Members News

Lammas 2004

Welcome to the Lammas edition of ‘Members News’ 2004. Firstly thank you to everyone who has contacted me concerning the vandalism at the Rollright Stone Circle. At the time of writing a CCTV picture has been released of a person the Police would like to speak with concerning the incident. I will keep you updated if there are further developments. Thank you also goes to everyone who requested the figures for Paganism compiled within the 2001 census. I trust that your copies have all been safely received. It has been an extremely busy time for The Pagan Federation and its officers and there is a lot of news to share with you…

Change to the second Principle

At the Summer Council meeting held in Birmingham on Saturday 10th July 2004. The Council voted to revert to the following wording for our second principle.

A positive morality, in which the individual is responsible for the discovery and development of their true nature in harmony with the outer world and community. This is often expressed as “Do what you will, as long as it harms none”

New Committee Member

We are very anxious to improve our communication networks. I am extremely pleased to announce that Trish Botham, also the joint District Manager for London, has been appointed by Council to serve as a Committee member for twelve months, tasked with managing and improving our areas of communication.

National PF Telephone Line

A national telephone line has been set up to help with the growing number of general enquiries. The number is basically a "one stop shop" for your Pagan Fed needs and questions. The number is: 0906 3020184.

It is a premium rate number charged at 50p per minute. Calls last no longer than five minutes. If your call isn't answered, leave a message and someone will call you back as soon as possible. Currently we are unable to return calls to mobile numbers, landlines only I'm afraid! The service is for members and non-members alike, so if you know anyone who's thinking of becoming a PF member, give them the number!

The Pagan Federation International Convention 2004!

Croydon 2004 will see many changes to what was the PF annual conference. For a start the name itself is changing! In recognition of the truly international nature of the event and that this is more a gathering than a conference, the annual event will now be known as;

The Pagan Federation

International Convention

OK you may be thinking, a change of name so what? This year will also see a few changes to the way the event is run! A meet and greet programme will be in place for all those who have never been to the annual conference or for those attending on their own. This will give an opportunity to meet up with other newcomers as well as old hands, let alone being shown around what can be a very confusing large building. Other small changes are also planned but these will be unnoticeable to most but will ease the workload and hopefully stress levels of the convention team and volunteers.

The theme for this year is “Unity in Diversity” and the range of speakers will certainly be diverse! Unlike previous conferences this year the emphasis will be not only focused on Paganism and its various paths but will include other religions from a more esoteric or unusual perspective.

Some of the speakers confirmed so far may be seen as controversial in some quarters. These include - Christopher Penczak, the author of ‘Gay Witchcraft’ He will be speaking about being a Wiccan and the issues surrounding being involved in a tradition that has an emphasis on the balance of male and female. The Rev’d Richard Thomas, Communication Officer for The Diocese of Oxford, is a reader and occasional letter contributor to ‘Pagan Dawn’. Richard is also known by some Pagans as the Vicar who has just finished a BA in Witchcraft and Paganism through Lambeth Palace. Another speaker is Tania Ahsan editor of ‘Prediction’ magazine who has spent much time studying the beliefs and magickal practices of rural areas in Muslim Pakistan.

Following on from last years talk on Hindu Dharma by the UK President of the World Council of Hindus, we are having a speaker talking about the Goddess Kali – the Dark Destroyer or the Earth Mother? This will be accompanied by a classic Hindu Dance display also focused on Kali. Marian Green, well known author and teacher, will be giving a talk on Spell Craft. Our workshops will include Hedgerow herbalism, Divination Techniques, Prehistoric Brewing plus samples for tasting.

The evening will also see live bands performing on the main stage and for those who prefer acoustic music Damh the Bard and others will also be performing. The closing ritual will be something totally different from other years… come along and see this unique ritual for yourself…Other speakers will be talking about subjects such as Kabbalah, Paganism, Pagan Activism, and much more…

Community Services PO Box

Cassandra Latham our Community Services Officer has set up a PO Box specifically for Prison Ministry, Hospital Visiting and Interfaith mail. For help and advice with these services please now write to the following address:

PO Box 195, Penzance. TR19 6ZX.

Is Interfaith looking for you?

Are you an enthusiastic and dedicated campaigner? Are you tolerant of others beliefs and interested in challenging dialogue? Do you have good communication skills, and an ability to manage a team of volunteers? If so, you may be the person we are looking for as the PF Interfaith Officer. Given the present situation regarding our dialogue with the Home Office Faith Communities Unit, this post is crucial and requires a special someone who can successfully communicate with officials as well as ministers of other faiths. Any interested potential candidates can contact Cassandra Latham at our Community Services PO Box.


On Saturday 29th May 2004 a protest march was organised by Heritage Action to raise awareness of the continuing problems facing Silbury Hill. Representatives of The Pagan Federation were proud to attend the event and show full support for the work of Heritge Action. If you would like further information about the valuable work being undertaken by them, whose campaigning slogan is “Ordinary people caring for extraordinary places” you may like to visit their website at:

Pagans United!

Yes, you did read that right! Pagans really are joining forces in order to make themselves heard by society and the government.

Why did all this start?

On April 26th 2004 a meeting took place between the recently formed Faith Communities Unit in the Home Office and representatives of The Pagan Federation, Pagans in Public Service (PIPS), the Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO) and Wicca UK. The Pagan representatives emphasized that while most government departments that consulted faith communities worked from a list supposed to represent the major religions in the UK, the April 2001 census showed that, in the UK, those who entered their religion as "Pagan" outnumbered the total for Jains, Zoroastrians and Baha'is combined.

The Home Office explained that Paganism has not been seen to speak with one voice. The Pagan representatives explained that Pagans cherish variety between and within their traditions, as do many other faiths that are divided into separate denominations. The Home Office representatives were unaware, for example, that most Witches and Druids celebrate the same eight festivals, sometimes together!

Following the meeting PEBBLE (Public Body Liaison Committee for British Paganism) came into being - set up by - but by no means limited to - the Pagan organisations mentioned. (Note: any Pagan organisations wishing to join PEBBLE are encouraged to make contact through the PEBBLE website:

Three recent events served the emergence of PEBBLE:

1. The national census results for Religion were released (see previous Members News for breakdown of numbers) Essentially, the number of people declaring themselves to be Pagan in Scotland = 1930 with another 40,000 + Pagans in England and Wales. This makes Paganism the SEVENTH largest religion in the UK.

2. In 2003 the new employment legislation defined discrimination against religious beliefs in a much wider scope than previously, including Atheism and Paganism.

3. The government is on a campaign to encourage diversity in all its departments, and this is detailed in the 'Working Together - Co-operation between Government and Faith Communities report.

On 3rd June 2004 the first public meeting of PEBBLE took place. This was a very sudden emergency meeting because the following day representatives of PEBBLE were set to meet with the Home Office in order to advance Government recognition of Paganism in the UK. The meeting was an extremely positive event, with Pagans attending from far and wide to give their input into this groundbreaking initiative.

In order to receive recognition, Pagans need to stand together and show a united front. Some government officials STILL think of Pagans as either being a joke or being Satanists. This perception must be changed!

PEBBLE has supplied the Home Office with advice on dealing with Pagans in disasters, a copy of which is available on the PF website. Pagans have been asked to provide their input on the proposed changes to burial law and policy – again check the PF website for details. A preliminary meeting with the Department of Education has taken place. PEBBLE discussed many issues with the government representative, ranging from issues of curriculum design and content, to the problems of discrimination and harassment for Pagan students and teachers alike.

Further meetings with other government departments are in the pipeline. Let us know what you want the PF to put to the government! What issues are you most concerned about? What changes would you like to see?

The Pagania Trust

The Pagan Federation submitted an application for charitable status to the Charity Commission on 10th February 2004. The application was acknowledged on 26th April 2004. Our application is continually being strengthened by support from objective theological experts who agree that Paganism is a religion. Professor Eileen Barker of INFORM and the London School of Economics has recently agreed to write a supporting statement on behalf of the Pagania Trust’s charity application. Watch this space.

Newspapers and Media Interest

At the time of writing several disturbing articles have appeared in the national tabloid press concerning Paganism and the work being carried out by organisations such as the PF within the community. None of the articles appear to be based upon truth or fact! The PF Media team and Committee are currently handling these issues and a PF press statement has been issued. There should be a full update within the Samhain edition of ‘Pagan Dawn’. If you have any concerns about articles you have read please contact us.

Stewart Farrar Media Awards 2004

Leading on from the last article, it is now time for you to make your nominations for the best and worst coverage of Paganism within the media this year! The winners and losers (!) will be announced at Samhain.


Are you experiencing problems at work directly because you are a Pagan? Are your children the victims of discrimination at school because of your or your family’s Paganism? If this is the case the Pagan Federation does want to help you. In the first instance please write to our Vice President, Belinda Winder, outlining your experience using the main PF BM Box or e mail direct to:

PF at Parliament of World Religions

The Parliament of World Religions is a conference that is held every five years. People from all religious walks of life attend the event to work together to promote the notion of peace and understanding of one another. The 2004 Conference has just taken place in Barcelona, Spain.

About sixty Pagans from across the globe attended and contributed to the event. The Pagan Federation was represented by John Belham-Payne and Morgana of PFI. A full report about the conference will be included within the Samhain edition of ‘Pagan Dawn’

The next event is due to take place in 2009. The Pagan Federation alongside other groups from around the globe will be there! Morgana says that her most notable memories will always be the warm welcome John and she received from the “Pagans from the USA” It was a fabulous opportunity for networking within the Pagan community. Morgana looks forward to continuing with the links that have been forged.

Membership Cards

If you do not hold a current PF membership card please can you contact me and a card will be issued for you.

Remember The Pagan Federation is here for you! If you need help or assistance please contact us. If you have any ideas that may be of benefit to the Pagan community, want to write an article for ‘Pagan Dawn’, would like to tell us what you want to read in ‘Pagan Dawn’ or offer to help us in our work then we do want to hear from you!

The Pagan Federation is a non-profit organisation run by unpaid volunteers. Your help, support and input is vital.

“In service to Paganism”

Brightest Blessings


PF General Secretary

BM Box 7097, London, WC1N 3XX