Friday,February 3rd 2017
1:00 pm
Members Present: Cathy Wright, Miranda Johnston, Lynda Speck, Richard Graey, Jamie Ellsmore, Lance Blodgett, Rebekah Davis,
Members Absent: Laura Montagna, Claire Trower, Linda Lyons, Cathie Shermer by proxy with Mary Ann Lyons, Shari Lovett
By Phone: Kirk Miller, Stephanie Jackson,HeatherScharlack
Guests: Chloe Reed, Roxy Kennedy, Linda Huddleston, Asia Lindauer, April Waterman
1.0 CALLTOORDER - Richard calls meeting to order at 1:14pm.
4.0 ADJUSTMENTSTOTHEAGENDA –Mary Ann Lyons to proxy for Cathie Shermer, Lynda S moves to approve, Cathy W seconds, all vote aye. Add Chloe Reed to action item 7.1 and appoint her a Charter Council seat, Cathy W moves to add Chloe, Rebekah seconds, all vote aye. Both motions pass.
5.0 ADOPTTHEAGENDA –Lynda S moves to adopt, Rebekah seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
6.0 CONSENTAGENDA(Minutesfromthe December CharterCouncilMeeting) –Rebekah moves, Jamie seconds to make “October” “December” on printed and online Agenda’s. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.1 Charter Council seat approvals – Vote on re appointment of the Charter Council seats. Shari Lovett and Lance Blodgett to be reappointed; Also a new seat for Chloe Reed in Mendo. Lynda moves to reappoint Shari & Lance and appoint Chloe, Cathy W seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.2 Document storage and work email policy second reading.–Lynda moves to table due to illness, Rebekah seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.3 Second reading of Employee Handbook chapter 4. – Lynda moves to table due to illness, Rebekah seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.4 College Readiness Block Grant – The written plan for use of this grant. – Stephanie advises on the areas this grant will fund, AVID A/P Courses and Courses of Rigor, and the like. MVCS will work with HCOE on programs to be funded. Cathy moves to accept the plan, Rebekah seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.5 SARC – Final draft of MVCS SARC report. Rebekah moves to approve SARC Report, Cathy W seconds. Cathy would like more instructors to be part of the textbook and curriculum committee concerning the SARC. Stephanie and Rebekah point out that that is already practice. Kirk talks of an LCFF dash board that will work with SARC and become one item. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.6 MVCS 17/18 school calendar. – Cathy W moves to adopt calendar, Jamie seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.7 Bloodborne Pathogens – The Plan, procedure and form.– Keenan trainings for all employees, so we all have the same procedure. There will be a BBP kit for each center and there will be a charter plan for use of BBP kit. Each center will have a designee that will know procedure and how to follow it. All center employees and volunteers will be trained in procedure. Rebekah talks of form that will report if the BBP kit is used and then a reorder for that center will happen. Heather asks about if there is a campus boundary line, if a child throws up in the parking lot with their parent, do we follow procedure. Stephanie states that if a parent is handling the situation and no staff members are involved then no. But if a staff member is at all involved then yes. Cathy W moves to adopt the BBP Plan Procedure, Rebekah seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
7.8 WASC update. – Stephanie thanks all people who used the Google form Kirk made and all who gave feedback. Thanks to Lynda S for data in section 1. Thanks to April for putting together and mailing the binders. Thanks to Shari for formatting documents. Binders were mailed 1/26/17, the recipients of binders liked the information we provided. WASC visit is March 13th and 14th, the WASC chairperson states no agenda needs to be made for visit but Stephanie wants an agenda.
7.9 LCAP update. – Lynda moves to table due to illness, Cathy W seconds. All vote aye. Motion passes.
9.0 ADMIN REPORT –Kirk reports after school foreign language club at Mt. Shasta and Ice Skating field trip, field trip to indoor rock climbing wall. There could be a land opportunity in Yreka, Richard and Kirk will discuss.
Mary Ann Lyons reports on IS students of Mary Ann and Cathie Shermer, and discussion of breaking into 2 all day classes due to age difference in teachers rosters.
Heather reports that she supports Mary Ann & Cathie’s idea. And that Ganisini is doing well and the potential of a new employee. There are approx 45 kids in elementary. The Science Fair and History Day are coming up, as well as the Spelling Bee on 2/16.
Cathie reports on SPED, Valerie is immersing herself in duties in Mendo and here. Revamp of SST’s, teachers more involved in process. Revamp and redistribute assessment booklet that Cathy W created.
Richard reports Theresa’s memorial was wonderful, a good turn out. MVCS staff and students attended the memorial as Roxy reports. Many memories of Theresa are shared.
Rebekah reports NCLA landlord purchased surveillance. NCLA going to Beginnings for History Fair. Participating in Science Fair. Going to Ashland to see Beauty & the Beast. Miranda suggested Class Meetings on Monday and Thursday as they are productive.
Lance reports Biology and Chemistry is productive and Math is going well. CH thanks Counseling Dept for help they are providing . Report of HSU Art class and the success they are having. Humboldt MVCS high school graduation will take place June 15th or 16th 2017 at 2:00. Not the Van Duzer due to earthquake retro-fit, will be at Kate Buchannan Room. Siskiyou Grad will be Sun June 4th at COS.
Stephanie reports that there will be a meeting for the OGA and info from that meeting will be distributed to teachers. Be on the lookout for info. Lost Coast High student Mason Trevino has awarded the Rising Star Award.
Jamie asks about a written doctors note for being excused from PE for all 4 years of high school, how to move forward?
Lawsuit update: Our legal team took to the case to Supreme Court they declined to hear it. MVCS has a board approved waiver to waive the law for under 2 years. If goes to 2 years or more it becomes permanent. Right now you can have centers in your district and outside your county but not outside your district. We can amend our charter to approve one outside your district. Forming a nonprofit to have and run 3 or 4 charter schools. This is the long term plan(longer than the 2 year plan). It would require a different kind of board.
10.0 FUTUREAGENDAITEMS –Second Reading of Employee Handbook Chapter 4, Document storage and work email policy second reading, LCAP update and procedure for long term written doctors note to be excused from PE.
11.0 ADJOURNMENT – Richard adjourns at 2:40pm.