Welcome to ManthorpePre-School Playgroup

Welcome to ManthorpePre-School Playgroup. The Playgroup was started in 1967, and is still going strong today. We offer care during term time for children over the age of two and below school age.

We are registered with Ofsted, the government body responsible for inspecting all establishments that work with children. We can accommodate 32 children per session and 12 children in the pre-school Monday afternoon session. Funding begins at the start of the term after your child turns three (September, January and April). This gives up to 5 free sessions per week.

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. The PLA works with its members to increase the standard in pre-school education. Our membership of the PLA ensures we are in touch with up to date information and training opportunities. We receive a monthly magazine which is available to all.

Aims and Objectives

We aim to provide good quality care for each child in a safe and happy environment. We recognise that each child is an individual and it is our firm intention that the pre-school supplies a broad and balanced curriculum, using the Early Years Foundation Stage themes. We aim to work in partnership with parents, carers and the local community, and within an Equal Opportunities framework.


All staff are registered with the Ofsted, and have submitted to an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau Check which has approved them to work with children.

Member of Staff Since

Supervisor -Rosey Caunt 1967

Deputy Supervisors- Sarah Cockerton2010

Other Staff Members -Judith Carter1996

-Heather Coy2011

-Julie Schofield1996

-Kumari Silva2007

All our staff are all trained in First Aid and Health & Hygiene. Everyone attends regular training in all aspects of the Playgroup environment, including (but not restricted to) Early Years Foundation Stage, Curriculum Planning, Special Educational Needs and English as a Second Language.

Student Placements

The pre-school recognises the importance of providing work placements for students studying for recognised qualifications. The work experience programme is something we have supported for many years, with students from various schools and colleges in our area. They are only admitted in numbers that do not hinder the work of the Playgroup, and they are never left alone with the children.

Parental Involvement

Manthorpe Pre-School Playgroup sees parents/carers as the most important educators in their child’s life. We work in partnership with you in providing care and education for your child. Relevant information is always displayed on the notice board, and you will receive a newsletter at least once every half term. You may have particular practical skills or knowledge that would be interesting to share with Playgroup. There are many ways in which parents/carers can be involved.

  • Exchanging knowledge with staff about their child
  • Input into their child’s ‘Learning Journey’
  • Informal discussions
  • Helping at events
  • Fundraising
  • Management Committee

A child’s ‘Learning Journey’ maps and follows their progress and development throughout their time at the playgroup. The Learning Journey will be updated periodically as assessments and observations are carried out. This takes the form of photos, assessment notes, formal assessments and records. All of which go towards providing a visual timeline of the individual child’s development. These are available for parents and carers to look at and the playgroup staff encourage parent and carer input.

The Management Committee is responsible for the running the Playgroup, and is an elected group of volunteers, which ensures that the major decision making is in the hands of parents who use the group. The committee is responsible for fundraising, reviewing policies, and for the employment of staff.

Everyone is welcome to attend the termly Committee Meetings, whether they are a member of the Committee or not. It is an open forum where all parents can share ideas and make suggestions. Our Annual General Meeting is held in the first half term.

Parents are welcome to sit in on a session with their child if they wish. Please check with the supervisor first.

We operate a keyworker system. A keyworker has special responsibility for a small group of children. Parents and children know the name of their keyworker from the beginning of their involvement with Playgroup. The keyworker will ensure that the needs of the individual child are met, including settling in and talking with parents. They will assist in keeping records of the children’s progress and develop a day to day rapport with parents.

Learning Opportunities

Our topic for the term and activities for the week are always on the notice board. Learning through play with adult input, we follow the new Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. Each session includes times for free play, snack time and story. Creative activities such as singing, painting, play dough and messy play also take place each week.

English as a Second Language

Children whose first language is not English will be encouraged in the continued use of their first language and will be supported in developing their understanding and use of English. Close links with parents are encouraged (for example so that children can see written examples of both English and first language words). We are also able to access the support of the Lincolnshire Ethnic Minority Achievement Service, who offer advice and help with planning, and who may assist with a home visit if appropriate.

We have three volunteers who can assist with translation. They are:

Dr. Amber Porter - Arabic, Punjabi and Urdu

Dr Nelson Porter - Suheli, French and German

Mrs. Lisa Liu - Chinese

We also have one member of staff that speaks Sinhalese and Tamil.

Special Educational Needs

All children are welcomed at Manthorpe Playgroup where we aim to provide a happy, secure and inclusive environment.

All children will be supported to reach their full potential through a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum. They will be encouraged to participate in the daily routine; most sessions will include small group activities and also free choice.

At Manthorpe Playgroup we work in partnership with parents and carers to support children with any kind of individual need. If advice is needed we would contact the appropriate agencies, working closely with them. We also receive regular advice and support on SEN issues from our Early Years Support Teacher.

Parents and carers of all children are welcome at any time to talk to the staff about their child's progress. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Rosemary Caunt.


Admissions are open to all children aged over the age of two and below school age. Any waiting list is arranged in order of date of birth, with priority given to the older children.

Session times are:

Monday to Friday mornings 9.00 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Monday, Tuesday afternoons 12 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

Additional Wednesday afternoons (12 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.) are added during the year as numbers require, and are open to all ages.

Afternoon sessions start with lunch.

Each session includes times for free play, snack time and story. Creative activities such as singing, painting, and playdough also take place each week.

A timetable can be seen in Appendix 1.

Lunch Club

The Lunch Club runs every day from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at a charge of £3.50. This is included in the Monday afternoon session. Please bring a lunch for your child. Staff will be happy to offer advice on making up a balanced and healthy meal.


Fees are payable at the start of each half term. It may be possible to pay in instalments at the supervisor’s discretion. Fees are non refundable due to absence, but your child may ‘make up’ a missed session by attending an extra session where numbers permit.

Fees:£9.50 per session

Nursery Education Grant funding is available. Funding begins at the start of the term after your child turns three (either September, January or April). Funding is only made available to the nursery from the start of each term. Appropriate forms to be completed will be available from the playgroup.


A Parent and Toddler group is held on a Thursday afternoon during term time from 1.00 p.m. to 3 p.m. and costs £1.50 per family.

New Look Toddler Group

Every Thursday during term time


Refreshments offered to adults and children

‘Tidy up time’ – adults and children - 2:45 pm

£1.50 per Family


We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures which are always available to be read. Here is a selection of policy statements which you will find the most useful when looking into a Playgroup.


Staff hold a First Aid Certificate, so in the event of an accident there are always First Aiders on duty.


The pre-school aims to create an environment in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. The playgroup aims to:

  • Allow the child to develop a positive image of self worth and self-confidence.
  • Encourage a sense of right and wrong behaviour through social organisation.

Corporal punishment is not performed and shouting is only employed to avert potentially dangerous situations. Sanctions normally involve the removal of the child from the scene of the conflict for a cooling off period. Real behavioural problems will be discussed fully with parent/carer before any action is taken.

Safeguarding Children in Lincolnshire

We work in accordance with The Children Act 1989 and Lincolnshire Area Child Protection Committee Code of Practice. We intend to create an environment in which children are safe from abuse, and in which any suspicions of abuse are promptly and appropriately responded to.


The pre-school will ensure that any concerns are resolved as soon as possible through the implementation of the agreed procedure. Playgroup staff are available up to 9.00 a.m. and after 12pm each morning should you have any matters of concern. If you are unable to resolve any problem by talking to them informally you may make an appointment to discuss the matter in private. If you still feel dissatisfied you have aright to complain officially to the Playgroup Committee or Complaints & Enforcement (Ofsted) 08456 404040.


The pre-school recognises that staff will have access to and be entrusted with confidential information in respect of the children who attend the pre-school.

The pre-school and its staff are under an ethical and moral obligation to protect and maintain confidentiality and security of personal information.


The pre-school is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all children and families and to all adults committed to their education and care. It will take positive action to eliminate discrimination in all areas of its work.


The pre-school will promote a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene in its day to day work with children and adults.


The pre-school considers the safety of young children of paramount importance. It will take the necessary precautions to ensure that the safety of both children and adults is never compromised.


All toys and equipment used by the pre-school will be safe, clean and regularly checked.


All visitors will be welcomed, treated politely and their enquiries dealt with as soon as possible.


The pre-school recognises the wealth of knowledge and expertise that volunteers can bring to our provision and therefore we welcome all volunteers and parent helpers.

A Comprehensive list of all of our policies follows in Appendix 2. Each policy can all be accessed in full at the playgroup.

Starting Playgroup

The pre-school recognises that for children to play and learn successfully, they must feel safe and happy. It aims to ensure that children look forward to their pre-school sessions and that parents/carers feel welcome and involved from the beginning.

You are welcome to visit Playgroup for a session with your child before they start.

Settling In

The pre-school recognises that for children to play and learn successfully, they must feel safe and happy. It aims to ensure that children look forward to their pre-school sessions and that parents/carers feel welcome and involved from the beginning.

In the first days, it is important that parents/carers and staff work together to help settle your child. It takes longer for some children than others, and parents should not worry if their child takes a while to settle in. You are welcome to stay.

Nappies/Toilet Training

We are happy to accept children who are using Nappies. All we ask is that you provide your own nappies and wipes, along with any creams you like to use. We do have emergency supplies, but we do prefer you to provide your own to avoid any allergic reactions.

We are happy to fit in with your chosen toilet training regime when your child is ready. Please liaise with staff as to your child’s needs. Please provide spare pants and a change of clothes in case of accidents while your child is training, although we do have plenty of spares.

What to Wear

In order to allow children to explore and experiment freely, please do not send them in their best clothes as they will get messy. Make sure your child can cope with the clothes they are wearing, e.g. will a belt hinder their trip to the toilet?

Manthorpe Pre-School Playgroup sweatshirts and polo shirts are always available to buy in a variety of sizes, at a very reasonable price.


If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our telephone number and address are on the front of this Prospectus.

If you would like your child to come to Manthorpe Pre-School Playgroup, please complete the forms in Appendix 2, and return them to Playgroup.

ManthorpePre-School Playgroup ProspectusLast updated July 2010