Orlando PadenFinancial Aid
Coahoma Community College
Barron Student Union
3240 Friars Point Rd.
Clarksdale, MS 38614
Phone: (662) 621-4204
Fax: (662) 627-9871
Emma MaganaTexas A & M University of San Antonio
One University Way Room 111
San Antonio, TX 78224
Phone: (210) 784-1322
Fax: (210) 784-1490
/ SECRETARY Vacant /
Paul SchaferScholarships/Financial Aid
Texas A&M University College Station
P O Box 30016
College Station, TX 77842
Phone: (979)458-5327
Fax: (979) 847-9061
Crystal WilliamsFinancial Aid Office
Winston Salem State University
201 Thompson Center
Winston-Salem, NC 27110
Phone: (336) 750-3286
Fax: ( 336) 750-3297
SASEA Conference Call Minutes
March 4, 2015
Call to Order:3:07pm by Orlando Paden
Opening Remarks:Orlando Paden- Welcomed board members and said the purpose of the call was to get updates on various items and to look ahead to the conference.
Items for Discussion
Membership Update:Paul
1) Paul said membership is looking good with new members coming from all over. There have been 4 new members and 3 renewals since the last conference call. Did not have exact membership numbers available for the call.
2) PayPal is working fine so far for memberships.
Treasurer Update: Emma
We are receiving checks for membership and renewals. Planning to make a deposit tomorrow or Friday.
Open Board Positions: Orlando
Would like the SEOTY Coordinator (Debbie Kightlinger) and the Train the Trainer (Is this the SEE Coordinator you are referring to? If so, this is Nedra Goodrich) to be invited to join us on the next conference call for any updates on this committees.
Conference Agenda: Shea/Orlando
1)Conference registration is now live on the website as of today. She will be sending out a list serv message to the membership today to announce registration is open.
2)She is currently working on a newsletter but wants this to go out in conjunction with the start of conference registration. Will go out within the next few days.
3)Shea has been back and forth with email and phone calls with Disney World, Disney College Program, Disney Education and Instituite to inquire about a speaker for the key note opening session on Wed. 6/3. They are working on the request and will contact me soon. Will have more information for the next conference call.
4)Shea sent out list serv message and posted to website the Conference Proposal form to present at the conference. So far, we have 0 presentations confirmed but do have 2 interested in roundtable sessions and 3 possible presenters for sessions. Once registration goes live, there may be more activity on this. Will also include this in the newsletter.
New / Misc. Items:
Question came up about who our SEE Trainers are. They are: SEE Coordinator: Nedra Goodrich. Trainers: Amy Suter, Amber Weaver-Shifflett, Ebonie Robinson, Ronnie Malinas. Linda Morgan was a trainer but now since she is at the NSEA home office, not sure if she will continue.
Question came up about who from SASEA board would be represented at the NSEA conference in November since no one had attended this past NSEA conference and members had to fill in during the SASEA session/business meeting. Although any board member or member can attend the conference, the President and/or President Elect usually attends because they attend the President’s Meeting.
Emma: Will look into a rental car for while at the conference. Also include insurance on the car.
Crystal: Will check with Conference Bureau for information, materials, etc. Flyers: will have for marketing for board positions, next conference or SEE training, etc.
Orlando/Emma: Lanyards: will check on this for name tags for conference.
Shea: 1) working on newsletter. 2) Follow-up with ATAC to ensure special dietary needs are on the registration form (Did confirm 3/6, it is listed on registration)
President’s Reception: Will discuss for next conference call.
Business Meeting / Awards: will discuss for next conference call. Thursday or Fri morning?
Sponsors: Shea will review files and get more information on this. May need to contact Nedra or Beverly Cage as well since they arranged hospitality suite in the past.
Meeting adjourned 3:50 pm by Orlando.
Next Conference Call: Wednesday, March 25th 2pm Central time, 3pm Eastern. 1-800-977-8002 and the participant code is 108565#.