TO:1. *Supervisor* / Initials / Date
2. Hortencia R. Hornbeak, PhD, Director, SRP
3. Matthew Fenton, PhD, Director, DEA
Type of Action:Waiver for Kelly Government Services SRO contractor, *NAME* to attend FACA peer review meeting.
FROM: Bernice MechanicTITLE: Program Analyst / BLDG/ROOM No.
5601 Fishers Lane
To:Director, Division of Extramural Activities, NIAID
Through:Director, Scientific Review Program, DEA, NIAID
Subject:Conditional blanket waiver for attendance of contractor staff at
FACA-regulated peer review meetings
We respectfully request permission for NAME employed by the Contractor, Kelly Government Services, and deployed as a POSITION in the Scientific Review Program, DEA, NIAID, to attend closed sessionsof the FACA-regulated peer review meeting### to be held on DATE. The request ismade to accommodate exceptional circumstances associated with meetings thatmeet one or more of the following criteria:
[ ]volume--- the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the assigned SRO to complete the summary statements within 6 weeks of adjournment of the review meeting, generally more than 50 single project applications or 12 multiproject applications.
[ ]complexity--- the review meeting requires streamlining of applications or coordination with more than 3 teleconference reviewers, which often entails compiling final streamlining scores, re-ordering the meeting agenda and communicating with teleconference reviewers regarding changes in the review meeting schedule
[ ]panel size---- the review panel is larger than 30 reviewers necessitating complex logistical arrangements for smooth flow of the review meeting, including monitoring of absence and recall when conflicts of interest require reviewers to absent themselves from discussion of select applications.
[x ]staffing--- the overall workload of the Scientific Review Program requires assignment of more than one review that requires a face-to-face reviewer discussion in the same Council cycle.
[ ]pace--- circumstances or policies require rapid turnaround of peer review procedures such as Project Bioshield or Hyperaccelerated initiatives.
[ ]DFO personal emergency--- the Designated Federal Official
has a personal emergency that makes it necessary to assign an alternative federal SRO to the review project thereby resulting in unmanageable workload for and review committee unfamiliar to the substitute DFO.
[ ]other:______
It is understood further that any Kelly Government Services contractor for whom permission has been granted to attend a FACA-regulated meeting will have previously completed and signed the Kelly Government Services Employee Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Certification Form associated with the specific peer review meeting.
Your favorable response to this request would be greatly appreciated.
Branch Chief Signature
Branch Chief Name
Matthew J. Fenton, Ph.D.Matthew J. Fenton, Ph.D.
Director, DEADirector, DEA