Meeting Number / 207
Date of Meeting: / 18th May 2016
Location: / Brigstock Village Hall
Purpose of Meeting: / Monthly Parish Council Meeting
Minutes Prepared By: / Nigel Searle
Date & Location of Next Meetings: / 15th June 2016 Brigstock Village Hall
Attendees: / D. Solesbury, S Wilks (Chair) M DSmith, W Millen,,
J Schofield, C Johnson, E Searle, S Malcom
Copies to: / All Parish councillor’s plus
District Councillor, County Councillor
Parish Council Meeting
Item No / Subject /
207.001 / Election of Chair
Mrs S Wilks accepted the nomination as Chair. Proposed by ES and seconded DS unanimous. (Mrs Wilks stated that this will be the last year she will stand) /
207.002 / Election of V.Chair
Mr W Millen accepted the nomination as V.Chair. Proposed by ES and seconded JS unanimous /
207.003 / Councillor Co-option
Terry Towns was co-opted onto the council and signed Declaration Acceptance of Office /
207.004 / Election of planning Committee
The following agreed to sit on the planning subcommittee SM,MS,SW,JS,WM (WM Chair) /
207.005 / Planning committee delegated authority
The committee terms of reference are attached as an appendix /
207.006 / Public Forum
2 Members present /
/ There were no issues discussed as they had been previously aired in the preceding Parish Meeting. /
207.007 / Police report /
/ No officer present /
207.008 / Apologies for absence /
/ K Motion and County Councillors Wendy Brackenbury /
207.009 / Declaration of interests /
/ None declared /
207.010 / Minutes of previous meetings (206) /
/ These were signed as a true record of the meetings
207.011 / Matters arising /
/ See action diary attached /
207.012 / Monthly accounts /
207.012i / Income
Precept / £10,000.00
Cemetery C79 (R35) / £130.00
Cemetery M59 (R34) / £160.00
Cemetery L75 (R36) / £336.00
Groundworks (NHP Account) / £4,780.00
207.012ii / Expenditure / VAT Content
101221 / Village Hall (Paid in April) / £200.00 / £0.00
101222 / J Croker (Paid in April) / £95.28 / £0.00
101223 / Zurich / £849.08 / £0.00
101224 / Clerking fee / £533.46 / £0.00
Postage, ink, phone, net / £145.03 / £678.49 / £15.52
101225 / Planit X (NHP A/C) / £714.72 / £119.12
101226 / Collins Brothers / £6.24 / £1.04
£2,543.81 / £135.68

207.012iii The Clerk was authorised to pay these accounts

Protected Funds

207.012iiii Skate park funds held by Parish Council


207.012v 2015 Firework funds held by Parish Council


207.012vi 2015/2016 Neighbourhood Plan funds held by Parish Council (£247:00)

2016/2017 Neighbourhood Plan funds held by Parish Council £3,350.65

207.012vii / Reserved for planting in the village. £65:33
207.012viii / Swan Avenue footpath £2,000:00

207.012viiii Annual Accounts

Governance statement This was circulated prior to the meeting.

This was agreed and signed Proposed DS seconded WM unanimous

207.013 / Planning /
207.013i / New applications since last meeting
16/00751/FUL New Porch, replacement conservatory and new brick cladding at 60 Lyveden Road, Brigstock, NN14 3HE (Planning committee response, NO objection) /
207.013ii / Status of previous applications See appendix /
207.014 / Street lighting (This is a permanent agenda item) /
/ It was agreed to set up a sub-committee to put forward a proposal to the council for the replacement of the village lighting.
Committee members TT,SW,WM,SM /
207.015 / Post Office (closure)
It has been confirmed that the current owner is giving up the post office if no one can be found to take it on. The Clerk to look into community funding. ACTION /
207.016 / Flooding update
Since the flooding there has been an inspection by consultant engineers who will be reporting back to NCC. /
/ The flood store has been equipped with “FloodSax” which are available for residents to purchase at cost. /
/ Clarification as to the powers of the flood warden are still under investigation. /
207.017 / Litter pick (equipment)
The litter pick was very well supported and the village had a good tidy up, thank you to W Millen for organising the event.
Tea and cakes were served at no cost by the WI in the WI hall to all who participated. Many thanks to them. /
/ It was agreed that the village should have some litter picks and hoops. It was agreed to give a £100:00 budget to purchase the equipment. Proposes SM seconded MS unanimous. E S to action. ACTION /
207.018 / Gladmans /
/ Application 16/00654/OUT The parish council have objected to this application see appendix. /
207.019 / Replacement of map board
SW is to investigate the options/prices for a new map board ACTION /
207.020 / Meadow Gateposts
Quotations requested waiting response /
207.021 / Land Registry /
/ In the process of registering the village green and War Memorial site. ACTION /
207.022 / NHP update
Group working well. Next step is to consult land owners. Meeting with housing association regarding exception sites taken place. Consultant working closely with ENC and currently crafting the draft plan. /
207.023 / Queen’s Birthday Celebrations /
/ See appendix attached for full details /
207.024 / Risk Assessment policy sign off
Risk assessment policy agreed and signed off. Proposed ES seconded CJ unanimous /
207.025 / H & S policy sign off /
/ H & S policy agreed and signed off. Proposed ES seconded CJ unanimous /
207.026 / Correspondence /
/ Centenary Fields have sent correspondence regarding protecting green spaces clerk to write to PPC regarding the protection of the vicarage paddock. ACTION /
207.027 / AOB /
207.027i / Village of the year competition visit to take place on the 26th May. /
207.027ii / Purchase of projector add to June agenda ACTION /
207.027iii / Issues with Stile on MK 18 Clerk to report ACTION /
207.028 / Date of next meeting 15th June 2016 /


January 20th
February 17th
March 16th
April 20th
May 18th Annual Parish Meeting
June 15th
July 20th
August No Meeting
September 21st
October 19th
November 16th
December No Meeting

Queen’s Birthday Celebrations

Various members of the village want to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday with a picnic in the meadow. This has evolved into a weekend of activities being organised by various groups so here is a run down of activities already planned when the article went to print.

11th June / 10am-2pm Garage Sale run by PFA
9.30am-3pm The Great Brigstock Paint off run by The Art Club
Subsequent to the meeting the art event has been postponed.
5.15pm Cream tea in the Church,
6.00pm A Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving on the Occasion of the 90thBirthday of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth 11
6.45pm Service ends with the National Anthem and a Blessing
12th June / 10am Village Hall open for art exhibition of Great Brigstock Paint Off
10am onwards Village trail on sale at village hall (50p)
11.00am assembly of dogs and horses at Anthony Steward’s on Park Walk
11.30am Procession of horses and dogs round village.
1pm Cricket Club youth fun afternoon starting with youth cricket match
3pm Dads versus youths match
4pm procession of children dressed as royalty past cricket club house
4.30pm Mr Crimble- children’s entertainer
6pm WI versus rest of village cricket match
1pm onwards Villagers get together for picnic on meadow to watch cricket matches and join in fun.

The Church Service is being shared with the United Reformed Church We would like to get a full choir and we have already got an organist arranged. This is for everyone and anyone! All ages, all faiths or none. With a cream tea before hand in the Church

Can we get 90 horses and dogs to walk round the village?

The horse ride will meet at Mr Stewards from 11am onwards and set off round the village from Park Walk at 11.30am.. All riders welcome but remember to be courteous to cars!!!

Dog owners are encouraged to join in as well, remembering to scoop the poop if necessary.

The cricket club times are approximate due to matches played.

The WI team may consist of partners as well but wait and see who appears.

Children ( and Adults) are encouraged to dress up as royalty and can show their costumes off in a mini parade at the Cricket Club House.

Do you know of anyone who was born in the same year as Her Majesty? 1926. If so please give names to Liz Searle (373672) so we can acknowledge them at the fun day in some way.

The village trail has been set up by members of WI to see how well you know and look at the village. Try your luck and buy a trail (50p) from Village on the Sunday. You will have most of the week to complete it and return to Steph Beckett. Prizes will be awarded.

Finally celebrate the weekend by decorating your house or windows to add to the festive atmosphere.

All we need now is a beautiful fine weekend for us to enjoy ourselves.

Planning Committee Terms of reference

The planning committee shall have delegated powers to respond to planning applications received from East Northampton Council for consultation.

All planning applications must be on the parish website and available to view by all.

The planning committee will assess each application and if there is a public interest or perceived village impact the application will be tabled at a routine parish council meeting or a special planning meeting will be convened that will be open to the public

The decision of the planning committee will be recorded in the subsequent parish council meeting notes.

All parish council meetings and special planning meetings will be posted on the community notice board and the parish website 3 working days before any meeting.


Land Off Benefield Road And Old Dry Lane Brigstock Northamptonshire

Outline: demolition of buried reservoir and residential development of 110 houses with access and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved apart from access and demolition of buried reservoir)

In response to the application for outline residential development off Benefield Road, Brigstock (REF 16/00654/OUT) the Parish Council wishes to register its objection. The new planning application for 110 houses does not substantially differ from the previous application and does not address the main objections which are:

1.  The number of houses on the site which is contrary to the RNOT Plan and the emerging North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy at present under consultation. This favours Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs) where people will have access to improved public transport, leisure, entertainment, retail shopping, choice of schools and medical facilities.

2.  There is no identified need for more affordable housing in the village and no specific need for a housing estate of this size which would increase the size of the village by about 20%. The recent housing survey undertaken by the Warwickshire/Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association indicated a need for 10 extra dwellings including 6 shared ownership 2 bed houses and one 2 bed house for affordable rent. Responses to the recent Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire indicated that development in the village over the next 15 years should be gradual, limited to small developments and add about 60 dwellings to the overall housing stock. This is in line with the JCS proposal for the rural housing provision for East Northamptonshire which provides for 820 dwellings over the period 2011-2031. Brigstock parish provides for 1.7% of East Northamptonshire district’s dwellings and 7.1% of the dwellings in the district’s rural area. Applying the same proportion to the 820 dwellings planned for rural East Northamptonshire suggests that the provision for Brigstock would be 58 homes for the period 2011 to 2031. The Neighbourhood Plan will identify the type of houses needed and suitable sites within the village which are acceptable to East Northants Council and local residents. There are at present over 20,000 planning permissions in place in the area covered by the JCS, mainly through the SUEs as planned.

3.  Access to the site would require most journeys to go through the village centre and put more pressure on the already inadequate road system. The proposed access is outside the 30mph speed limit by over 60 metres, therefore visions splays should be 216m x 2.4m, this is not achievable on the ground due to the road alignment into the village. The developer has failed to provide any traffic speed data or accident records to support any assertion that extending the speed limit would be viable.

4.  110 houses would mean more commuter journeys. The public transport system is inadequate and likely to be further decreased as a result of the proposed loss of subsidies from the County Council. It is certain that the great majority of residents on the proposed housing development would be reliant on cars to get to work which would increase the number of commuter journeys and congestion on local roads. This is contrary to the County Council Transport Policy which focuses on working with the proposals in the JCS for sustainable development in the SUEs where public transport systems can be further enhanced. Priority will be given to the Northamptonshire Arc which seeks to link the major towns in the area. The A6116 and Brigstock is not included in the plan.