotechnology(2013),24, 1-9(Invited review).
  1. Cho W, Ankrum J, Guo D, Chester S, Kashyap A, Campbell G, Rijal R, Wood R, Karnik R, Langer R, Karp J. Microstructured Barbs on the North American Porcupine Quill Enable Easy Tissue Penetration and Difficult Removal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2012),109(52), 21289-21294.

Work towards mimicking porcupine quills featured as cover image of PNAS and in media stories on Science Now, Nature, NPR, Discovery, Popular Mechanics, The Smithsonian, BBC, and the MIT homepage.

  1. Teo G, Ankrum J, Martinelli R, Boetto S, Simms K, Sciuto T, Dvorak A, Karp J, Carman C.Multipotent Stromal Cells Transmigrate Between and Directly Through TNF-a-activated Endothelial Cells. Stem Cells (2012),30(11), pp 2472-2486.
  1. Xu CJ, Miranda-Nieves D, Ankrum J, Matthiesen M,Phillips J, Roes I, Wojtkiewicz G,Kultima J, Zhao W, Vemula P, Lin C, Nahrendorf M, Karp J. Tracking Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Microparticles. Nano Letters (2012), 12(8), pp 4131–4139.
  1. Xu CJ, Mu L, Roes I, Miranda-Nieves D, Nahrendorf M, Ankum J,Zhao W, Karp JM. Nanoparticle-based Monitoring of Cell Therapy. Nanotechnology(2011) vol 22(49) pp 494001.
  1. Ankrum J, Olechowski A, Canseco J, Greenblatt E, Roberts M. Nasogastric Tube Design to Reduce Clogging and Simplify Flushing. Journal of Medical Devices (2011) vol 5(2) pp 027510.
  1. Sarkar D*, Ankrum J*, Teo G, Carman C, Karp J. Cellular and Extracellular Programming of Cell Fate through engineered intracrine-, paracrine-, and endocrine-like mechanisms. Biomaterials (2011) vol. 32(11) pp. 2053-61.

*co-first authors. Work toward programmable cells featured in 2011 press release that in turn was published by funder (NSF) and resulted in many media stories.

  1. Ankrum J, Karp J. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy: Two steps forward, one step back. Trends in molecular medicine (2010), 16-5, pp.203-209.
  1. Ankrum, J. A study of user interaction with written medicine information. MPhil Thesis, Cambridge University Engineering Department Library (2008).
  1. Xia T, Ankrum J, Spratt K, Wilder D. Seated human response to simple and complex impacts: Paraspinal muscle activity. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2008) vol. 38 (9-10) pp. 767-774
  1. Rahmatalla S, Xia T, Contratto M, Kopp G,Wilder D, Frey Law L, Ankrum J. Three-Dimensional Motion Capture Protocol for Seated Operator in Whole Body Vibration. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, (2008) vol. 38 (5-6) pp. 425-433.


  1. Miranda O, De-Man H, Laulicht B, Sterkens P, Vemula P, Zhao W, Ankrum J, Ng K, Wiradharma N, Sindhwani S, zhang L, Zhang L, Xu C, Amssoms K, Karp J. An Injectable polymeric microsphere formulation for sustained release of a highly hydrophobic anti-HIV therapy. In preparation.


  1. Zhao W, Ankrum, J, Sarkar D, Teo W, Kumar N, Karp J. Stem Cell Homing to Sites of Injury and Inflammation.“Stem Cells Revascularization Therapies.”Taylor & Francis, (Invited) (2011), 217
  1. Zhao W, Sarkar D, Ankrum J, Hall S, Loh W, Teo G, Karp J. Therapeutic applications of mesenchymal stem/multipotent stromal cells. "Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine." Springer (2011).
  1. Sarkar D, Zhao W, Schaefer S, Ankrum J, Teo G, Karp J. Applications of Biomaterials in Functional Tissue Engineering. “BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE: An Introduction to materials in Medicine 3RD EDITION.” Invited for publication by Academic Press (2012).


  1. Ankrum J, Olechowski A, Canseco J, Greenblatt E, Roberts M. 2012. Medical Aspiration Aparatus. International Publication Number WO 2012/109198A1, filed 7 February 2012. Patent Pending.
  1. Karp J, Cho W, Laulicht, B, Ankrum J, Karnik R, Langer R. Deployable Barbed Microneedle Array and Uses Thereof. International Publication Number WO 2012/100002, filed 18 January 2012. Patent Pending.


  1. University of Iowa, Diabetes and Obesity Talk, June 12, 2014
  2. University of Iowa, Biomedical Engineering Department, April 30, 2014
  3. George Washington University, Biomedical Engineering Department, April 15, 2014
  4. George Mason University, Bioengineering Department, March 18, 2014


  1. Ankrum J. Self Destructing Cellular Barcode: A versatile tool for single cell analysis. Presented as a Lightning Talk and a poster at the NIH Single Cell Analysis Program Meeting on April 20, 2015 in Bethesda, MD
  1. Ankrum J,Dastidar R, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Modulation of mesenchymal stem cell IDO activity through intracellular drug doped particles. Presented as poster at the International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting on June 12-15, 2013 in Boston, MA.
  1. Ankrum J, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Control of mesenchymal stem cell phenotype and microenvironment through intracellular particles. Presented as an oral presentation at the 2013 Society for Biomaterials on April 10-13, 2013 in Boston, MA.
  1. Ankrum J. Engineered Cell Therapy and Bioinspired Medical Devices. Presented as an oral presentation at the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize Applicant Showcase, March 5, 2013 in Cambridge, MA.
  1. Ankrum J, Sarkar S, Xu C, Miranda-Nieves D, Ong JF,Carman C, Karp J. Monitoring and Controlling Mesenchymal Stem Cells Through Intracellular Microparticles. Presented as a poster at the BMES Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference, January 5, 2013 in Waimea, HI
  1. Ankrum J, Sarkar S, Teo G, Carman C, Karp J. Controlling Cell Fate: A Biomaterials Approach. Presented as a poster at the 25th HST Research Forum, April 19, 2012 in Boston, MA.
  1. Ankrum J, Sarkar S, Teo G, Carman C, Karp J. Controlling Cell Fate: A Biomaterials Approach. Oral presentation given as part of the HST.590 Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series, March 1, 2012 in Cambridge, MA.
  1. Ankrum J, Sarkar S, Teo G, Carman C, Karp J. A Biomaterials Approach for Programming Cell Fate. Presented as an Oral Presentation at the 2011 Society for Biomaterials Meeting, April 13-16th 2011 in Orlando, FL.
  1. Ankrum J, Olechowski A, Canseco J, Greenblatt E, Roberts M. Nasogastric Tube Design to Reduce Clogging and Simplify Flushing. Presented as a poster at the 2011 Design of Medical Devices Conference, April 12-14, 2011 in Minneapolis, MN.
  1. Ankrum J,Cuevas P, Melgri R, Urban L. 6.979: NextLab I: Designing Mobile Technologies for the Next Billion Users: Thrive in 5 Baby Blog, Fall 2008. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare),
  1. Ankrum J, Xia T, Wilder DG, Rahmatalla S. A pilot study of the effect of a task simulator on the muscular response of an operator in a vibration environment. Research in the Capital. University of Iowa Honors Program, March 5, 2007 in Des Moines, IA.
  1. Wilder DG, Xia T, Ankrum J, Spratt K.Seated human response to simple and complex impacts. Spring Undergraduate Research Forum. Distinguished Poster Award. Poster presented by James Ankrum, Mentor: David Wilder. Sponsored by: University Honors Program, Office of the Provost, Office of the Vice President for Research and the Graduate College. The University of Iowa. 1 April 2006.
  1. Wilder D, Xia T, Ankrum J, Spratt K. Seated human response to simple and complex impacts. Presented (by Ting Xia) at the 1st American Conference on Human Vibration, 5-7 June 2006. Organized by West Virginia University School of Medicine and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia.
  1. Wilder D, Xia T, Ankrum J, Spratt K. Seated human response to simple and complex impacts. Presented at the College of Engineering Open House, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 20 April 2006.
  1. Xia T, Wilder D, Ankrum J, Spratt K. Electromyographic response of thetrunk muscles to complex impacts in seated subjects.Special Emphasis Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Hong Kong, China, 10-14 June 2007.
  1. Rahmatalla S, Xia T, Ankrum J, Contratto M, Kopp G,Wilder D, Frey Law L, Abdel Malek K. A Framework to Study Human Response to Whole Body Vibration. Paper No. 07DHM-57, Society of Automotive Engineers Digital Human Modeling forDesign and Engineering Conference, Seattle, Washington, 12-14 June 2007.


  1. Burand T, Brown A, Ankrum J. Synthesis of injectable mesenchymal stem cell microcarriers using a flow-focusing droplet technique. Poster presented at University of Iowa College of Engineering Research Open House April 17th 2015.
  1. Brown A, Burand T, Ankrum J. Synthesis of injectable mesenchymal stem cell microcarriers using a flow-focusing droplet technique. Poster presented at University of Iowa Spring Undergraduate Research Festival April 8th 2015.
  1. Ong JF,Ankrum J,Dastidar R Levy O, Karp J.Enhanced mesenchymal stem cell immunomodulatory potency through intracellular budesonide microparticles. Oral Presentation by Ong JF at the 2014 AnnualMeetingof the Society of Academic and Research Surgeryon January 8-9, 2014. Abstract published on April 16, 2014: Br J Surg, 101(s4), 36.
  1. Ankrum J, Dastidar R, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Performance-enhanced mesenchymal stem cells via intracellular delivery of steroids. E-Poster presented by Ong JF, International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) on April 30th 2014.
  1. Ankrum J,Dastidar R, Ong JF, Levy O, Karp J. Enhanced mesenchymal stem cell immunomodulatory potency through intracellular budesonide microparticles. Poster presentation by Dastidar R at the 2013Harvard Stem Cell Institute Malkin Retreat, June 3, 2013.


Instructor at University of IowaJanuary 2015 – Present

  • Cell Biology for Engineers: Lecture and hands on Lab Course. Sp15

Lecturer March 2013, March 2014

Bone and Joint Development and Disease, Harvard Dental School

  • Gave lecture titled ‘Stem Cells in Bone Biology and Potential as a Therapy for Bone Disease’ to 10 post-doctoral students enrolled in the Master of Medical Science program.

Graduate September 2011-June 2012

Graduate Student Teaching Certificate Program, MIT

  • Improved my teaching skills and gained an understanding of current research in education through participation in 7 workshops
  • Gave lecture to instructors and classmates and provided constructive feedback to improve upon.

Content Creator October2011

MIT K-12 Video Outreach Program

  • Developed demonstration of Pascal’s discovery of atmospheric pressure suitable for an 8-12th grade audience.
  • Shot and edited video for dissemination on MIT TechTV.

Teaching Assistant July 2007

Belin-Blank Junior Scholars Academy, University of Iowa

  • Coordinated lab portion of a week long introductory engineering course for 7th and 8th grade students.
  • Guided students through design, construction, and testing phases of class projects.

Instructor June 2007

Engineering is Elementary Summer Camp, University of Iowa College of Engineering

  • Prepared lesson plans and activities for two week camp for 3rd and 4th grade students in West Liberty, Iowa
  • Presented interactive talks and guided students through projects to explore bioengineering

Teaching Assistant January 2007 – May 2007

Data Acquisition and Image Analysis, BME Department, University of Iowa

  • Guide students through lab exercises in constructing electrical circuits
  • Teach students basics of scientific writing and data presentation

Lead Tutor August2004 – May 2006

University of Iowa College of Engineering

  • Tutored undergraduate students one-on-one in all first and second year core engineering courses

Leadership, Organizations, & Committees

University of IowaHonors Fellowship Mentoring, 2014

Biomedical Engineering Society, 2013

Harvard-MIT HST PhD Admissions Committee, 2012, 2013

Harvard-MIT HST Faculty Awards Committee, 2011-2013

Presidential Committee for Distinguished Fellowships at MIT, 2008-2013

First Generation Project, 2012-2013

Massachusetts Medical Society, 2010-2013

Society for Biomaterials, 2011-2013

Organizing Committee for the Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 2009

President, University of Iowa Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, 2006-2007

Co-President, University of Iowa Biomedical Engineering Student Society, 2006-2007

Student Leadership Institute, 2005, Galena, Illinois

Resident Assistant, University of Iowa Honors Learning Community, 2005-2006

Referee for Journals

Journal of Materials Chemistry B

Journal of Immunology Research

Stem Cell Research and Therapy


Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering

University Committees

BME Graduate Committee, Spring 2015

Communications Committee Meeting, Fall 2014-Spring 2015

BME Lecturer Recruitment Committee, Spring 2015

Thesis Committees: Pavana Rotti – Fall 2014, Masters Thesis Defense /PhD Qualifying Exam; Aribet M De Jesus- Spring 2015, Comprehensive Exam



  • Mentor a undergraduate, graduate, and medical students in my research lab.
  • Mentored the Corneal Suture IMIG team, 2014-2015.
  • Mentored 6 senior mechanical engineering students for their senior design project designing a device for orthopedic surgery.
  • Directly supervised four undergraduate students in independent research projects: Krishnan Ramanujan, Thula Kanagenthiran, Joon Faii Ong, Riddhi Dastidar
  • Mentored PhD student, David Arruda, through his 1st year as part of the HST Buddy program
  • Advise graduates, post-doctoral fellows, and undergraduates in the lab in technical skills, experimental design, and data analysis
  • Volunteered at education outreach programs, ‘Physiology PhUn Day’ at the Children’s Museum in Boston, ‘Heart to Learn’ in Burnsville, MN, and Judged the North Star Regional FIRST Robotics Competition in Minneapolis, MN to introduce children to engineering and medicine.
  • Edit and provide feedback on manuscripts to non-native English speakers
