Fun, Friends, and Faith


November 4, 2015

Our theme for the week was the Farm. We read Look Who’s Talking on the Farm and Farm Animals. We sang Old MacDonald and each got to choose our favorite farm animal. We also made a muddy pig and searched for farm animals in the sand.

In Jesus Time this week we learned about the story of Daniel and the lions’ den. Daniel worked for the king in Israel. He also loved the Lord, praying and praising Him often. A law was then passed that no one should worship anyone but the king, but Daniel continued to pray to the Lord. He was punished and sent to the lions’ den. Because of his love for the Lord, God sent an angel and closed the lions’ mouths to save Daniel. Our God is so mighty!!

Next week, our last week…. Sports & David & Jonathan. Session 2 begins Wednesday, December 2nd.

You may turn in the registration forms and payment for the second session directly to Mrs. DeMarsh. Please fill this out as soon as possible. We would like to give our first session students priority registration.J Also, if you know any children who will be three by February 28th,are potty trained, and may be interested in our class, please let Mrs. DeMarsh know!

It has truly been a pleasure getting to know your children. They have learned and grown so much and I am proud of each one them. Thank you for sharing your children with me. This has been an amazing session, and I can’t wait to start the next session.

Change of clothes… As the weather is changing, we ask that you please bring in a warmer change of clothes for your child to keep here. Most bags we have here at school contain summer clothing.

Thanks to all those who have donated snacks and juice to our class! Your donations are greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 847-428-1010 ext. 236 or through email at . Also, please check out our website at

Blessings on your week!

Mrs. DeMarsh