R.N. Robertson Traveling Fellowship for Early Career Researchers

Maximum funding available $4000

Applications in electronic form are to be forwarded to the Hon Secretary of ASPS at

Applications close: 20th January 2017 for the 2017 round

Application Form

Your name
Your qualifications [include date of award(s)]
Are you currently undertaking a postgraduate degree by research?
If so what is the degree?
Number of years since your PhD was awarded (if applicable, and must be less than 2 effective years of research, ie taking into account any breaks in research activity)
Your current work address and contact details
Your current supervisor’s name and contact details
Name, location and contact details of the proposed supervisor at your destination institution

Please provide all material as electronic files

Attachments to be submitted with the application form:

1.  Current area of research described in no more than 600 words. The applicant should provide sufficient background of their current activities and findings to make it clear why the proposed visit will enhance their research activities/findings.

2.  Proposed research at the destination institution, no more than 400 words.

3.  Proposed supervisor’s endorsement of visit.

4.  Current supervisor’s endorsement of visit, including comment on financial and scientific viability.

5.  curriculum vitae of not more than two pages; publication list does not count towards the two pages.

By applying for this award, you agree to write a report, including photos, to be submitted to the Phytogen blog within 60 days of the end of the research visit. This report will be linked to your name in the corresponding section of the R. N. Robertson Traveling Fellowship Past Recipients at asps.org.au site, making it publicly available. The report (up to 1500 words) should be sent to the Phytogen Chief Editor as a Word document and photos should be provided separately as “png” files. Other material, such as videos or additional URL, is also welcome. When communicating the results of the research, you agree to acknowledge the Australian Society of Plant Scientists, the R.N. Robertson Fund and the University of Western Australia for administering the Fund.

Signature (electronic):
