Show Contract Policies

Please read each of the following policies carefully. You and a parent/guardian should initial each policy after reading. THIS SHEET MUST BE TURNED IN AT THE TIME OF YOUR AUDITION, it will not be accepted before and you will not be permitted to audition without it.

Initials / Student
initials / “Students absent due to illness must be in attendance the majority of that student’s school day in order to participate in activities held that same day. Students are also required to attend school all day following a week night activity. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the building administration.”
In Addition:
______/ _____ /  Students must be passing five or more classes to participate in rehearsals, performances, meetings, or any other show related activities.
_____ / ______/  Students must have zero hours of outstanding detention within one week of having detention assigned in order to participate in or attend rehearsals, performances, meetings, or any other show related activities.
______/ ______/ Students must attend a minimum of four out of seven hours in a day in order to attend or participate in rehearsals, performances, meetings, or any other show related activities. If a student leaves school due to illness in the course of a day they are NOT eligible to attend or participate in rehearsals, performances, meetings, or any other show related activities.
______/ ______/ Students must attend the ENTIRE school day following the matinee performances or they WILL NOT be eligible to perform in the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday shows! Students are also expected to attend school the Monday following the shows.
______/ ______/ Rehearsals- Rehearsal times will most likely be 6:30-9:30 PM. Until production week, rehearsals will usually be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Some Saturday, Friday, and Wednesday rehearsals may be required and will be scheduled at the discretion of the director. These extra rehearsals may be scheduled with short notice. Rehearsal time will be extended during production week and the week before production week. Students are expected to look at the schedule and know when they are needed.
_____ / ______/ When not on stage, students are expected to be working on lines, songs, dances, scenes, crew tasks, or their homework. Excessive talking, messing around, immaturity will not be permitted. Cell phones are not permitted on the stage and should not be on the actors/tech during dress rehearsals/shows
______/ ______/ It is highly encouraged that students carpool to and from rehearsal, this eliminates the burden of parents coming to the school, or students having to wait in the parking lot waiting on parents to come after they are called at the end of rehearsal.
_____ / ______/ Absences and Tardies – If you’re early to practice you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re late. Rehearsals will begin exactly at the scheduled time. Students who are 1 -20 minutes late will be given an unexcused tardy. Students who are 20 minutes late or later, will be counted as unexcused absent. Two tardies equal one absence. Two unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the show at the discretion of the director. Absence due to emergencies or unforeseen circumstances may be excused by the director.
______/ ______/ Financial Obligations – The directors endeavor to keep the cost of participation in a show minimal. Cast members who have not previously done so must purchase an individual makeup kit at a cost $20. Students may purchase a show t-shirt if they desire. Cast members will also be asked to provide their own personal items such as hose, tights, undergarments, hairstyling products, and shoes. Sometimes cast members will be asked to search for individual costume pieces at the request of the directors or costumers.
_____ / ______/ Dismissal – The directors reserve the right to dismiss cast or crew members who engage in any behavior that is detrimental to the show. This includes but is not limited to: absences or tardies (see above), not learning lines, extreme negative attitude, tearing down or disrespecting other cast and crew members or any of the directors, or behavior that violates the rules of ACHS as stated in the handbook. If a cast member is removed, their role will be reauditioned and recast as the directors see fit. If a student is dismissed or quits after cast list is posted from a show they will be ineligible to letter in theatre this year, you will automatically be ineligible to participate in any way for the next production. You will also be ineligible to perform at or be nominated for an academy award.
______/ ______/ Parent Help – Producing a show is a huge undertaking. The directors are greatly appreciative of parents who can help by donating time and resources. The drama department is always in need of parents to help sew costumes, provide meals during production week, locate props, run errands, assist with advertising, donate materials or funds, and meet any other needs that arise. Whether or not a parent or guardian chooses to assist with the play has no bearing on present or future casting or crew placement decisions.
______/ ______/ Production Week – No conflicts will be honored during production week. Rehearsals will be Monday, through thursday for extended hours.
After the performance on November 18, the cast and crew will be required to attend strike.
______/ ______/ Strike – Sunday November 18 after the show, will be the Strike for the production. ALL CAST MEMBERS and CREW must attend. If you do not attend you will be ineligible to letter in theatre this year, you will automatically be ineligible to participate in any way for the next production. You will also be ineligible to perform at or receive an academy award. Strike will last anywhere from 90 min to 2.5hours
_____ / ______/ Conflicts: All conflicts including monthly, one-time, and non reoccurring conflicts will be listed on audition sheet. Students involved in other school activities MUST attach a copy of practice/rehearsal and game/performance schedules from auditions through show. Conflicts listed will be excused. Conflict that are not on list will not be excused unless prior arrangements are made with director.

By auditioning I state that I understand and agree to the following:

 I have reviewed all the information on the application and this contract and I agree to abide by them.

 I understand all decisions of the directors are final.

 I will be at all scheduled rehearsals and meetings unless otherwise arranged with the director.

Student Name (Print): ______


Parent or Guardian:

 I have reviewed the show contract with my student.

 I agree to abide by the policies and to support my student in abiding by them.

Parent / Guardian Name (Print):______
