Name ______
Below each grade listed are the requirements to earn that grade. A course syllabus with an overview of the school year is available on the band webpage.
To Earn a “C”
1. Attend all rehearsals; no unexcused absences.
2. During rehearsals, display appropriate behavior (i.e. – ready to play on-time, participate in activities, complete assignments, have all your materials).
3. Attend the required events
September 1 Marching Band 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Football Field September 8 Marching Band 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Football Field
September 22 Homecoming activities all day! Marching Band 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Football Field
October 6 Marching Band 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Football Field
Playoff game(s) we perform at – the first being Friday, October 20
(we won't know about this until sometime in October)
To Earn a “B”
Do everything listed above, plus:
1. Demonstrate improvement in marching skills at rehearsals and performances.
2. Attend one lesson between September 11 and September 21 ____
(work on music for September 22nd show)
3. Attend one lesson between September 25 and October 5 ____
(work on music for October 6th show)
4. Attend one lesson between October 9 and October 25 ____
(skill inventory and goal setting for remainder of school year)
Lessons can be completed during study halls or in a group that meets before or after school.
If you choose to do your lessons during study halls: sign-up for a time that works for you on Mr. Janssen's office door; the lessons last about twenty minutes; multiple people can have a lesson together as long as they play the same instrument.
If you choose to do your lessons before or after school: these are done in large groups of people who play the same parts; the groups before school will go from 7:30 - 7:55 a.m. or 3:35 – 4:00 p.m. (late arrivals will not be given credit for the lesson); you don't need to sign-up in advance, just show up in the band room ready to play at on time. Dates and groupings will be announced in advance.
Percussionists: we will have a Percussion Sectional each game day beginning at 7:00 a.m. to work on everything for that evening’s show. Those who participate in the sectionals on the mornings of game days will have satisfied the lesson requirements. Percussionists who are late to the sectionals will be marked absent.
Name ______
To Earn an “A”
Do everything listed above plus you need to successfully complete part one AND part two below.
Part one: video reviews
Complete video reviews of marching band rehearsals of the band preparing for the:
1. September 22 show
2. October 6 show.
You need to do one review for each of the two performances.
Outdoor rehearsals will be video recorded daily and posted online so you can watch them anytime. Video review sheets can be picked up in the band room or printed from the band web page. Fill out the form while watching the video, then turn in the sheet to Mr. Janssen. Each one must be completed by the day of that show (for example - you need to turn in the completed review for the September 22nd show by September 22 at 3:30 p.m.).
Part two: complete one of the following
- play at an optional band event (like Band Day, a fall pep band event, etc.)
- tutor band students at the middle school – this requires advance planning! You need to do at least four weeks of this activity for it to count. Be sure to talk with Mr. Dorner before starting this to get approval
- perform as a member of the Wisconsin State Honors Music Project in October
- participate in the Winds of Wisconsin (WoW) and/or Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra (WYSO) programs
- percussionists – attend all the game day sectionals, perform your parts with accuracy, be a positive contributor to the sectionals
- other ideas . . . let’s talk!
- play in the pit orchestra or be a cast member for the musical
- be a uniform manager or band librarian
- switch to an instrument we need for band
Being a member of a performing ensemble . . .
v This contract represents 75% of your grade. The remaining 25% will be based on your level of participation in class activities, improvement as a member of the ensemble, and cooperation with the teacher and other students. As with all performance-based classes, your ability to work with others has a direct impact on everyone’s final result – that includes what the audience hears and sees, but also how the performers sense they did on reaching the desired goals for each performance. In other words, what you do has an impact on the other students in the class. Part of your grade will reflect this impact.
v Students who do not complete all the requirements for a C, but complete the requirements for a B and/or A will have their grade lowered one full level (instead of an A, you would get a B).
Students who miss a required performance for an unexcused reason may receive an F for the quarter. The only absences that will be excused include severe illness or unavoidable complications/emergencies. All other absences will be considered unexcused.
Grade I earned this quarter: ______
How/why I earned this grade: