For each of the following sentences, add in missing capital letters and punctuation marks, and/or correct mistakes:

  1. Jackie said my sister had a volleyball match last night
  1. Gabe hollered; “wrestling practice is hard, but I love it.”
  1. Mason asked, did you teach my brother Tylor language arts, Mr. Moffatt
  1. Eli stated, “i love all kinds of pie, but blueberry is my absolute favorite!”
  1. Andrew asked is it REALLY already Wednesday, Mrs. Simpson
  1. my sister traveled to the great state of Pennsylvania screamed Jake
  1. “where did you put the mustard and ketchup,” asked Annika?
  1. I have looked ALL over for my yellow bunny rabbit yelled Erika
  1. “it’s sad that Mr. Moffatt is gone today; I sure do miss him!” calmly whispered Vaughn
  1. “Terrence and Patrick are brothers who don’t fight much.” stated Jeremy
  1. “Wilson is one of Mr. Moffatt’s three (3) dogs,” screamed Charlie!
  1. “Where have you been all my life,” the boy asked the girl of his dreams?
  1. Sierah shyly commented to her dad “thanks for making me work hard in softball!”
  1. Brad asked his mom “Mom, why do you make pretty baskets with ribbons”?
  1. Josie said to her brother; “girls can do anything boys can do!”
  1. “will you be my valentine, Mrs. Moffatt?,” Asked Mr. Moffatt
  1. “you MUST listen carefully and watch me!,” shouted Mr. Mote!
  1. The teacher asked his students “do you need to clean your ears for wax build-up?”
  1. “Have a great time at the dance next Friday,” enthusiastically hollered the teacher!
  1. “our class didn’t raise much money for the Fund Run this year”, Alexys said quietly to her classmate

For each of the following questions, simply provide the best possible answer (one that is correct – hopefully!):

  1. The part of the sentence in a regular-direct quote that tells the reader WHO is talking and how that person is talking is called the ______.
  2. How many punctuation marks are allowed to be used at a time as a speaker tag separator? ______
  3. What punctuation mark is NEVER allowed to be used as a speaker tag separator? ______
  4. What MUST a writer do to the first letter of the word that is at the beginning of a quote? ______
  5. Where do the quotation marks go in relation to the regular punctuation marks: BEFORE or AFTER the punctuation marks? ______
  6. If a speaker tag separator is a question mark or an exclamation point, unless the next word after the separator is a proper noun, adjective, or pronoun, what MUST NEVER happen to the next word? ______