Terms of Reference


The Northern NSW DCC also acts as a Hospital Clinical Council for the Northern NSW Local Health District and incorporates the membership and objectives of Hospital Clinical Councils from the NSW Health Model By-Laws.

This Terms of Reference is to be read in conjunction with Northern NSW Combined Clinical Council Terms of Reference with North Coast Primary Health Network.

Refer to NNSWLHD Model By-Laws (currently under review).


The purpose of the DCC is to provide the Board and the Chief Executive advice on clinical matters affecting the District and

  • provides a structure for consultation with, and involvement of, clinical staffinmanagement decisionsimpactingpublichospitalsandrelatedcommunityservices.
  • is a key leadership group for its public hospitals and is designed to participate with the management team in ensuring that the hospital/s deliver high quality health and related services for theirpatients?


The DCC is to provide the Board and the Chief Executive with advice on clinical matters affecting Northern NSW Local Health District including:

  • improving quality and safety in the hospitals within the District;
  • consultation on planning on the most efficient allocation of clinical services within the District;
  • translating national best practice into local delivery of services;
  • developing innovative solutions that best address the needs of the local communities;
  • provision of leadership of the hospital/s and community health services by providing advice and recommendations and participating in management decisions the objective of which is to ensure:
  • the achievement of the benchmarks and targets set out in the performance agreement between the Health Secretary and the organisation as they relate to the hospital/s and community health services;
  • the implementation of effective quality and safety programs and the achievement of key quality performance indicators by departments and units within the hospital/s and community health services;
  • the implementation of models of care and evidence based clinical standards developed at a national and state level;
  • the fostering of innovative solutions at a hospital level to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the hospital/s and community health services;
  • effective linkages between hospital clinical staff and districtclinicians within the organisation;
  • effective operational performance, and achievement of key operational performance indicators by departments and units, within the hospital/s and community health services;
  • The appropriate linkages between hospital services and other services provided within the organisation and appropriate linkages with external local clinicians, including general practitioners; and
  • effective communication of key decisions with staff of the hospital/s and community health services;
  • the implementation of strategies to effectively address any non-achievement of performance targets or other remedial action required within the hospital/s and community health services;
  • advise the Chief Executive and Board on planning requirements for services within the hospital/s and community health services;
  • assist in ensuring the effective implementation of Government policy and decisions of organisation within the hospital/s and community health services;
  • other related matters as the Board or Chief Executive may seek advice on from time to time.

Health Service Group ClinicianEngagement Forums

Richmond Clarence and a Tweed Byron Clinician Engagement Forums are tobe held twice yearly and present to the DCC twice yearly as per meeting schedule. DCC Members are encouraged to attend their respective HSG Clinical Councils.


The DCC will provide reports on the council’s activities to the Chief Executive and the Board through dissemination of the minutes of the meeting of the council, or provide such reports with the frequency and in the manner determined by the Local Health District.

Presentations to the DCC from the Clinician Engagement Forums will be provided twice yearly as per Meeting Schedule.


The Chief Executive is to ensure the DCC is provided with such information, including operational performance reports as is necessary to enable it to properly undertake its functions.


  1. Chief Executive
  2. Chair of Medical Staff Executive Council

Senior Nursing Representatives – Expression of Interest August 2017

  1. Richmond Clarence
  2. Tweed Byron

Senior Allied Health representatives – Expression of Interest August 2017

  1. Richmond Clarence
  2. Tweed Byron

Senior Medical Representatives – Expression of Interest August 2017

  1. Richmond Clarence
  2. Tweed Byron
  3. Community Nursing Clinician – Appointed March 2017.
  4. Nursing Clinician (RN, RM, EN or AIN) – Appointed March 2017.
  5. Allied Health Council Representative – Nominated June 2017.
  6. Allied Health Clinician. Expression of Interest August 2017.
  7. Aboriginal Representative – Appointed March 2017.
  8. Junior Medical Officer Representative(two-year appointment with LHD) – Expression of Interest August 2017
  9. NNSWLHD Board Representative – Nominated January 2017.
  10. North Coast Primary Health Network Clinical Council Representative. Nominated representative.
  11. Midwifery Clinician. Expression of Interest August 2017.
  12. Mental Health Clinician. Expression of Interest August 2017.
  13. Smaller Hospitals Representative – Nominated representative.

Ex Officio members

  1. Director Clinical Governance
  2. General Manager Tweed Byron
  3. General Manager Richmond Clarence
  4. Executive Officer Clarence
  5. Director Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol

Where a member of the Council is unable to attend a particular meeting of the council, that member may nominate an alternate member to attend in their place.


Members appointed through Expression of Interest/Peer voting or through nominations shall be appointed for two years with a possible reappointment for a further two years. All membership is for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms.


Any matter put to the vote at any meeting of the Council is to be decided by a show of hands, or by secret ballot if requested by a member present at that meeting. Where a vote is tied the Chair will have the casting vote.


50 % plus one


Frequency six weekly.

Schedule / District Clinical Council
Chair elected by Council and endorsed by the Board
Secretariat CE Office

February / Video conference and skype meeting. 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm
March / Combined Clinical Council Meeting with NCPHN Clinical Council.
April / Video conference and skype meeting. Host Lismore. 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm
  • Presentation from Richmond/Clarence Clinician Engagement Forum – half hour

June / Video conference and skype meeting. Host Tweed Heads. 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm.
  • Presentation from Tweed Byron Clinician Engagement Forum – half hour

July / Video conference and skype meeting.5.00 pm to 6.30 pm
  • Presentation Activity and Performance.

August / Combined Clinical Council Meeting with NCPHN Clinical Council.
September / Video conference and skype meeting. Host Grafton 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm
  • Presentation from Richmond/Clarence Clinician Engagement Forum – half hour

November / Video conference and skype meeting. Host Byron 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm.
  • Presentation Tweed Byron Clinician Engagement Forum – half hour

Key areas for District Clinical Council Agendas in 2018 include Quality and Safety, Integrated Care, End of Life, Leading Better Value Care, Capital Works\Planning and E-Health.


District Clinical Council – Chief Executive Office

Tweed Byron / Richmond Tweed Hospital Clinician Engagement Forums – Health Service Groups