Statement of Demands from Rakhine CBOs Regarding Natural Resources Extraction Projects in Rakhine State
Date: October 21, 2013
A three-day workshop on rights of natural resources control and management was successfully held from October 14-16 at Myauk U Hotel in Myauk U City, Rakhine (Arakan) State. The workshop was organized by a Myanmar-based CBO, Natural Resources for the People (NRFP). 55 representatives from Rakhine CBOs, Youths, women’s organizations and political parties from 17 townships in the entire Rakhine State participated in the workshop. The participants broadly discussed the rights of control and management on natural resources and benefit from natural resource extraction in Rakhine State during the workshop.
Moreover, the participants also analyzed and broadly discussed the positive and negative impacts on social and economic from so called development projects implemented by the former military governments as well as the current U Thein Sein government. These discussions included the negative impacts on the environment and ecosystems in Rakhine State from the so-called development projects.
Rakhine State is currently one of the least developed states and has the second largest poverty rate in Myanmar, even though it is rich in natural resources such as oil and gas, and minerals. Currently, Shwe gas from Rakhine State is being exported to China, and mineral extraction projects, Special Economic Zone projects and hydropower projects are being implemented throughout Rakhine State. None of these projects have the consent of the Rakhine people.
The Union government has been unwilling to assist the development of Rakhine State’s economy, as well as education and health infrastructure, and to provide 24 hours of electricity to Rakhine State residents at the same price as in Yangon.
Therefore, during the workshop representatives from Rakhine CBOs, women’s organizations and political parties from 17 different townships set forth the following demands:
• To provide 24 hours’ electricity from Shwe Gas to rural and urban areas in the whole Rakhine State at the same price as Yangon, and to utilize any benefits from the Shwe gas project for community development in Rakhine State
• To include the rights to control and manage Rakhine natural resources by the Rakhine people in the constitution of Myanmar
• To stop immediately the following projects in Rakhine State, which are currently being implemented without Rakhine people’s consent:
o Maday Deep Oil Seaport Project, Laymro Hydro Power Dam Project (Kyauk U), Kaladan Multi-Model Transit Transport Project, Titanium Mining Project, Large Scale Production of Marble (Decorative Stone) Mining Project, Special Economic Zone projects, Hotel and Agriculture projects, Tha Htay Chaung Hydro Power Dam Project, Ann Chaung Hydro Power Dam Project and Kyauk Phyu-Kumin Rail Road Project
• To postpone all natural resource extraction projects until a real federal system is granted
• To give back lands confiscated by the military, cronies, and companies to the local owners
• To conduct meaningful FPIC, UNDRIP, SIA, EIA and HIA for any investment projects, and to make a law mandating the implementation of those standards
• To immediately release activists who were imprisoned for their activism regarding natural resource extraction
• To recognize and preserve Rakhine culture and historic infrastructure in line with UNESCO’s standards against the mega development projects
• To immediately implement demands, rejections and suggestions from the Rakhine People’s Conference held in May 27-29, 2012 Rathe Daung City, and statements from the Rakhine Social Network (Taung Gut) and Rakhine Youth Forum in 2012.
Media Contact:
Daw Aye Nu Sein (Sittwe) - Phone - 094 200 31 358
U Phay Kway (Than Dway) - Phone - 094 201 95 806
U Myo Tun (NRFP) - English - Phone - 094 250 18154
U Aung Thaung Shwe (Maung Taw) - Phone - 092 502 36 720
U Tun Nay Win (Myauk U) - English - Phone - 094 211 72 405
Mg Tun Kyi (Kyauk Phyu) - Phone - 092 502 38 839